View Full Version : Ring of Honor News and Notes

12-28-2012, 03:18 AM
ROH's first TV Taping of the year on 1/5 in Baltimore, Maryland will feature a Top Prospect tournament with ACH out of Texas and GQ Marshall already announced. The Briscoes vs. Cedric Alexander and Caprice Coleman and Matt Hardy are set for that taping as well.

The American Wolves vs. The Briscoes for the ROH Tag title is set for 1/18 in Dearborn, Michigan, which should be awesome. Also set for that show is Jay Lethal vs. Steve Corino playing off the angle at Final Battle and ROH TV champ Adam Cole vs. Jimmy Jacobs.

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Davey Richards is set for the 1/19 event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Matt Hardy is also on that show.

It appears the company is building to Jay Lethal finally challenging Kevin Steen for the ROH title over Wrestlemania weekend.