View Full Version : Complete Coverage of Night One of Jeff Peterson Memorial cup

12-16-2012, 10:29 AM
Since 2003, the state of Florida has hosted an annual tournament featuring some of the top cruiserweight wrestlers to pay tribute to the memory of Jeff Peterson, a wrestler who died in 2002 from leukemia.

This year is the tenth and final year for the tournament and sixteen men are seeking to join the honored fraternity of Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup winners. That group includes Reckless Youth (2003), Justice (2004), Chris Sabin (2005), Milano Collection AT (2006), Chris Hero (2007), Erick Stevens (2008), Davey Richards (2009), Sami Callihan (2010), and AR Fox (2011).

Many of the top names in professional wrestling have participated in the nine previous tournaments. Some of the names who have been a part of the tournament, but have not been able to hoist the trophy, include Sonjay Dutt, Roderick Strong, Colt Cabana, Alex Shelley, Teddy Hart, Homicide, Petey Williams, Jimmy Jacobs, Matt Sydal, Chris Sabin, Delirious, Jimmy Rave, James Gibson, T.J. Wilson, Ruckus, El Generico, Joey Ryan, Arik Cannon, Matt Cross, Sal Rinauro, Larry Sweeney, Gran Akuma, Kenny King, Johnny Gargano, Jon Moxley, Jigsaw, Jerrelle Clark, Bobby Fish, and one of Jeff’s best friends Naphtali.

There are sixteen people in this year’s tournament and they are split into four brackets.

In Bracket A: Samuray Del Sol, Eddie Rios, Jonathan Gresham, and Derek Ryze

In Bracket B: Mike Cruz, Maxwell Chicago, John Silver, and Jon Davis

In Bracket C: Joey Janela, Shane Strickland, AR Fox, and Jay Cruz

In Bracket D: Johnny Vandal, Lince Dorado, Papadon, and a wrestler who will be announced during the opening ceremony.

Welcome to PWInsider.com’s live coverage of the 2012 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup from The Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.

Dontay Brown welcomes everyone to the Orpheum and he introduces Lenny Leonard.

Lenny welcomes everyone to the final Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup. He says that it is a bittersweet night. They get to honor Jeff and his memory but it is the final time that the wrestling fraternity will come to honor him.

This year, proceeds from this year’s tournament will go to the medical care of Nathan Dodd. Lenny mentions Ron Niemi, who held the first one under the IPW Wrestling banner. The tradition followed through NWA Florida. For the last five years, World Wrestling Network has run the shows, led by Sal Hamaoui.

The driving force behind the tournament has been Jeff’s best friend, Charles Cardwell.

Charles comes to the ring with the participation medals for the wrestlers.

The fifteen announced men for the tournament come to the ring: Eddie Rios, Joey Janela, Derek Ryze, Jay Cruz, Mike Cruz, Johnny Vandal, John Silver, Papadon, Samuray Del Sol, Shane Strickland, Johnathan Gresham, Maxwell Chicago, Lince Dorado, Jon Davis, and AR Fox.

There is one more person to be in the tournament.

Larry Dallas says that FIP has treated him with no respect and he says that this company and tournament is a fraud. He has the sixteenth person for the tournament. He has Trina Michaels go to the back to get number sixteen.

Trina brings out a cardboard display of Ric Flair. He says that is what a washed up professional wrestler looks like.

Lenny has some words for Larry. He says that the sixteenth competitor is here, but it is not who Larry thinks it is. The sixteenth man, and the man who will face Papadon in the first round is Charles Cardwell.

Larry threatens to leave with Papadon and Trina, but Papadon will be part of the photo of the participants. Papadon can leave if he wants after the photo.

Match Number One: Samuray Del Sol versus Eddie Rios in a First Round Match

They shake hands before the bell rings. Rios with a leg take down but Del Sol with a head scissors take down. Rios with an STO on Del Sol. Rios with a wrist lock into a hammer lock. Del Sol with an arm drag and he escapes. They go to a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Del Sol with the advantage. Del Sol with a monkey flip and then he floats over. Rios gets to the apron and Del Sol releases the hold.

