View Full Version : Full RAW Coverage / Results - 21st Jan, 2012

01-24-2013, 01:43 PM
Many men have had dreams over the years. In the WWE, the dream is to be in the main event of Wrestlemania. That dream can be realized by winning the Royal Rumble on Sunday night. Other than the Royal Rumble, CM Punk will defend the WWE Title on Sunday night against The Rock. With only two major television shows before the pay per view, what will the Rock do tonight? What will CM Punk do tonight? What will the Shield do?

We begin with a clip from Martin Luther King Junior’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.

We are in San Jose, California and your announcers are Jerry ‘Any chance for one of the spots in the Rumble Match’Lawler and Michael ‘Somehow, I got in the Gutcheck’ Cole.

Vickie Guerrero makes her way to the ring accompanied by Paul Heyman. Vickie introduces herself and she tells us her role on Raw. She tells everyone that it is her job that everyone is entertained by this show. She says that you may not like her personally, but she is a professional and she will always do the right thing.

Doing the right thing is not necessarily the popular thing, especially when it comes to the Rock.

Paul introduces himself and he says that whether you like it or not, he is here in a show of unity and solidarity with Ms. Guerrero. Last week on Raw, one man took it upon himself to defame not only his character, but the character of the best general manager and the sexiest general manager in the history of this or any other television show. That person is The Rock.

Vickie wants to show everyone how atrocious the Rock’s behavior was towards Paul Heyman.

Paul says that it is one thing to pick a fight with him because in six days, The Rock has to answer to the current WWE Champion, CM Punk. To pick a fight with Vickie, a poor defenseless widow. It is vile and contemptible. Rock said things that even he would not repeat in San Jose. He says that the footage speaks for itself.

We go to the Rock’s song for Vickie.

Vickie says that she is so glad that everyone enjoyed how the Rock embarrassed them last week. That will not happen tonight. Even though the Rock is in San Jose tonight, he has officially banned him from entering the arena. If Rock enters the arena, he will be arrested by the police.

Vickie is told that the Rock is here and we go to a camera outside the building.

Rock is on the TitanTron and he is being stopped by the police. Rock thinks about what to do and he says that Vickie bars him from being in the People’s Ring. She is screwing the people. She is probably in the ring looking like she swallowed stink pickles.

Rock tells the security that there is not an entity or force on this planet that will keep him from getting in the ring tonight.

The police tells Rock that they will have to arrest him if he tries to get into the ring.

Rock says that there are a lot of people they should arrest first. They should arrest CM Punk for impersonating a champion. He is like Manti T’eo for having an imaginary sack. He says that Heyman should be arrested for not wearing a bra. Vickie Guerrero should be . . . she shouldn’t be arrested. She should be asked what her intestines look like. Rock says that Vickie has her head shoved up her ass if she thinks that Rock will not get in the ring tonight.

Rock says that they know him. He is relentless. There ain’t no way that he won’t get in the ring. It not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.

Vickie asks everyone if that was funny. She says that Rock may talk a tough game. The only song that Rock will sing if he gets in the arena is Jailhouse Rock. Vickie wants you to smell what she is cooking.

There will be a beat the clock challenge. The wrestler who wins the fastest will get to pick their spot in the Royal Rumble.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Antonio Cesaro versus Randy Orton in a Beat the Clock Challenge Match

They lock up and Cesaro with a rollup for a near fall. Orton with a side head lock but Cesaro with an Irish whip and Orton with a rollup. Orton with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Orton with a side head lock but Cesaro with a reversal. Cesaro with a side head lock take down but Orton gets a near fall. Orton with punches.

Cesaro with a shoulder tackle and a near fall. Cesaro returns to the side head lock. Orton with a reversal. Cesaro with a punch and European uppercut. Orton with a Thesz Press for a near fall. Orton with punches and then he runs his knee across the face. Cesaro blocks a suplex attempt and he gets a near fall with an inside cradle.

Orton with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Cesaro goes to the floor and Orton with a clothesline. Cesaro is returned to the ring and Orton gets a near fall. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro puts Orton on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex. Orton blocks the superplex attempt and he sends Cesaro to the mat with a head butt. Orton with punches but Cesaro knocks Orton to the floor.

Cesaro with a front face lock and he rolls Orton back into the ring and gets a near fall. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock but Orton with a European uppercut. Cesaro with a power slam for a near fall. Cesaro leaps on Orton’s chest and gets a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock.

