View Full Version : TNA British Boot Camp Reports - Episodes 5 and 6

01-25-2013, 12:26 AM
TNA British Bootcamp Episodes 5 & 6 recap.

Originally broadcast 22nd January 2013 10pm Challenge TV

We start off with a recap of events to date, and it's the final two episodes back to back which will reveal our winner from The Blossom Twins, Rockstar Spud and Marty Scurll. We rejoin the contestants back at OVW where they are being put through their paces by Doug Williams and Al Snow. All the contestants put over both of the trainers. We find out all 3 contestants will be having matches to see what they are capable of.

First up is Spud who says if the match is "The S***s" then he will be going home, before the Match Marty tells him he has come up with a new move called the Party's over and asks Spud if he can hit it at the end of his match, Spud looks nonplussed. Marty comes out as Spud's partner and the are taking on Constantine & Diamond. Marty is up first and starts controlling the match with some nice hip tosses and shoulder blocks, looking smooth and comfortable in there he drags his opponent to the corner and tags in Spud who lands an axe handle from the top as Marty lines up the opponent. Spud looks intense when going about his work and it looks good. They work a collision spot which leaves Spud agaist the turnbuckle Marty tags himself in and eventually hits an impressive looking dropkick from the second rope, although his Lariats won't have JBL too worried. Spud is back in and hits a Rude Awakening neck-breaker complete with hip swivel. Spud teases the tag to Marty then flips him off and hits a DDT on Diamond for the win, much to Marty's displeasure. Marty tells the camera he is pissed, but Spud refers back to Marty embarrassing him in front of Rollerball Rocco and seems to enjoy his revenge. They row backstage in front of Doug and Al, with Al telling Spud his personal feelings should not get in the way of business.

Blossoms are out next, to a very slight Pop from some female fans, they are against Bynum & Hendrix. The girls work a double hiptoss, and then one of them lands a nice looking elbow drop. Double side slam, dropkick off the second rope and a nice looking spear followed by one of the twins getting on the others shoulders to deliver a splash for the win. Much briefer highlights for the Twins, but they looked very good in the ring. Backstage with Al, who tells them they did very well.

Al gets all four backstage for some feedback, he tells Marty his entrance was great apart from he did it all on the floor when he should have been in the ring where people could see him. Doug tells him to slow it down in the ring as he was rushing. Al tells the girls they wrestled like guys with Boobs, they need to show more femininity and Doug tells them to come up with more team maneuvers, also as babyfaces they should not be pulling hair. Al has a go at Spud for the unprofessional behavior toward Marty saying they need to be able to trust him he praises his charisma though. Al and Doug put all four through to Orlando to everyone's relief. where they will be wrestling in the Impact Zone in front of a live crowd, TV audience and the Hulkster. End of part 1

We see the contestants arriving at the Impact Zone, and they are all in awe. We see Dixie and Jeff Hardy putting over the talent, with Bully Ray adding Spud could be his B*****d son. Samoa Joe puts Marty over. Mickie James puts the twins over. Bully Ray puts Spud over. We join the twins in make up four hours before bell time.

Rollerball talks to them all via a weblink to offer them good luck, and he encourages them all. Dixie appears to tell them what the final test will be. The girls are facing Madison Rayne and Gail Kim, and they are excited. Gail tells the camera what an honor it is for the Twins to be facing her and Madison. Dixie tells the guys they can't be fully trusted so they will be facing each other, which pisses Spud off as he exclaims "For F***s sake" - to the camera not Dixie, Marty is not best pleased either. End of episode 5.

Episode 6 opens with Magnus wondering who will join him Stateside. Hogan cuts a promo putting over how awesome British Bootcamp is, he mentions how he pressed a 700 lb giant above his head, not slammed but pressed above his head!!! "Whatcha gonna do when TNA impact wrestling Picks you?" rants Hogan. JB and Magnus are commentating. The guys are up first with Spud coming out irst playing the heel and walking to the ring with some arrogance, Magnus puts him over and we see Dixe and Hulkster watching backstage. Marty comes out next to a slight pop. Hogan says you can't fault either entrance. JB mentions that Magnus knows both guys. The guys lock up and trade blows with Spud working the crowd, Hogan seems very impressed. Marty suicide dives through the second and third ropes which Hogan says no-one in the US does. The guys trade offense with Spud hitting a summersault plancha over the top to the outside which Marty sells well, looks pretty awesome. Spud calls for his finisher but Marty fights back, Hogan and Dixie are commenting on how well developed the guys characters are and how the crowd seem into it, which they do. Marty hits an awesome Ghetto Blaster on Spud in the corner straight into an awesome looking swinging DDT which Spud sells beautifully. Spud kicks out at two though. Spud uses the Ref to distract Marty and gains the upper hand he hits the somersault into Powerbomb move that I do not know the name of but it is a striking visual. He hits the top rope for a splash but Marty gets the knees up. Marty then appears to hit a Flapjack but catches Spud midair and hits a modified F-U, which again looks awesome, for the win. The guys looked excellent here, very impressive. Hogan and Dixie say how hard it will be to pick between them.

After the break and the twins are up against Gail Kim nd Madison Rayne. The girls get a decent reaction, and Hogan and Dixie put over their look. Gail cuts a promo on the girls, with Madison telling the when them Bell rings they better treat her like Royalty and kiss her feet. The bells rings and Hannah goes for a schoolboy on Rayne who kicks out, then she goes for a small package. Holly gets a blind tag and girls hit a sloppy double dropkick on Rayne. Kim gets a shot in when Brian Hebners back is turned so Rayne takes control with Holly taking some nice looking bumps. Hogan says the girls look like wrestlers and he is very impressed. The crowd are behind the girls, Hannah gets the hot tag and hits a sweet elbow drop then a suplex, the girls hit a double flapjack and a double suplex on Kim for two. Rayne pulls Hannah as she works the ropes which allows Gail to get the win with a Rollup with a hand full of tights. Twins looked good here, and they were never going to go over. Hogan says none of the contestants are gun shy. Hogan says all of the contestants would be good acquisitions.

It decision time with Hogan and Dixie discussing while TNA superstars give their picks. Frankie Kazarian goes for the Twins, Taz goes for Party Marty and Kurt Angle likes Spud. Hogan and Dixie are still discussing, saying how pleasantly surprised they are especially given that none of them are the size of Andre or Big John Studd. The contestants are brought in for the decision, the moment of truth is here. Dixie congratulates them all and says what a difficult decision they have had to make, as everyone turned it on. Hogan says they have a specific need in TNA at the moment and that is what shaped their decision. Dixie says that the winner of this competition is......................Rockstar Spud who just about manages to remain composed, the others applaud graciously. Dixie gives him hug, Marty says getting knocked back is part of the business and he will bounce back. Spud puts the other three contestants over. Dixie then says here is the good news and all of them will be going on the Road to Lockdown tour to show to show them what they can do and the remaining three will all be given another shot at a spot on the Roster. Hogan and Dixie congratulate them all. Spud gets emotional saying he can tell his parents he mas made it. We see highlights from the show. End.

All in all two good episodes, and I got the winner I wanted.
