View Full Version : Britain Offers Apocalypse Advice

12-07-2012, 11:49 PM
LONDON, Dec. 7 (UPI) -- Authorities in Britain have issued tongue-in-cheek advice to the public in case the world comes to an end Dec. 21.

A spokesman for the London Fire Brigade said residents should be prepared if the world ends at the Mayan 5,000-year calendar cycle ends Dec. 21, Sky News reported Friday.

"Fit a smoke alarm on each level of your home, then at least you might stand a chance of knowing that the end of the world is nigh ahead of those who don't," the spokesman said. "If you survive the apocalypse you'll be alerted to a fire more quickly should one ever break out."

The Automobile Association said people should make sure their cars are prepared for a post-apocalyptic world.

"Before heading off, take time to do the basic checks on your car and allow extra time for your journey," the association said. "Local radio is a good source of traffic and weather updates and for any warnings of an impending apocalypse. Should the announcer break such solemn news, try to remain focused on the road ahead and keep your hands on the wheel."