Del Sol with a back heel kick and then he goes to the apron on an Irish whip. Del Sol with a kick but he misses a moonsault. Rios sends Del Sol into the apron and then Rios with a head scissors take down on the floor. Both men return to the ring and they do hand springs.

Del Sol with a waist lock but Rios with a standing switch. Del Sol with a standing switch of his own. Del Sol with a take down. Del Sol walks on his hands and then he hits a head scissors. Del Sol tries for a wheelbarrow suplex but Rios lands on his feet. Del Sol with kicks to Rios and then Rios with a single leg drop kick.

Rios sets for a dive to the floor but he sees Del Sol move and Rios bounces off the ropes and stays in the ring. Del Sol returns to the ring. Rios and Del Sol exchange words. Del Sol pushes Rios and then Rios with a kick. They go back and forth with kicks. Del Sol sends Rios to the mat and then he chokes Rios in the ropes. Del Sol with knees to the back while Rios is in the ropes. Del Sol gets a near fall.

Del Sol with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Del Sol with a kick to Rios and he goes to the apron and hits a slingshot flip dive for a near fall. Del Sol with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Del Sol gets caught in the ropes. Rios with an enzuigiri followed by a power bomb for a near fall.

Rios with a kick to Del Sol followed by a suplex and both men are down. They get back to their feet and it is time to exchange forearms an Del Sol hits a series of forearms. Rios with a running boot but Del Sol with a spinning kick. Rios trips Del Sol and then he hits a double jump moonsault for a near fall.

Rios with a chop and back heel kick but Del Sol with an Asai DDT for a near fall. Del Sol calls for a moonsault but he takes too long to get up top and Rios recovers and turns it into a cutter but Del Sol kicks out at two.

Rios goes up top but Del Sol crotches Rios. Del Sol with punches but Rios sends Del Sol to the mat. Del Sol with an enzuigiri followed by a flip power bomb from the turnbuckles for the three count.

Winner: Samuray Del Sol (advances to quarterfinals to face the winner of Jonathan Gresham versus Derek Ryze)

After the match, the fans give a well deserved ovation to both men.

Match Number Two: Joey Janela versus Shane Strickland in a First Round Match

They lock up and go around the ring until Janela with a clean break. They lock up again and Janela with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Joey with a chop to Strickland followed by a forearm. Strickland with an Irish whip and a triple jump arm drag and dropsault. Strickland with a dive to the floor but he misses Janela and lands on his feet.

Janela with a kick to the chest. Strickland with a kick to the head when Janela tries for a suicide dive. Strickland with a flip dive onto Janela. Strickland returns Janela to the ring and he gets a near fall.

Strickland goes up top but Janela recovers and he pushes Strickland off the turnbuckles and Strickland hits the support and then goes to the floor. Janela gets a near fall when they return to the ring. Janela tries for a Tiger Driver but Strickland with a forearm. Janela with a kick followed by a snap mare and sliding knee to the head for a near fall.

Janela with a reverse chin lock but Strickland with an elbow and forearms to the head. Janela sends Strickland to the floor and he hits a suicide dive. Strickland is returned to the ring and Janela gets a near fall. Janela with chops while Strickland connects with forearms. Janela with an Irish whip and a delayed forearm in the corner. Janela with a double jump drop kick for a near fall.

Janela with a kick to the chest and he mocks the fans. Janela with another kick to the chest. Strickland with an inside cradle for a near fall. Janela with a lariat to Strickland followed by a back elbow for a near fall. Janela with a boot to the head but Strickland with a leg lariat and alley oop knee to the head and both men are down.

Janela and Strickland exchange forearms from their knees. Strickland with slaps followed by a series of clotheslines and a forearm. Strickland with a slam from the fireman’s carry position followed by a running shooting star press for a near fall.