Orton with punches and an Irish whip but Orton runs into a boot. Orton with two clotheslines. Cesaro misses a clothesline and Orton with a power slam. Orton sends Cesaro to the apron for the IEDDT but Cesaro gets to the ring and he gets a near fall with a jackknife cover.

Cesaro with Swiss Death for a near fall. Cesaro gets another near fall and then he picks up a lifeless Orton and sends him shoulder first into the ring post and Orton goes to the floor. Cesaro goes to the floor to bring Orton back. Cesaro sends Orton back into the ring and Orton with an RKO for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton (Time to Beat: 11:36)

Michael Cole reminds us that the Hall of Fame will take place at Madison Square Garden. In case you were wondering where the Mick Foley video was on last week’s Raw, here is what aired on Smackdown.

We go to the Shield Cam on the floor. Dean Ambrose says that it is time for the WWE Universe to open their eyes. Seth Rollins says that they will open them for them. We see footage of the Shield’s carnage. They introduce themselves. They say that everyone is accountable. They are about principles and honor. Sheamus fights for fun, but they fight for justice. We see what they have done to Orton, Miz, and Ryback.

They don’t work for anybody. They are the Shield. They didn’t just talk about injustice. They rectified it. You will believe in the Shield.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see how Alberto Del Rio won the World Title from Big Show two weeks ago on Smackdown.

Michael Cole tells us that Big Show will face Alberto Del Rio in a Last Man Standing Match.

Brad Maddox leaps over the ringside barrier to join Jerry and Michael.

Match Number Two: Big Show versus Zack Ryder

Show with punches and a slam. Show sets for the knockout punch and he connects. Show gets the three count.

Winner: Big Show

After the match, Big Show gets on the mic and he says that he wants to give everyone a preview of the Last Man Standing Match with Alberto Del Rio. Show starts to count to ten but he gets pissed off at the whats from the crowd.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paul Heyman is on the phone and he says that there is no way the Rock will get into the building tonight.

Brad Maddox enters the locker room and he says that he wants to be famous. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to keep his dreams alive.

Paul says that he admires Brad’s ambition. He says that he was wrong about Brad. He tells Brad that if he sticks with him, he will make Brad famous.

Match Number Three: Ryback versus Heath Slater (with Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre)

They lock up and Ryback sends Slater into the turnbuckles. Slater with a kick to Ryback and punches but Ryback blocks a punch and then he hits a body block on Slater. Ryback with a spinebuster and then he sets for the lariat and he hits it. Ryback stops Drew from interfering and he brings Mahal into the ring and then sends him into McIntyre on the apron.

Ryback picks up Slater and hits the marching muscle buster for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

After the match, Ryback says damn his job is fun. On Sunday, it is his first Royal Rumble match and it is a match that he was made for. It is a match that he will thrive on. It is the match that will lead him to the main event of Wrestlemania. He demands to be fed more.

Rock is in the back and he says that he needs to get in the ring after being out there for an hour. Rock tells them to Protect and Serve. They are not here to protect and serve Vickie Guerrero. They are here to protect and serve the people. Rock says that it is about the people. They work hard for what they earn. Rock says that the people will blow the roof off the building.

One of the cops says that he had tickets for tonight and his wife and kid is out there. Rock is about to ask for the officer’s ticket.

Vickie demands that they arrest the Rock, but they don’t want to do it because he is not doing anything wrong.

Vickie tells Rock that while he is outside, CM Punk will be inside the ring. Vickie tells Rock that he can get in the building if he apologizes to her.

Rock says that he will get in the middle of the People’s Ring on his terms. He tells Vickie that she still looks horrible tonight.

Vickie storms away.

Rock asks the cops who they serve and we go to commercial.

We are back and Raw Roulette is back next week.

CM Punk makes his way to the ring and he is joined by Paul Heyman but Punk has the title belt as he goes to the ring.

Punk says that what he has here, he holds more dear to his heart than most men hold their families. Punk says that this is his life’s work and for 428 days, he has proven that he is the man. That is just a fraction of the time it took to get to this point. He has taken half his life to reach this point and get the biggest title in the WWE. He will not let the Rock or any man take it from him.

Rock is here to entertain. He is here to electrify. Rock is here to sing songs and tell jokes. Punk says that he is here to hurt people and be the champion. He will not allow the Rock to leave the Royal Rumble the WWE Champion because this is why he is here. He has made it important and prestigious because he has made it that way.

