View Full Version : TNA PPV Final Resolution 2012 Full Results

12-10-2012, 05:02 AM
Final Resolution
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, FL

The opening video was a greatly edited piece on TNA champ Jeff Hardy.

James Storm came to the ring and said that he was out here to have a little bit of fun with the fans. He mentioned the attack on last Thursday's Impact Wrestling by Aces & Eights and saw Bobby Roode giving them the thumbs up. He said Roode should have shoved it up his rear end. Storm said he is here to kick Roode's ass before he gets a chance to win the TNA title and have a celebration. He demanded Roode come out and get his ass kicked.

Instead, Frankie Kazarian came out and said that Willie Nelson once sang "Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" and Nelson was specifically talking about Storm. He said that besides AJ Styles, Storm is the biggest man-baby in TNA. Kaz said Storm is a drunk as well, but lately he's been sticking his nose in other people's business, so Kaz has come out to do everyone a service. He told Storm to cut his "dime store Toby Keith" routine and go ride off into the sunshine (well, that's what he said).

Storm said he was sitting backstage all day waiting to cut a promo and that's the best he has to come up with? Storm said he doesn't like the sunshine but drinks the moonshine. The fans chanted for Storm to kick his ass, so Storm invited him to come take Roode's ass-kicking, "if his boyfriend gives him permission." Kaz said he wasn't there to engage in fisticuffs and there was no referee out here.

Storm said that where he is from, he didn't need a referee to whip Kaz's ass. Kaz tried to walk out but a referee made Kaz return towards the ring. They started brawling around ringside with Storm being in control.

They battled into the ring and the match was official.

James Storm vs. Kazarian

Storm used a Lou Thesz Press and beat down Kazarian with a series of right hands. Kazarian came back with a clothesline and smothered Storm against the ropes, standing on his back. Kaz then used his boot to choke Storm in the corner.

Kaz brought Storm to the floor and worked him over, throwing him into the guard rail. He rolled Storm back into the ring for a two count. The crowd chanted for Storm but Kazarian kept nailing him with shot after shot. Kazarian locked in a cravate. He ground down Storm on the mat but The Cowboy fought back with a series of shots to the mid-section.

Storm nailed a series of clotheslines and a flying forearm, followed by a double underhook throw. Kazarian cut him off near the ropes and leapt into the ring for a DDT, scoring a two count. Storm mounted another comeback, nailing an inverted Codebreaker.

Storm rallied the crowd and went for the Last Call superkick but Kaz hid behind the referee. Kaz went for the Fade to Black for Storm rolled through. He went for a clothesline but Kaz ducked and turned into the Last Call superkick. Storm covered the pin.


Your winner: James Storm

The announcers reviewed the attack on Jeff Hardy that Bobby Roode orchestrated on Impact last week. They showed footage of each of them arriving at the Impact Zone.

TNA X-Division Championship
Rob Van Dam vs. Kenny King

They shook hands before the bell.

Van Dam used a standing side headlock early to control King. RVD used a droptoehold to escape a standing hammerlock. King used a rolling pinfall attempt on RVD. The announcers painted this as a dream match for King as RVD's ECW run inspired him.

King nailed several big moves including a martial arts kick, which led to RVD going to the floor and looking impressed. He returned to the ring and nailed King with a round kick to the hamstring. Van Dam nailed a series of kicks. King and Van Dam exchanged a series of armdrags. Van Dam nailed a kick to the quads but was whipped into the corner bt King. RVD kicked him off and went to the top but King nailed a leaping kick. RVD crashed into the railing.

King asked the camera, "Did you see that?" before bringing RVD back to the ring for a two count. He locked in a sitting abdominal stretch, wearing the champion down. RVD used a knee to the face to break the hold. Both men fought to regain their composure. King was covered for a two count, then whipped into the corner. RVD nailed a spinkick for another two count.

RVD was cut off and locked in a combination hammerlock surfboard but was kicked by RVD. Van Dam charged King in the corner but was elevated and dropped on the ropes, crotching himself. King nailed him with a big kick. King covered him for a two count.

