View Full Version : Angus' Beef With Two & A Half Men

12-05-2012, 06:57 AM
Actor Angus T. Jones is lashing out against his primetime sitcom. And who wouldn’t? Two And A Half Men is a microcosm of horrid, trite “comedy.” Its setup-setup-punchline formula has allowed the program to skyrocket into the most-watched category. Even following Charlie Sheen’s departure, the show continues to earn piles and piles of cocaine-laced dolla dolla billz.

But Angus T. Jones isn’t raging against his own show because of how unfunny it is. He’s raging against it because of how evil it is. Literally. The uber-religious Jones stated,

"I’m on Two And A Half Men, and I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it, and filling your head with filth… If I am doing any harm, I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be contributing to the enemy’s plan. You cannot be a true God-fearing person and be on a television show like that. I know I can’t. I’m not OK with what I’m learning, what the Bible says and being on that television show."

Jones earns a salary of $300,000 per episode. To put that in perspective, there are around 20 to 25 episodes in a single season of a network sitcom. Do the math. Clearly, Jones is a rich, rich kid, but that shouldn’t necessarily discount his convictions. After all, we don’t attack other celebrities when they feel suddenly regretful over their work.

And frankly, this is Two And A Half Men we’re talking about. I’m just glad Angus and I can agree that the show is awful. Objectively speaking, the program is fairly raunchy, but what show isn’t these days?

Source: SFN

12-05-2012, 07:02 AM
True it's a piece of garbage and I guess that's why Americans watch it.

12-06-2012, 05:57 AM
Ah this kid is brilliant. He's getting paid 300k an ep to do 'evil'. I guess even the most outspoken Christians can be bought off.