View Full Version : Kate Moss questioned over drugs

02-01-2006, 02:11 AM
Moss is driven away from a police station in London on Tuesday.
LONDON, England (CNN) -- Supermodel Kate Moss has been questioned by police in Britain over allegations she took cocaine in a London recording studio last year.

The 32-year-old had left the country shortly after the Daily Mirror published photographs in September of her apparently snorting cocaine in a studio where her then-boyfriend, musician Pete Doherty, was recording with his group Babyshambles.

Since then, the model has been in the United States, where she attended a drug rehabilitation clinic, and in France.

A spokesperson for Moss's London-based model agency, Storm, said she had spent just under an hour-and-a-half with the police officers on Tuesday.

"Kate Moss voluntarily reported to the police today to assist their investigation as she has always said she would when she returned to this country," the agency said in a statement.

"She was not arrested and spent 80 minutes with the police." There would be no further comment, Storm added.

The Metropolitan Police did not identify Moss by name but said a 32-year-old woman "voluntarily attended a London police office in relation to a Met investigation into allegations of possible drug abuse, as reported in newspaper reports."

The force said the woman had not been arrested.

Sky News TV channel showed a Mercedes limousine leaving Scotland Yard with Moss inside. The vehicle bore a registration plate with the model's initials "KM."

Asked tonight about her case, the Crown Prosecution Service told PA: "We continue to work closely with the police and once they have concluded their investigation we will await a formal request for a decision."

Moss -- one of the most famous faces in fashion -- lost valuable modeling contracts with H&M, Burberry and Chanel after the Daily Mirror made its allegations.

Some fashion insiders criticized the labels, arguing that it was well known that drugs were widely used in the industry.

The model's career seems to have recovered rapidly since the Daily Mirror published the photos, with new contracts and appearances in Vogue and Vanity Fair