King and RVD battled back and forth with punches. King grabbed him and nailed a sideslam. He went for a slingshot splash into the ring but RVD pulled his knees up. King went for a clothesline but RVD absorbed it and nailed one of his one. RVD nailed a somersault into a monkey flip, then nailed Rolling Thunder for another two count.

Van Dam went to the top but was grabbed by King. RVD fought him off and nailed a glancing Ryder Kick. RVD went for the Five Star Frog splash but missed. King went for the Royal Flush but RVD escaped and used a rolling body scissors to capture King and score the pin.


Your winner and still X-Division champion: Rob Van Dam

Jeremy Borash interviewed Christopher Daniels, who was enjoying a big Appletini. He said that he's wrestled AJ Styles more times than anyone else and around the world, and that's fact , not hyperbole. He said that when you look at all the matches that they have had, all of them have just been a prologue for tonight. He said history is written by the victor and history will read that Daniels is the better man, and that's not hyperbole, but fact.

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Hernandez & Chavo Guerrero vs. Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan

Ryan and Guerrero kicked off the bout. Ryan cut him off with a big right hand but Guerrero came back with a series of uppercuts and right hands of his own. Guerrero nailed him with a short arm clothesline and tagged Hernandez. Hernandez worked over Ryan and tagged Guerrero back in.

Ryan was able to tag Morgan. Hernandez tried to used a drop toehold to no effect. Hernandez tagged in and he and Morgan went shoulderblock to shoulderblock with neither man budging. Hernandez used a series of flying shoulder tackles to knock Morgan backwards but he couldn't take him down. Morgan nailed a roaring clothesline as Hernandez reounded off the ropes.

Ryan tagged back in and ended up in a long standing delayed suplex. The champions took turns tagging in and out, working over Ryan. They whipped him into the corner, followed by Chavo whipping Ryan into a leaping splash.

Hernandez was tricked into arguing with the referee, allowing Morgan to grab Chavo and slam him into the buckles from the outside. Ryan covered Chavo for a two count, then tagged his big man. Morgan used his boot to choke out Chavo. Ryan tagged out and used a neck vice to wear down Chavo.

Guerrero fought back with a series of rights but was nailed with a dropkick as he rebounded across the ring. Ryan held Chavo as Morgan charged for a kick to the mid-section. Morgan choked him against the top rope. Ryan returned to the ring and continued the attack. Chavo tried to fight back but was cut off and nailed with a series of shoulderblocks in the corner. Ryan used a running axehandle on Guerrero, showing respect to former WWF champion Rip.

Hernandez finally makes the hot tag and cleans house on Ryan, who bumped all over for him and took a big backdrop. Morgan tried to distract Hernandez, allowing Ryan to nail him from behind. Ryan still got caught with a tiltowhirl backbreaker. Morgan broke up the pin

Morgan nailed a big suplex on Hernandez. Hernandez worked over Ryan but Morgan nailed him from behind. Chavo hit a missile dropkick on Morgan, who was then clotheslined from behind by Hernandez, going over the top and landing on his feet. Chavo hit a frog splash on Ryan but Morgan pulled the referee out of the ring. The ref called for the DQ.

Your winners by DQ and still TNA Tag Team champions: Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez

After the match:
Chavo tried to nail a dive on Morgan but was caught and run into the ringpost. Hernandez, enraged, hit a monster dive over the top on Morgan. Morgan and Ryan backed up, with Morgan promising this wasn't over.


Hernandez watched over Guerrero, who was selling a back injury.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Austin Aries backstage. Aries said that the one question he keeps being asked is why is so upset and concerned about Bully Ray when it's not his business. He said that TNA needs the straw to stir the collective cocktail's drink and that's what he's going to do. Aries says that until justice is served and he gets what is his, he's going to be the squeaky wheel getting the grease. He said, "Mark, Bully, what are you going to do, brother, when Austin-Mania runs wild on you?"

Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray

Aries stayed on the outside avoiding Ray early. When Ray finally got his hands on Aries, he slammed him hard, whipped him into the buckles and drilled him with a clothesline.

