View Full Version : **Spoilers**WWE SmackDown Taping Results

09-13-2006, 07:50 AM
WWE SmackDown Taping Results

WWE SmackDown Taping Results
Location: Worcester, MA

Dark Match:

*Sylvan defeated Chris ?.


*Finlay came out and bragged about his attack on Batista last week. Bobby Lashley came to the ring and challenged him. Teddy Long came out and announced there would be a contenders match between the two later tonight, with the winner facing King Booker at No Mercy. They noted Batista is "taking time off due to injury."

*Backstage, William Regal and Finlay discuss tonight's main event.

*WWE Cruiserweight champion Gregory Helms defeated Matt Hardy after a low blow the referee didn't see.

*Backstage, Rey Mysterio is walking with his son Dominick. They stop and talk to Dean Malenko.

*They announce WWE United States champion Mr. Kennedy vs. Rey Mysterio for tonight.

*Jimmy Wang Yang vignette airs where he complains that Asians don't properly pronounce words.

*The Miz defeated Scotty Too Hotty.

*Brian Kendrick won a Three-Way over Idol Stevens and Kid Kash when Kendrick pinned Kash with a DDT.

*There was a backstage vignette with King Booker, Sharmell, Finlay, and William Regal discussing the main event tonight.

*Rey Mysterio puts Dominick in front of a monitor so he can watch Rey's match against Kennedy. Rey goes to the ring. Behind Dominick, Chavo and Vicky Guerrero are watching him.

*WWE United States champion Mr. Kennedy defeated Rey Mysterio after Mysterio was distracted by Vicky and Chavo coming out with Dominick. Dominick ran to Rey and hugged him as the Guerreros watched.

*A promo for MVP aired, where he said he should be signed to Smackdown.

*Vito pinned William Regal after sitting on his face with the dress.

*Teddy Long is talking to WWE World champion King Booker and Sharmell backstage. Vito comes in and has words with Booker. Long announces a match between them for next week.

*Sylvester Turkay defeated an unnamed opponent.

*Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero was announced for next week.

*Bobby Lashley defeated Finlay via DQ to become the #1 contender for the WWE World championship. King Booker and Sharmell are ringside doing commentary. Regal is also at ringside. After the bell, Batista attacks Finlay and they brawl to the back as agents try to separate them. Booker and Regal attack Lashley, who comes back and spears Booker. Lashley plays to the crowd to end the show.


09-15-2006, 04:17 PM
ah yes,once again it sounds like a rather crappy show!
Thank goodness there are spoilers ALL over the internet for Smackdown.
Otherwise I would actually have to think about watching the show for a split-second before actually deciding that it wouldn't be worth the time or energy to change the channel!