What is prestigious to the Rock is the most insignificant thing, the people. The people, the cheers, the chants, the signs, and the adulation. Rock is proud to be the People’s Champion. He is almost as proud as Punk is proud to be a real champion. He will not allow The Rock to become WWE Champion because he has been in the ring with him and looked into his eye and his soul. He saw why Rock is so proud of being the People’s champion. It is because he cannot be this.

Punk says a long time ago, he was forced to make a choice between hypocritical humility or honest arrogance. He chose Honest Arrogance while the Rock foolishly chose the people. You can call Rock electrifying. You can call him the Brahma Bull. You cannot call him the champion. The title is something you earn with blood, sweat, and tears. He has done that for 428 days. He has earned the right to call himself champion and be the man.

In six days, Rock is on a collision course for this. He tells the Rock to enjoy being the People’s Champion. He tells him to enjoy the chants and the signs. He wants Rock to look at all of the fans. Punk says the people do not matter. The title is all that matters. In six days at the Royal Rumble, it does not matter if he smells what the Rock is cooking. What the people cannot give Rock will remain around the waist of the Undisputed WWE Champion.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee and Big E Langston) versus Miz in a Beat the Clock Challenge Match

Miz with a drop kick and he gets a near fall in an attempt to get a quick win. Miz with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Miz with a rollup for another near fall. Ziggler with a kick and rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with a side head lock.

Miz with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Ziggler with a near fall of his own. Miz and Ziggler go back and forth with near falls. Ziggler with a drop kick for a near fall. Ziggler with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler gets on Miz’s back to add extra pressure to Miz. Miz escapes a sleeper and Miz with a double leg take down and punches.

Miz with a kick to Ziggler and he goes for the knee to get ready for the figure four leg lock. Miz with an elbow drop to the leg but Miz is thrown to the floor by Ziggler. Ziggler distracts the referee and Langston sends Miz into the apron. Ziggler sends Miz back into the ring and Ziggler gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a reverse chin lock and we are down to four minutes left in the match. Ziggler tries for another neck breaker but Miz with a near fall with a back slide. Miz with a sunset flip followed by a kick and he gets another near fall. Ziggler and Miz go back and forth with kicks and then Miz with punches in the corner and the referee pulls Miz out of the corner.

Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then he goes up top for the double sledge to the head and he gets a near fall. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with a DDT for a near fall. Miz tries for Reality Check but Ziggler avoids the second neck breaker. Miz applies the figure four leg lock and AJ gets on the apron to distract the referee to allow Langston to pull Ziggler to the ropes.

Ziggler rolls to the floor and we are under a minute to go. Miz returns Ziggler to the ring and he gets a near fall. Ziggler uses Langston’s distraction to hit the Zig Zag and get the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Time to beat 10:56)

Michael Cole talks about the Royal Rumble Fan Fest this weekend. There will be a panel talking about the Montreal Screwjob and there will be one about DX.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes insulting Dr. Shelby last week during the Anger Management Reunion Special.

Dr. Shelby is in the ring and he introduces himself because everyone has to introduce themselves. He welcomes everyone to the Anger Management Graduation Ceremony for Kane and Daniel Bryan.

Kane and Bryan go to the ring in their gowns.

Dr. Shelby wants to see how far they have come. Kane was a maniacal mask wearing monster who preferred hurting to hugging. Daniel was a tightly wound little man-child who would snap if they said anything about his goat face or that his beard looked like a hotel for rats.

Now they are calm, peaceful, and ready to graduate.

Dr. Shelby gives Kane his diploma and cap and then he does the same for Bryan. The tassel is moved to the other side so they are graduates.

Dr. Shelby says that the top student is usually declared the valedictorian and they get to talk and speak about their feelings. Shelby asks Kane and Daniel who the valedictorian should be. Kane says that Daniel should be the Valedictorian. Bryan says no and says that it should be Kane. Daniel says that Kane wants to talk about his feelings. Kane says that Daniel never had a problem shutting his mouth.

Kane and Daniel tell each other that they are the valedictorian.

Dr. Shelby freaks out and asks if a hug would make him feel better. Daniel says maybe. Kane is asked if a hug will make him feel better and he says I guess. Dr. Shelby wants everyone everywhere to hug at the same.

Daniel and Kane don’t like the idea of people glomming on their hug and they ask about Jerry and Cole. Cole and Lawler hug. Bryan wants Dr. Sampson and Justin Roberts to hug and they hug.

Kane wants three guys at ringside to hug and they appear to like it a bit too much. Daniel wants two people in the front row to hug. We go to a giant hug.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Kaitlyn defeating Eve to become the new WWE Diva’s Champion and Eve quitting WWE.

