View Full Version : TNA One Night Only X-Travaganza Pay Per View Spoilers

A Blissful Ass
01-13-2013, 04:56 AM
Source: WI

Ongoing spoilers from TNA Insider member Donald Ronaldo who is reporting from the Impact Zone In Orlando Florida.
X Division X-scape Cage Match was first. Contestants were :
Alex Silva
Matt Bentley
Lince Dorado
Sam Shaw
Christian York
Jimmy Rave

This match was done in the classical X-Division X-scape match style where the last two wrestlers still in the cage determine the winner by escaping the cage first. Christian York and Jimmy Rave are the last two in the cage. Christian York escapes the cage for the win.

This match had tons of crazy spots involving more than one person.

Doug Williams and Kid Kash defeated Rashad Cameron and Tony Nese when Doug Williams hit the Chaos Theory Suplex on Tony Nese.

Chavo Guerrero defeated Robbie E

Robbie E cuts a promo saying he is the greatest champion this division has ever had. Chavo comes out and says that The Guerreros created the Cruiserweight division which started the X-Division. He brings out a special guest referee which is Joseph Park. Guerrero wins with a Five Star Frog Splash.

Ultimate X Match Contestants are announced as Rubix, Kenny King, Mason Andrews and Zema Ion. They specifically announce a rule that the winner must have the X in his hand and have both feet touch the floor to be considered the winner.

Kenny King wins by technicality. Rubix unlatches the X but King catches him as he falls and takes the X from Rubix's hands then drops him to the floor. Because of the rule, King is declared the winner.
Chavo Guerrero defeated Robbie E

Robbie E cuts a promo saying he is the greatest champion this division has ever had. Chavo comes out and says that The Guerreros created the Cruiserweight division which started the X-Division. He brings out a special guest referee which is Joseph Park. Guerrero wins with a Five Star Frog Splash.

Bad Company - Christopher Daniels & Kazarian defeated Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt with Daniels getting the pin via the Best Moonsault Ever. After the match bad Company attack Sonjay but Kazarian accidentally hits Daniels. Petey Williams jumps back in the ring and hits the Canadian Destroyer on Kazarian.

Rob Van Dam defeated Jerry Lynn in a hardcore match. Match of the night. Tables and chairs were used in some spots. RVD pinned Lynn after hitting the Five Star Frog Splash. After the match they embraced and all of the wrestlers that were backstage came out and clapped for Lynn.

Austin Aries defeated Samoa Joe. Another great match. Lots of back and fourth action. Joe was about to finish Aries with a muscle buster but Aries squirmed out and does a quick roll up on Joe for the win.