Ray backdropped Aries. Aries tried to fire back with a sunset flip but Ray stood strong. Ray sent Aries into the corner but was caught with an elbow charging in and dropkicked down. Aries nailed a neckbreaker for a two count. One thing Ray is really good at that you don't see out of the younger talents doing much today is verbalizing the pain as he's nailed with different moves. If you watch how and when he yells, it adds a lot to the believability of what you are watching.

Aries nailed a series of offensive maneuvers, including a brutal forearm strike for a two count. He worked over Bully in the corner. Ray fired back but Aries maintained control. Aries locked in a standing rear chinlock.

Aries mocked Hulk Hogan and nailed the legdrop rebounding off the ropes. That pissed off Ray, who began chopping him hard across the chest. Aries tried to cut him off but was chopped so hard it turned him inside out. Ray pressed and slammed Aries, then hit a big splash.

Ray missed a charge in the corner. Aries charged but was caught and nailed with Snake Eyes in the corner. Aries went for a superplex but Ray tossed him off and nailed a missile dropkick. Well, you don't see that every day!

Ray charged Aries but Aries dropped down and yanked the ropes. Ray went to the floor. Aries went for the heat seeking missile dive but dove into a big boot. That was great! Ray covered Aries for a two count.

Aries was able to use a Crucifix into a slam in a moment of desperation. He nailed Bully with a big dropkick in the corner. He went for a brainbuster but Ray reversed and nailed the Bubba Cutter for a two count. Really entertaining match.

Ray followed Aries to the outside but was sent into the steel ring steps. Ray came up bleeding. Aries began working him over, coming off the top with a big punch and then drilling him over and over. This led to Brooke Hogan running out concerned as Aries was about to come off the top on Ray, who was half hanging off the apron outside.

Aries pulled Brooke into the ring and began menacing her, screaming that she didn't belong here. Ray returned and threw him out of the ring. Hulk Hogan walked out as Ray checked on Brooke. Ray told her that he was fine and she needed to get out of here. Ray told Hulk to take her out. Hulk grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away.

Aries snuck in behind Ray and low blowed him, then scored the win.


Your winner: Austin Aries

They ran a video piece on Velvet Sky's return.

Jeremy Borash interviewed TNA Knockouts champion Tara. She said the focus should be on her win tonight, not her. They claimed all these celebs were congratulating Tara. Tara mocked Mickie James' medical problems and told her the big problem is going to be what Tara does to her. Tara was getting distracted by Jesse Godderz' body doing the promo.

TNA Knockouts Champship Match
Tara vs. Mickie James

They went back and forth working over each other's arm early. Tara grabbed at the arm and snapped it several times. Mickie almost scored the pin with the Backlund Bridge. Tara caught her in the corner with some elbows but was kicked off and James elevated herself into a rana.

James went for a DDT but Tara shoved her into the ropes. Godderz pulled Tara out and hugged her to save her. James hit a sliding kick on both. Tara cut off James on apron and sent her to the floor. Tara dropped her face-first on the apron.

Tara grabbed James by the hair, slammed her down and grabbed her in an over the shoulder backbreaker. James rolled through for a sunset flip but Godderz distracted the referee. Tara nailed a sidewalk slam for a two count and cinched in a body scissor.

Tara locked in a full nelson but James fought her way out. Tara went to snapmare her over but James landed on her feet. Tara yanked her to the mat by her hair but James kicked her away. James nailed a series of clotheslines and went for a kick. Tara grabbed her leg so Mickie turned it into an enziguiri. James covered her for a two count.

Tara went back to the floor but James hit a Thesz Press from the top to the floor. She rolled Tara back in the ring. Godderz tried to grab her on the apron but was kicked away. Tara used the distraction to nail Mickie and drill her with the Widow's Peak and score the pinfall.


Your winner and still Knockouts champion: Tara

Aces & Eights: Devon & Doc & Two Masked Men vs. Kurt Angle & Wes Brisco & Samoa Joe & Garett Bischoff

Joe had to be held back from trying to get at Devon, since he just lost the TV title to him. Devon used that to attack Angle and nailed him from behind. He worked over Angle, who came back with an overhead suple for a two count. Joe tagged in and Devon headed for the floor.

Doc tagged in and went back and forth with big shots. Joe got the better of him with a series of strikes in the corner, nailed a running back splash and an enziguiri in the corner.