Match Number Five: Alicia Fox versus Kaitlyn in a Non Title Match

Alicia sends Kaitlyn into the turnbuckles a few times. Kaitlyn with a kick to the knee and Alicia goes down. Kaitlyn sends Alicia to the floor and hits a baseball slide on Alicia. Kaitlyn with a shoulder tackle off the apron.

Kaitlyn returns to the ring but Alicia with a knee. Alicia tosses Kaitlyn by the hair. Alicia misses the scissors kick but she connects with a clothesline for a near fall. Alicia with a reverse chin lock. Kaitlyn with a snap mare.

Alicia misses a kick into the corner and then Kaitlyn hits a spear and gets the three count.

Winner: Kaitlyn

Paul Heyman tells CM Punk that he has a skybox for CM Punk. Paul says that he wants Punk to watch what Paul has to say. He calls it a PaulBomb.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paul Heyman is in the ring and he tells the champ that this one is for him.

A lot of people might not know this about him. Not only is he the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the Voiceless. He is a friend, advocate, and advisor for the WWE Champion. Much of what CM Punk said went over the heads of many of the viewers. That is why he will act CM Punk’s interpreter. He will keep . . . it . . . simple for them.

So many think that it is fait accompli. Paul apologizes and says that many think it is a foregone conclusion that Rock will be winning the WWE Title. Vince McMahon is a tyrant who wants someone to beat CM Punk. January’s flavor of the month is The Rock.

The Rock might be concerned about what he might allegedly not have down there instead of what he has up there. Rock is focusing on Paul, not CM Punk, the longest reigning champion of the last 25 years. Just like the people, the Rock is stupid.

Rock’s music plays and he makes his way into the arena, showing that he does not care about rules. Rock shows a ticket and he makes his way to the ring.

Punk checks his imaginary watch to find out when Dwayne will be done.

Rock thanks the San Jose Police Department for the ticket.

Paul says that the ticket does not entitle him . . .

Rock interrupts Paul and tells him to get out of the ring.

Rock tells CM Punk for 428 days he has been WWE Champion. It is incredible and historic. He knows how badass and dangerous Punk is. It does not change the fact that tonight on Raw, it is the last night on Raw that he is WWE Champion.

Rock says that Punk is obsessed with how the Rock entertains the people and Rock says that he is. When it is all taken away, you have a man who will stand in the ring, outside the ring, outside the arena and he will rip Punk’s face off.

Rock says that he has waited for ten years for this shot. He says that he has earned respect over the last ten years. Rock says that he has a dream to go to the mountaintop and the promised land one more time to become champion. If you looked into the Rock’s soul like Punk says that he did, Rock promises to beat Punk at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Title. When that is done on Sunday, every man, woman, and child will be saying free at last . . . free at last . . . thank God almighty we are free at last.

Rock says that it is time to smell what he is cooking.

The lights go out and The Shield are attacking The Rock but Rock fights back for a moment. The Shield work over Rock and they get Rock up for the Three Man Power Bomb and they hit it.

Punk tells Rock he has some bad news. On top of that mountain, there is room for just one man. Punk says that you have to pay a price for your freedom. Punk says that it is cute that Rock has a dream, but you have to wake up from it. The truth is that the Great One was not great enough to beat the Best in the World.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see the Shield’s attack on Rock.

Match Number Six: Sheamus versus Wade Barrett in a Beat The Clock Challenge Match

They lock up go around the ring. Sheamus with a side head lock take down and shoulder tackle. Barrett with a double leg take down and he applies a front face lock. Sheamus backs Barrett into the corner and gives a clean break. Barrett with a kick and we see Ziggler, AJ, and Langston watching in the back.

Sheamus with a kick and forearm followed by a punch and shoulders in the corner. Barrett with an Irish whip but Sheamus with a double sledge and he hits the rolling fireman’s carry slam for a near fall. Sheamus puts Barrett on the apron but the referee pulls Sheamus away. Barrett drops Sheamus’ arm on the top rope but Sheamus with a knee. Barrett with a clothesline that sends Sheamus over the top rope to the floor.

Barrett wants the referee to count while we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett with a knee to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a Fujiwara arm bar. Sheamus punches Barrett but Barrett kicks Sheamus in the arm. Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner and a running knee lift.

Sheamus sends Barrett to the apron and connects with the ten forearms across the chest. Sheamus suplexes Barrett from the apron and he gets a near fall. Sheamus gets Barrett up for White Noise but Barrett gets back to his feet. Barrett with knees. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick and Barrett with a back heel kick and super kick for a near fall.

