View Full Version : Mila Kunis labelled ‘dirty Jewess’ by Ukrainian politician

Black Widow
12-22-2012, 07:41 PM
SEXY Mila Kunis was the target of a horrific anti-Semitic insult - from a politician in her native Ukraine.

The Black Swan babe was reportedly called a "zhydovka" by Igor Miroshnichenko - who said she was not a "true Ukrainian".

Celeb website TMZ said the phrase translates as "dirty Jewess" and the slur has caused outrage in the Jewish community.

Miroshnichenko is said to have written the insult on a Facebook page after the term was deemed "legal" by Ukrainian ministers.

Protests have occurred outside the Ukrainian Justice Ministry with demonstrators wanting the anti-Semitic term banned.

Mila - who topped our 100 hottest women in the world poll earlier this year - told how she fled the country of her birth when she was growing up for fear of persecution.

She said: “My whole family was in the Holocaust. My grandparents passed and not many survived.

“After the Holocaust, in Russia you were not allowed to be religious. So my parents raised me to know I was Jewish. You know who you are inside.”

Her grandparents managed to escape the Second World War slaughter — but other relatives did not.

Mila — born Milena — saw anti-Semitic graffiti in her school in Chernivtsi, a city in the south-west of the country.

She said: “When I was in school you would still see anti-Semitic signs.

“One of my friends who grew up in Russia, she was in second grade. She came home one day crying. Her mother asked why and she said on the back of her seat there was a swastika.

“This is a country that obviously does not want you.”

The Sun

the madscotsman
12-22-2012, 10:39 PM
A person should be judged by their personality, actions and opinions. Not their religion or lack their of.