Bischoff tagged in but was overwhelmed by Aces & Eights. One of the masked men (I think Mike Knox), worked him over. Bischoff ducked a clothesline and took him down with a flying shoulderblock. Brisco and Garett teamed to work over one of the masked men but Brisco was wiped out.

Brisco came back with a flapjack and a pump handle on the arm. Joe tagged in and tagged the masked man with a series of kicks and a headbutt. Joe snapmared him and drilled him with kicks and knees. Aces and Eights grabbed Joe from behind and worked him over on the floor, tossing him back in the ring.

Now that Joe was hurting, Devon chose to tag in. He drilled Joe with right hand after right hand. Joe tagged Devon back with several shots of his own but was raked across the eyes. Devon drilled him with a forearm and tagged out to Doc. Doc continued and Devon tagged back in, cinching in a nerve hold on Joe.

Joe fought back but was nailed with a leaping back elbow. The bigger masked man worked over Joe in the corner and tagged in the smaller masked guy. They tried to work over Joe but he laid them out with Uranages.

Angle made the hot tag and went nuts with offense. He hit a crazy back suple on Doc. The entire thing turned into a big brawl. Doc chokeslammed Angle. Brisco hit a big bodypress. Joe nailed a diving forearm smash on Devon. Angle hit a T-Bone Tazplex on one and went for the pin.

Doc hit the ring with a hammer but Garett grabbed it. Wes speared Doc. Angle hit the Olympic Slam on the smaller masked man and scored the pin.


Your winners: Team Angle

Jeremy Borash interviewed AJ Styles, who said that he's had his doubters but he's been the most dominant athlete in TNA history. He said that Daniels was right when he said history was written by the victors and the history books will tell the story that AJ Styles was the winner tonight. Not the usually good Styles promo but that is playing into the self-doubt aspect of Styles' current story.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels for the Last Time

They went right at each other. Daniels shoulderblocked Styles down. They noted there has to be a winner by pin or submission. Styles grabbed a side headlock and turned it into a hammerlock. Styles used a snapmare to escape and locked in a side headlock. Daniels floated over but Styles escaped a head scissor and went back to the side headlock. Some nice, fluid mat wrestling early.

Daniels drilled Styles with several running shoulderblocks, leading to Styles rolling to the outside. Styles and Daniels went for a test of strength when he returned to the ring. Styles and Daniels went back and forth until Styles drilled him with a big clothesline and a series of kicks.

Styles used several chops and strikes in the corner, laying Daniels out. Styles whipped him across the ring but it was reversed. Styles went up and over out of the corner and used a nice rolling head scissors to take down Daniels. Daniels was whipped into the corner and nailed with a leaping clothesline in the corner.

Styles locked on an Indian Death Match. They battled to the apron where Styles suplexed Daniels on the outside of the ring. Ouch. Styles continued the onslaught as they battled on the apron again. Daniels caught Styles with a Uranage on the outside.

Daniels followed that up with a suplex into a slam on the ring steps. Daniels nailed a Northern lariat to Styles, covering him for a two count, then cinched in a rear chinlock. He continued working over Styles, including a hard punt kick to the mid-section.

Daniels began slapping Styles, screaming that he was better than you. Styles was fired up by that, hitting a series of shoulderblocks in the corner but Daniels nailed him across the back and took him down. Daniels locked in a crossface. Styles battled to the get to the ropes but Daniels cinched his arm, using it to straightjacket Styles.

Daniels nailed a tiltowhirl slam for a two count. They continued back and forth until both went for a bodypress at the same time and clunked heads. Styles was immediately bleeding from a cut above his eye. Styles avoided a charge in the corner and nailed several strikes. Daniels cut him off with a Uranage but missed a BME.

Styles hit a big flying forearm and nailed several kicks. He locked a Torture Rack on Daniels, then slammed him down for a two count. Styles' eye was swelling up. He and Daniels had an awesome back and forth flurry of moves, ending with Styles nailing a Headscissors. Daniels came back with a twisting sitdown powerbomb.