Barrett goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and he connects. We have less than two minutes to go. Barrett gets Sheamus up for Wasteland but Sheamus escapes and he gets Barrett up for White Noise and he hits it. Sheamus gets ready to pound his chest for the Brogue Kick but AJ Lee, Dolph Ziggler, and Big E Langston come to the ring and distract Sheamus.

Barrett with the Blackpool Slam for a near fall and Ziggler was ready to get in the ring to break up the cover. Barrett sets for the Bull Hammer but Sheamus with the Brogue Kick but time runs out.

No Contest

Dolph Ziggler celebrates his victory in the Beat the Clock Challenge with Langston and AJ.

We are back and Vickie Guerrero is in her office and Dolph Ziggler says that he won the Beat the Clock Challenge so he gets to pick his spot in the Royal Rumble. Dolph kisses AJ and tells her that she looks wonderful.

Dolph says that he might pick 30, but number 27 has won four times. Vickie tells Dolph that he gets to choose either number one or number two.

We take a look back at the attack on The Rock by The Shield.

CM Punk and Paul Heyman are walking in the back and he tells Punk that it is time for Rock to know his role and shut his mouth.

Vince McMahon asks Punk and Paul if they think they are clever. Punk says that they are clever but they had nothing to do with what the Shield did.

Vince says that if the Shield gets involved in Punk’s match, he will take severe consequences. Punk says that he has had nothing to do with it.

Paul suggests that cooler heads could prevail. The Shield has attacked many people. There is no evidence against CM Punk.

Vince says that if he finds evidence of Punk’s involvement, he will strip Punk of the title.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole reminds us what Vince McMahon just said before the commercial break.

Match Number Seven: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez and bucket) versus Tensai

Tensai with a kick and punch followed by a shoulder and forearm. Tensai with head butts in the corner followed by a hard Irish whip. Tensai goes to the turnbuckles for a Vader Bomb and then he goes up for a second one and Tensai gets a near fall. Tensai runs into boots from Del Rio and then Del Rio with a rana.

Del Rio with a German suplex and then he goes for the step up enzuigiri in the corner. Del Rio goes up top for a moonsault and he hits it and gets the three count.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match, Alberto gets on the mic and he tells Big Show there will be a count of ten after their Last Man Standing. It will not be Big Show doing the counting, it will be him and it will be in Spanish.

We have our second inductee into the 2013 Class of the WWE Hall of Fame. It is Bob Backlund.

John Cena is walking in the back and he is going to talk when we get back from commercial.

We are back and John Cena makes his way to the ring.

John says that it looks like everyone had a good weekend and got to rest. The seventh day is to rest and you can do things on Sundays. Kids have a day off of school so you go out and play with your friend . . . kids don’t go outside or use the phone, they play video games.

John turns his attention to a female in the crowd and suggests that her Sunday is reliving her Saturday. John then mentions that the guy that she met is sitting over there.

Everyone does different things on Sunday, except for this Sunday. Everyone knows that this Sunday is the Royal Rumble. Everyone watching this show knows that if you win the match, you get a golden ticket to Wrestlemania.

This Sunday, Superstars can be born and history can be made. It will be an all out war. The video games will be on pause and the hangovers will have to wait until Sunday night because all eyes fall on the Royal Rumble.

On Sunday, the world will find out what he already knows. He will win the Royal Rumble.

Sheamus comes out and says that it was a bizarre and passionate speech from Cena. Sheamus says that the man who won last year will win this year.

Darren Young and Titus O’Neil interrupt Sheamus and Titus wants to know what Sheamus is talking about.

Randy Orton’s music interrupts Darren Young and he says that he is not out here to dance or talk about déjà vu. He is going to win the Royal Rumble.

Miz is the next person to come out and say that he will win the Royal Rumble.

Kane interrupts the Awesome and he comes out with his fellow graduate, Daniel Bryan. Daniel tells Kane that all of these people are arguing over who will win the Royal Rumble. Kane says that he was thinking the same thing because he will win the Royal Rumble. Daniel says that he will win.

Antonio Cesaro says that everyone is wrong because the Greatest United States Champion will win the Royal Rumble Match. He will dedicate his victory to his home away from home, the United States of America.

The 3MB come out to remind us that someone has to be eliminated during the match. Drew calls everyone in the ring delusional. Jinder says that one member of 3MB will record his name in history after winning the Royal Rumble.

More wrestlers come to the ring and we have pandemonium. People are bring thrown out of the ring, just like they will on Sunday night. We go to credits