View Full Version : WWE NXT Report - 27th December 2012

12-28-2012, 03:25 AM
Since this is the final episode of NXT for 2012, it is time to take a look back at some of the top moments from the current incarnation of NXT that has taken place at Full Sail University.

We are in the WWE Control Center and your host for this look back is Tony Dawson.

Tony says that we have seen the emergence of stars like Big E Langston, Bray Wyatt, and Roman Reigns. Stars like CM Punk, The Big Show, and Team Hell No were part of NXT in 2012. We are going to look back at some of the top moments as well as a look at the Shield.

Match Number One: Jinder Mahal versus Seth Rollins for the NXT Championship (from the August 29, 2012 Episode)

Seth Rollins shakes Dusty Rhodes’ hand but Jinder Mahal refuses before the match.

They lock up and Rollins with a waist lock take down. Mahal tries to get back to his feet and he succeeds. Rollins with another waist lock take down but Mahal gets to his feet and the ropes. Mahal with a kick on the break and Mahal with a double sledge and then he sends Rollins into the turnbuckles. Mahal with a kick followed by an Irish whip but Rollins floats over. Rollins with a single leg drop kick followed by another drop kick and he sends Mahal into the turnbuckles.

Rollins with a chop and a back heel kick but he is not able to hit Black Out. Mahal sends Rollins to the apron but Rollins gets back into the ring and Mahal goes after Rollins and Mahal goes to the floor. Rollins goes to the apron and he tries for a running kick but Mahal blocks it and he pulls Rollins to the apron. Mahal sends Rollins onto the ramp with a catapult.

Mahal sends Rollins back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Mahal shows a little frustration as we go to commercial.

We are back and Mahal with a Mexican Surfboard and chin lock. Mahal with a back heel trip and a knee drop. Rollins with punches and he tries for a suplex but Mahal is able to block it. Mahal with a forearm to the back as he continues to focus on the lower back for the camel clutch. Mahal with a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Mahal with a hard Irish whip.

Mahal with a knee drop to the back and the chokes Rollins in the ropes. Mahal with what appears to be a butterfly suplex for a near fall but the camera was focused on the wrestlers watching on the stage. Mahal with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

Mahal with a seated abdominal stretch. Rollins with forearms but Mahal with a leaping knee to the upper chest. Mahal gets a near fall. Mahal tries for a camel clutch but Rollins is able to get to the ropes. Mahal with more knees to the back. Mahal pulls Rollins up but he lands on his feet and he hits an enzuigiri and both men are down.

Rollins punches Mahal. Mahal with a kick and Rollins with a kick of his own. Rollins with clotheslines and a single leg kick to the upper chest. Rollins tries for the running forearm into the corner but Mahal sends Rollins to the mat. Mahal goes for a running knee into the corner but Rollins moves and Mahal goes to the floor. Rollins goes up top for a cross body onto Mahal.

Rollins sends Mahal back into the ring and Rollins goes up top. Mahal recovers in time to crotch Rollins. Mahal sets for a superplex and he hits it and both men are down.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mahal with punches but Rollins with chops. Rollins throws a few forearms and Mahal responds with forearms of his own. Rollins with a back heel kick but Mahal with a kick to the midsection. Rollins with a kick to the midsection but Mahal with a tilt-a-whirl side slam for a near fall.

Rollins blocks a full nelson by Mahal but Mahal with forearms to the back. Rollins with an arm drag but he misses a kick on the apron. Rollins with an enzuigiri and then he hits a springboard knee to the back of the head for a near fall.

Rollins sets for the running forearm into the corner and he hits it. Rollins with a flatline into the turnbuckle and then he pulls himself up for Avada Kedavra and he gets a near fall. Rollins is shocked that he could not finish him with that. Rollins goes up for the Phoenix Splash and misses. Mahal thinks he has the chance to win. Mahal with a full nelson slam for a near fall.

Mahal signals for the camel clutch but Rollins gets closer to the ropes. Mahal tries to pulls Rollins into the center of the ring but Rollins gets to the ropes. Rollins with a rollup for a near fall. Rollins with a buckle bomb followed by Black Out for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

We see highlights from Mahal’s second attempt to win the title but he fell short again.

