View Full Version : Newspaper Says The Rock Mentored Kofi Kingston?

01-24-2013, 02:15 PM
WWE Superstar Kofi Kingston spoke with AZCentral.com this week to promote the Royal Rumble. The title of the article reads, "Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson mentors WWE's Kofi Kingston."

Kofi replied via Twitter:

"Ah, nothing like exaggeration in the media! Tell em that you received a piece of career advice, they print you're being mentored! As honored as I would be were that the case, i must say, regrettably, it's untrue!"

Here's what Kofi said in the article:

"I met him when he first came back last year. He's real cool. He had some advice for me, I had a chance to pick his brain a bit ... I spoke to him about certain things about the business, just general questions about how he got to where he was. Obviously you see a guy like The Rock, you see his success, you want to know exactly - from his mind and his mouth - how he got there, because I want to emulate that. If you don't want the success The Rock has had, then you probably shouldn't be in the WWE."


Black Widow
01-24-2013, 02:23 PM
yeah if the rock mentored him he wouldn't be so bland

01-24-2013, 02:42 PM
yeah if the rock mentored him he wouldn't be so bland


You know, technically The Rock did mentor him if he gave him advice, I guess 'gave advice' would have been better but mentor I believe can still go in the title. Below are the meanings of mentor:

An adviser.

To advise or train (someone).

adviser - preceptor - monitor - counselor - tutor

Black Widow
01-24-2013, 03:05 PM

You know, technically The Rock did mentor him if he gave him advice, I guess 'gave advice' would have been better but mentor I believe can still go in the title. Below are the meanings of mentor:

An adviser.

To advise or train (someone).

adviser - preceptor - monitor - counselor - tutor

clearly he didn't give him good enough advice or kofi just didn't listen he still sucks :laugh: