View Full Version : WWE Kicks Off Holiday Tour: Top Stars Open & Close

12-27-2012, 02:48 PM
WWE kicked off their Holiday tour last night with two shows - RAW in Detroit, Michigan and SmackDown in Chicago, Illinois.

The show in Detroit opened with Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns defeating Ryback, Kane and Daniel Bryan. After that match, the six Superstars left the arena and traveled to Chicago where they worked the main event. That match saw Ryback and Team Hell No get the win. Traveling from Detroit to Chicago caused some stalling and confusion at the Chicago show because officials were waiting on them to arrive. After losing a three-way to Alberto Del Rio and Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett was sent right back out to the ring to lose a singles match to Kofi. This was all done to apparently stall for the arrivals of The Shield, Ryback and Team Hell No. After Barrett's loss to Kofi, he made another challenge and was defeated by Ted DiBiase in street clothes. Finally, Sheamus defeated Big Show before the rushed main event where as noted, Ryback and Team Hell No got the win.

Here are some other notes of interest from last night's shows:

* Brodus Clay squashed JTG and then squashed Jack Swagger

* The New Age Outlaws defeated Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow when Billy Gunn got the pin on Cody Rhodes. Gunn and "Road Dogg" BG James were said to be over big time with the crowd in Detroit.

* Zack Ryder beat Tensai in a match where the winner had to sing a song chosen by fans. Tensai lost and was forced to sing the Rudolph Christmas song, as chosen by the fans in Detroit.

* John Cena defeated Dolph Ziggler in the Street Fight main event of the RAW show. It was supposed to be a steel cage match but the cage was taken down before the match with no explanation given. The match saw AJ Lee and Big E Langston get involved.

* Alex Riley was back in action on the Chicago show, quickly defeating Michael McGillicutty.

* Epico and Primo lost to The Great Khali and Hornswoggle in Chicago, in a match where the losers had to sing a song also. They also had to sing "Rudolph."