Strickland puts Janela up top and he sets for a rana but Janela pushes him off. Janela with a kick but Strickland leaps up and hits a rana. Strickland with a half nelson suplex but Janela lands on his feet. They exchange slaps. Janela tries for a wrist clutch German but Strickland blocks it. Janela with a butterfly facebuster but Strickland kicks out at two.

Janela pulls Strickland towards the center of the ring and he goes up top. Janela misses a moonsault and Strickland dose not miss with a super kick and he hits a flip piledriver for the three count.

Winner: Shane Strickland (advances to face the winner of AR Fox versus Jay Rios in the quarterfinals)

Match Number Three: Jonathan Gresham versus Derek Ryze in a First Round Match

They shake hands before locking up. Ryze with a waist lock take down and Gresham escapes with a front face lock. Ryze with a front face lock but Gresham backs Ryze into the corner. Gresham misses a chop but Ryze does not. Gresham with a forearm. They go back and forth with forearms. Ryze with a kick and Gresham goes down. Ryze with an Irish whip but Gresham with a forearm. Ryze with a drop kick.

Ryze with a snap mare followed by a kick to the back and a knee to the head. Ryze with a kick to the back of the head and he gets a near fall. Ryze with a front face lock but Gresham with a forearm. Ryze with a kick as he appears to be focusing on the left leg. Gresham with a dropsault and he gets a near fall.

Gresham stomps on Ryze’s hand and he manipulates the other wrist. Gresham pulls on the hand and then he stretches Ryze as he pulls him across the mat. Ryze tries to escape and Gresham spins him through and maintains the hold. Gresham with a kick to the back and he applies a hammerlock suplex for a near fall.

Gresham with a series of near falls. Gresham with a kick to the head and then one to the shoulder. Gresham with a forearm to the head and then he tries for another hammerlock suplex but Ryze blocks it. Gresham pulls the arm in a position that most arms do not go. Ryze with a knee to the head to get out of the hold. Ryze with a kick that Gresham blocks but Ryze with a round kick to the head.

Ryze with a running knee to the head and then he goes for a kick to the head but Gresham turtles up so Ryze waits for him to get his head up and he kicks Gresham in the face and gets a near fall. Ryze with a running forearm but Gresham with a running forearm. Ryze with a running forearm but Gresham with a Yakuza kick followed by another Yakuza kick. Ryze with a sunset flip but Gresham rolls through and kicks Ryze in the head and gets a near fall.

Gresham tries for a wrist clutch German but Ryze blocks it. Ryze with a standing switch. Ryze with an enzuigiri to the shoulder. Gresham avoids a few cutters and Gresham with a back slide for a near fall. Gresham with an enzuigiri followed by a wrist clutch German suplex and bridge for the three count.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham (advances to face Samuray Del Sol in the quarterfinals)

Match Number Four: AR Fox versus Jonathan Cruz in a First Round Match

They shake hands before locking up. They lock up and Cruz with a waist lock but Fox with a standing switch. Cruz with a front face lock. Fox with a wrist lock but Cruz with a front face lock. Fox with a wrist lock and arm drag into an arm bar. Cruz with a head scissors and he tries for an arm drag but Fox does not go down. Cruz with an arm drag.

Fox puts Cruz on the turnbuckles but Cruz with a cross body for a near fall. Fox with a savate kick and drop kick that sends Cruz to the floor. Fox with a baseball slide and then he puts Rios on the apron. Fox with forearms across the chest and then Fox goes up top and tries for a leg drop but Cruz moves. Cruz with a suicide dive into a rana and both men are down on the floor.

Cruz returns to the ring first. Cruz with forearms but Fox flips into the ring on a dive to the floor. Fox with a plancha onto Cruz. Fox sets for a dive to the floor but Cruz moves. Fox goes to the apron and he hits a moonsault using the ring post for momentum. Fox gets a near fall. Fox gets Cruz on his back for a Gory Special. Cruz with a sleeper but Fox with a backpack chinbreaker to escape the hold. Fox gets a near fall.

Fox with a slam and he goes up top for a split legged corkscrew senton for a near fall. Cruz wit kicks in the corner. Cruz with an Irish whip but Fox with a kick from the turnbuckles. Fox hits a double jump twisting suplex for a near fall.

Fox with a leaping leg drop and then he applies a rear chin lock. Cruz with punches and a forearm to the back. Cruz with a side head lock and elbows to the head. Fox tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Cruz lands on his feet. Cruz with a springboard tornado DDT and both men are down.

Fox with a forearm but Cruz with a forearm of his own. They go back and forth. Cruz with a back heel kick and a kick to the head followed by a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Cruz charges into the corner but Rios is sent to the apron. Cruz with a rana but he runs into a boot. Cruz with an enzuigiri and then hits a super rana. Cruz goes up top for a frog splash but Fox kicks out at the last moment.

Cruz with forearms and he tries for Sliced Bread but Fox lands on his feet. Fox with a drop toe hold that sends Cruz into the ropes and Fox with a splash to the back. Fox goes up top for a swanton but he can only get a two count. Fox puts Cruz on the turnbuckles and he hits a super kick. Fox tries for Lo Mein Pain but Cruz pushes him off. Cruz with a double stomp to the back but Fox kicks out.

Fox with a back heel kick. Cruz with a side head lock. Fox with a matrix followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb and he bridges to get a near fall. Fox with a leaping moonsault but it misses. Cruz with a boot to Fox. Cruz with a superkick and he hits Sliced Bread but Fox kicks out. Fox goes to the apron.

Fox with a forearm and he sends Cruz’ head into the turnbuckles. Fox flips over Cruz. Cruz charges into the corner and Fox moves. Fox with a springboard drop kick followed by a clothesline into the corner. Fox with a hesitation drop kick after skinning the cat. Fox with an inward cannonball followed by Lo Mein Pain for the three count.

Winner: AR Fox (advances to face Shane Strickland in the quarterfinals)

Match Number Five: Mike Cruz versus Maxwell Chicago in a First Round Match

Maxwell wants silence before locking up and he takes Cruz to the mat and he celebrates. Cruz with a springboard round kick and he gets a near fall. Maxwell wants to restart the match. Cruz with a head butt followed by a European uppercut and forearm. Maxwell goes to the floor. Cruz misses a baseball slide when Maxwell moves out of the way. Chicago goes to the other side of the floor but he does not realize that Cruz is coming at him with a corkscrew pescado.

Maxwell wants to take his time back into the ring but Cruz sends him back in. Cruz with a European uppercut and kick to the chest. Cruz with a snap mare and kick to the head for a near fall. Cruz goes up top and Maxwell says that his tooth is broken and he pushes the referee into the ropes and Cruz is in the tree of woe. Chicago says that his tooth is okay and he hits a screaming drop kick into the corner for a near fall.

Chicago uses his rear end on Cruz. Chicago with a suplex and he wants people to admire how strong he is. Chicago gets a one count and he would like to get a two count. Cruz with a chop. Chicago rakes the eyes and Cruz with a single leg crab. Chicago gets to the ropes and Cruz has to release the hold.

Chicago with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Cruz with a sunset flip but Chicago rolls through and hits a neck breaker. Chicago with a swinging neck breaker. Chicago tries for a neck breaker and Cruz with a series of kicks. Cruz slaps Chicago and chops him. Cruz adds some punches. Cruz with a flying knee to the head.

Cruz with a running butt splash followed by an enzuigiri. Cruz gets a near fall. Chicago with a uranage back breaker followed by a flatliner and he gets a near fall. Chicago gets a near fall. Chicago with a kick but Cruz with three rolling German suplexes. Chicago with elbows begging for Cruz to stop. Cruz hits three more rolling German suplexes. Chicago holds the referee but Cruz with another three rolling German suplexes. Chicago runs to the ropes and Cruz goes down when his throat hits the ropes.