Seth Rollins is a part of The Shield and he has gotten under the skin of many on Raw and Smackdown.

Seth Rollins was not the only person on the NXT roster to make an impression in 2012. There was Richie Steamboat, Audrey Marie, CJ Parker, Bo Dallas, and Big E Langston.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Bray Wyatt video package where he says that people should not lie to their children about monsters not being real because the Boogeyman is real and he is real. He says that he is talking about real love. The love that you can touch. He wants to know if you can feel the love. He says that he knows that it changes men and Bray says that he is stronger and he is not afraid any more. What will they do when they realize that they cannot hurt him?

What can they do? . . . Run.

Tony says that everything about Bray is different. While you may question his methods, you cannot question his results.

Match Number Two: Aiden English versus Bray Wyatt (from the July 11, 2012 Episode)

Bray says that we might not understand him now, but in time we will understand him. Then you will understand what he is. For now, he is the angel in the dirt.

Wyatt with a kick and forearm to the back and then he sends English’s head into his knee. Wyatt sends English to the floor. Wyatt sends English into the guardrails and apron. Wyatt sends English back into the ring and he hits a suplex throw to English and then he rolls around the ring. Wyatt with a splash into the corner and then it is time to dance. Wyatt kisses English and hits a spinning DDT.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt is in the interview area and he says that it is time to pay off your debts, lose that ten pounds you have been trying to lose, or get the nerve to talk to Maria in cubicle eight. Or you can have a chance for your loved ones to betray you in his name.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Kassius Ohno video package. Pain is what he inflicts. Pain that you see, pain that you feel. Pain that you can hear. The pleasure it brings him to inflict pain. He is Kassius and he hurts people.

We see footage of Kassius from earlier in the year. They show his promo before his match with Trent Barreta and then we see footage from Kassius Ohno’s matches. We also see his alliance with Leo Kruger. We then see William Regal coming to the aid of some of Ohno’s victims.

Kassius Ohno is in the interview area and he says hello to everyone. Soon a new year will be upon us. There are a few people who think that 13 is an unlucky number. He is not superstitious. This will not be a lucky year for his opponents because he likes to inflict pain on those who stand in his way.

There will be concussions, contusions, and separations. Maybe he has the NXT Championship in his sights. 2013 will be okay for K. Kassius says Happy New Year.

CM Punk is in the locker room and he has a Christmas wish. He says that he might be a little late for Christmas but he is busy being the Best in the World. He is here to give out some wisdom. The last time he was on NXT, he gave some wisdom to Seth Rollins. He told Seth that he needed to beat it out of people to get respect.

Now the Shield is running rampant in the WWE. The future of the WWE is in NXT. Punk says that he hopes that they are watching people like him pay their dues and break through the glass ceiling. He tells them that it is all about the WWE Title and it is attainable. Punk says that he has been champion for more than 400 days and there is no end in sight.

Punk says that he will retain at the Royal Rumble. Then he will main event Wrestlemania. He will continue to prove that he is the best in the world and that he is the best superstar ever. He wishes himself a Happy New Year.

We go to commercial.

Tony says that the five chant rings throughout the building when Big E Langston comes out.

We have a video package for Langston. He says that a three count is normal. Langston says that he is not normal. We see footage from his matches. From now on, his opponents will feel the pain and agony of not getting up from the five count.

Match Number Three: Camacho versus Big E Langston (from the November 21, 2012 episode)

Langston traps the arms and Camacho tries for head butts to the chest but Langston with a few head butts of his own followed by punches to the midsection while trapping an arm. Camacho with head butts and a kick. Camacho with a front face lock and Langston picks up Camacho and sends him into the turnbuckles and connects with a series of shoulders. Langston with a running shoulder into the corner. Langston sends Camacho into the turnbuckles but he runs into boots from Camacho.

Camacho with a forearm to the back of the head from the middle turnbuckles and then Camacho mocks Langston’s five count and he punches Langston. Langston with a body block or two. The straps are down and it is time for the Big Ending and Langston gets the three count.

Winner: Big E Langston

After the match, Langston is asked to give another Big Ending and Langston gives it to Camacho and he gives the five count.

Jim Ross calls Langston the ‘bull of the woods’ in NXT.