Daniels placed Styles on the top and pulled him overhead, slamming him down to the mat for another two count. Daniels went for an inverted DDT but was thrown off. Styles hit a moonsault into his inverted DDT for another two count. Good back and forth wrestling here with some hard hitting exchanges.

They battled to the top, where Styles nailed a superplex. Both men were down and out, spent from the battle. They recovered and exchanged fists and forearms. Daniels kicked him in the face but Styles rebounded with a discus clothesline and a glancing Pele Kick.

They continued the battle. Styles pulled Daniels to the top for an attempted Styles Clash off the ropes. Daniels grabbed the ropes, so he held on and Styles crashed hard. Daniels nailed Styles with his own move, the Styles Clash, and scored the pinfall.


Your winner: Christopher Daniels

After the match:
Daniels lost his mind and began screaming "I told you! I told you! Styles sat there with a glazed look in his eyes dejected.

TNA Championship Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode

They did the big time intros.

Roode took control on Hardy early, stomping the hell out of him. The storyline is that the champ is going in hurting because of Thursday's attack. Roode nailed Hardy and covered him several times for near falls.

Hardy backdropped Roode but was hurting. Roode rolled to the outside and was nailed with a sliding kick. Hardy hit a crossbody block over the top to the floor but grabbed at his ribs.

Hardy rolled Roode back into the ring for a two count. Roode regained control and whipped Hardy hard into the buckles and focused his attacks on the back and mid-section. Hardy went up and over to avoid a charge in the corner but was caught with a slam for a two count.

Roode began stomping away at Hardy and nailed a big suplex. Roode nailed a big kneedrop for a two count. He stepped on Hardy's back in the corner, compressing his ribs as Hardy screamed. Roode locked in a side chinlock following another near fall.

Roode drilled Hardy into the buckles and killed him with a clothesline, then hit a rolling snapmare for a two count. He cinched in another rear chinlock on Hardy, working him down on the mat.

Roode used his boot to choke Hardy and screamed at him that he was no champion. He slammed the champion and went to the top. He came off but Hardy put his feet up. Hardy sent him into the buckles and nailed a Russian Legsweep.

Hardy came to life with some momentum rebounding off the ropes but Roode used it against him, throwing him out of the ring to the floor. Roode threw him into the ring steps and brought him back to the ring for another two count.

Roode cinched in another rear chinlock. Hardy made a comeback, nailing the Cruncher legdrop and a dropkick between the eyes. Roode reversed an Irish whip but was kick running into the corner. Hardy nailed a splash off the ropes for a two count.

Hardy went for a piledriver but Roode reversed it and turned it into a catapult in the corner. Hardy landed on the ropes and dove off into The Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Roode rolled him up for a two count but ate a kick to the face.

Hardy nailed him with a gourdbuster and went to the top for a Vader splash off the ropes for a two count. Hardy grabbed at his ribs after the move. Hardy was sent into the ropes and nailed with a big spinebuster but kicked out at the last second.

The crowd tried to rally Hardy, who nailed the Twist of Fate. Roode bumped out of the ring. Hardy nailed a flying clothesline to the floor. He grabbed the steel stairs and set them up. He went for Air Sabu, leaping off the stairs for a spin kick but Roode jumped out of the way, so Hardy actually nailed the top of the railing and bumped into the crowd in one of the most brutal looking bumps of the year. It looked insane.

Roode brought Hardy back into the ring but the champ kicked out at the last second. He placed him atop the ropes for a superplex attempt. Hardy fought him off and nailed a swanton off the ropes. Hardy was too hurt to capitalize and began screaming.

Roode recovered first and drilled Hardy with a hard running spear but Hardy again kicked out. This match is awesome.

Aces and Eights came out to the Impact Zone. Roode acted like he didn't want them around and began screaming. That allowed Hardy to hit the Twist of Fate and shock him for the win.

Your winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match:
Immediately, Aces & Eights attacked Hardy and began beating him seven on one.


They powerbombed him down. Roode was down in the corner and had nothing to do with the attack.


He recovered and began screaming at them that he paid them to do the job on Thursday and they ruined it. Devon attacked Roode and they all beat the hell out of him as well. Doc drilled him with a big chokeslam.

The show went off the air with Aces & Eights standing tall.