Chicago wonders where he is. He says that it is his turn but Cruz with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Cruz goes up top for a swanton and Chicago gets his knees up. Chicago with a springboard cutter and he gets a near fall. Chicago with punches and he chokes Cruz. Chicago tries for a Fameasser but Cruz counters with a single leg crab and Chicago says that he quits.

Winner: Mike Cruz (advances to face the winner of the Jon Davis versus John Silver match in the quarterfinals)

Match Number Six: Johnny Vandal versus Lince Dorado in a First Round Match

Vandal misses a clothesline and Dorado with a rollup for a near fall. Dorado with chops. Vandal with an Irish whip but Dorado floats over and hits a reverse atomic drop. Dordao with a leg sweep and a back senton. Lince with a boot to the head and he kicks Vandal in the head and then he hits a double jump arm drag and Vandal goes to the floor. Dorado teases a dive to the floor when Vandal moves.

Dorado with a slingshot rana. Vandal with a forearm to Dorado. Dorado goes to the stage and hits a leaping knee onto Vandal. Vandal misses a chop and hits the ring post. Vandal tries to send Dorado into the turnbuckles. Vandal puts Dorado in the tree of woe and hits a German suplex for a near fall.

Vandal with a slam followed by a knee drop for a near fall. Vandal chokes Dorado in the ropes and hits a cross body to the back and gets a near fall. Dorado with punches but Vandal with a neck breaker for a near fall. Vandal with a rear chin lock. Vandal works on Lince’s back and drops a knee to the back and Johnny gets a near fall. Vandal with a kick to the back.

Vandal puts Dorado on the turnbuckles and Vandal with a forearm to the back. Vandal tries for a super belly-to-back suplex but Dorado with punches. Dorado with a lateral press off the turnbuckles and both men are down. Dorado with chops but Vandal with forearms. Dorado with a knee to the chest and a back slide for a near fall. Vandal goes to the floor and Dorado with a tope suicida.

Dorado sends Vandal back into the ring and Dorado with an enzuigiri and he goes up top for a cross body but Vandal floats over and gets a near fall. Dorado spins Vandal and gets a near fall. Dorado with kicks to Vandal. Vandal with an Irish whip and forearm into the corner but Dorado with a running drop kick and cannonball. Dorado goes up top and hits a missile drop kick.

Dorado gets a near fall. Vandal with a kick to the leg and then he hits a TKO on Dorado and gets a near fall. Vandal with a kick to the head and then he slaps Dorado. Dorado with a kick to the head and then he goes up top for a shooting star press for the three count.

Winner: Lince Dorado (advances to face the winner of the Milo Beasley versus Papadon match in the quarterfinals)

Match Number Seven: John Silver versus Jon Davis in a First Round Match

The bell rings and Davis does not move. Silver tries to get Davis to do something but Davis is not impressed. The referee checks on Davis and there is a pulse. Davis continues to sit in the corner and Silver threatens to punch Davis in the face and the fans want it. Davis stands up and goes to the opposite side of the ring. They lock up and Davis sends Silver to the mat.

They lock up and Davis sends Silver to the mat. They lock up one more time and Davis sends Silver to the mat. Davis with a shoulder tackle to Silver. Davis offers Silver a chance to take him down and he hits a drop kick and Davis goes into the ropes. Silver with a kick and then he drop kick Davis in the rear end and Davis goes to the floor.

Davis catches Silver on a pescado. Davis gets sent into the support. Silver tries for a rana off the apron but Davis catches him and sends Silver into the apron. Davis with a forearm and Silver goes down. Davis with a kick to the chest.

They return to the ring and Davis with a forearm and a slam. Davis with another slam and he tries to send Silver through the ring. Davis with a back breaker and a slam for a near fall. Davis with a kick to the back. Davis with a forearm to the back while Silver tries to get in some punches but they have no effect on Davis.

Davis with a boot after Silver pushes him out of the corner. Davis sends Silver sternum first into the turnbuckles and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Silver with a drop kick to the knee and a kick to the head. Davis with a power slam for a near fall. Davis with a chop and the fans are happy.

Davis sets up for another chop but he stops short and Davis with a punch. Davis with a kick to the chest. Silver with a forearm but Davis with a forearm and Silver goes down. Davis lets Silver get in some punches and then he hits a series of punches and kicks followed by a running European uppercut. Silver with a tornado DDT. Silver with kicks to the chest. Davis grabs Silver’s leg and throws him to the mat. Davis with a jackhammer for a near fall.

Davis with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Davis with a back fist and knee to the head. Silver counters three seconds around the world with a rana. Silver with a kick and a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Silver pulls down the knee pad and hits a running knee to the head followed by a series of kicks. Davis wit ha spinebuster followed by a buckle bomb and a clothesline from hell for the three count.

Winner: Jon Davis (advances to face Mike Cruz in the quarterfinals)

Match Number Eight: Papadon (with Larry Dallas and Trina Michaels) versus Charles Cardwell in a First Round Match

They lock up and Papadon sends Charles to the mat. Papadon and Larry try to get to Charles by talking about Jeff. They lock up and Papadon sends Charles to the mat. Charles with a rollup for a near fall. Charles with a drop toe hold and La Magistral for a near fall. Papadon pushes and slaps Charles.

Papadon with a shoulder tackle but Charles with a shoulder tackle. Charles slaps Papadon and then he hits two arm drags. He misses a third but Papadon misses an elbow drop. Charles with a drop kick. Charles with an arm drag and he sets for the roaring elbow but Papadon goes to the floor. Charles goes to the apron after Papadon moves on the floor. Dallas distracts Charles and Papadon trips him on the apron. Papadon with elbows to the head.

Papadon chops Charles in the corner followed by an Irish whip. Papadon with a knee in the corner followed by a snap mare and kick to the back. Papadon rakes the eyes and then connects with a forearm. Papadon with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Papadon kicks Charles in back. Papadon with a rake of the eyes and a punch to the head. Papadon stretches Charles and Larry tries to convince him to quit.

Papadon with a back breaker for a near fall. Papadon with kicks and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Papadon with a front face lock and a belly-to-back suplex. Papadon says that this is so easy as he covers Charles and can only get a near fall. Papadon with a snap suplex and then he goes up top but misses a diving head butt. Papadon misses a charge into the corner.

Charles with a cross body and a running forearm or two. Charles tries to get Papadon on his shoulders but he cannot get him up because Papadon worked on his back earlier. Charles with a tornado DDT and he gets a near fall. Charles with a rollup for a near fall. Charles runs into an elbow and then Papadon with a European uppercut from the turnbuckles for a near fall.

Papadon with a kick to the chest and one to the back. Charles with a rollup and then he hits a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Papadon with a jawbreaker and both men go down. Papadon with a back breaker and a flatline for a near fall. Papadon gets Charles up for a piledriver but Charles blocks it and hits a back body drop.

Charles with a kick and both men with clotheslines and they go down. They exchange punches from their knees and it continues as they get to their feet. Charles with the advantage but Papadon with a kick and forearm. Papadon with a chop and European uppercut. Papadon with a slap. Charles with a forearm but Papadon with a forearm. Charles with one. Papadon with a TKO into a facebuster.

Charles with a boot and then he hits a roaring elbow but can only get a two count. Charles goes up top but Trina gets on the apron and that allows Larry to crotch him. Papadon slaps Charles and punches him on the turnbuckles. Papadon goes up top for a superplex but Charles pushes him off. Papadon with a rolling European uppercut. Papadon with a superplex and he rolls through and hits a piledriver for the three count.

Winner: Papadon (advances to face Lince Dorado in the quarterfinals)

After the match, Larry Dallas calls Charles a loser and he says that he is nothing, just like Jeff. Charles attacks Larry and he punches Larry. Trina with a low blow and then Larry with a knee to the groin.

Some of the other wrestlers come out and they force Larry, Papadon, and Trina out of the ring and into the street.

Thank you for following the live coverage of Night One of the Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup X.