Langston is about to leave the ring and then he must have realized that Camacho was trying to collect a bounty on him and he gives Camacho another Big Ending.

We see footage from Big E Langston’s debut on Raw when he attacked John Cena.

Tony is in the locker room with Big E Langston and he asks Langston about the attack on John Cena. Langston says that it is pretty simple. He was helping his friend AJ Lee. That is his business. On NXT, his business is becoming NXT Champion. He tells The Shield to be careful. Langston says that Rollins will lose some weight around his waist in 2013.

We go to commercial.

We are back with another video package of some people to watch in 2013. First is Leo Kruger. Next is Kassius Ohno. The next person is Conor O’Brian. Next, we see Paige. The final person is Corey Graves.

We see footage of Corey Graves attacking Seth Rollins on a recent episode of NXT. Graves and Rollins will meet for the NXT title next week.

Daniel Bryan and Kane have had a long feud with Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. We see footage of Cody’s injury suffered at the hands of Kane. Kane and Cody met in an NXT ring in July.

Match Number Four: Kane versus Cody Rhodes (from the July 12, 2012 NXT Tapings)

Cody avoids Kane and he goes to the floor. Cody goes into the crowd to avoid Kane. Cody returns to the ringside area and he returns to the ring. Cody avoids Kane again and he goes to the floor again.

Cody gets back into the ring and Cody avoids Kane one more time and Cody with kicks and a punch. Kane grabs Cody by the throat and sends him into the corner. Kane with kicks to Cody. Kane with a snap mare and a drop kick to the head for a near fall.

Cody goes to the floor one more time and Kane finally goes after Cody. They go up the ramp onto the stage and Kane with an uppercut. Kane with a head butt and Cody goes back into the ring. The referee gets between Cody and Kane and Cody with a kick to the knee. Kane with a boot to the head and Kane goes to the turnbuckles.

Kane misses the clothesline but Kane grabs Cody by the throat. Cody with an elbow. Kane misses a boot in the corner and Cody with kicks to Kane as he works on the leg. Cody with a knee drop to the injured leg. Cody continues to work on the leg and then he punches Kane.

Cody slams the leg onto the apron. Cody with a shoulder to the knee from the turnbuckles and Cody gets a near fall as we go to commercial.

We are back and Cody kicks Kane in the knee. Kane with an Irish whip and side slam for a near fall. Kane favors his leg but he still goes up top. Kane hits the clothesline and then he sets for the choke slam. Kane grabs Cody but Cody gets to the ropes and Kane release the hold. Kane scares the referee out of the ring.

Cody with Beautiful Disaster and since the referee was on the floor, Cody could only get a near fall. Cody demands a new referee. Cody sets for Cross Rhodes but Kane sets for a belly-to-back suplex. Cody lands on his feet but Kane with a choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Kane

Next week, Bo Dallas will face Epico; and Leo Kruger and Kassius Ohno will face Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel . . .

We have an interruption and it is the Shield. Seth says that if you don’t know, he is the NXT Champion. He is the only NXT Champion in WWE history, but where has that gotten him. He has been stewing down here waiting for the call up. He says that everyone is afraid. He says that fear is a disease and an injustice. That is something that they will rectify.

Dean Ambrose says that for a long time, WWE has been ill, not healthy, suffering, poisoned by lies and corruption. She is too proud to tell you that she is sick. The WWE Universe is oblivious to what is right and wrong. WWE is about putting smiles on people’s faces. There is enough injustice in the world to good people for no reason. Things aren’t supposed to be like this in the WWE and they won’t let it happen.

Seth tells Corey Graves that he attacked him from behind and Corey did it to make a name for himself. Seth tells Corey that he is still standing. The next time they meet, Corey will be carried out of the building on a stretcher.

Dean says that the Shield will come to NXT. They have been the foundation of NXT because they are the best. They train harder, they go harder, they work harder. You haven’t seen anything yet.

Roman tells everyone that NXT is the Shield’s house. They come and go as they please.

Seth says that it is time to make New Year’s Resolution. They will bring justice to the WWE to right the wrongs. There is no better place than NXT next week.

Dean wishes everyone a Happy New Year and the Shield leaves.

We go back to Tony in the control center and he does not appear to realize that he was interrupted.

We go to credits.