View Full Version : Dixie Talks About Finding a Cross-over Fighter

01-25-2013, 05:17 PM
Dixie Carter stated in a recent interview with Sports Illustrated that she originally wanted Bobby Lashley in the pro wrestling/MMA cross-over role currently assigned to King Mo. However, Carter determined that TNA needed a different approach.

"(Bobby) what made me realize I needed an MMA fighter first," said Carter. "Bobby's had a very good professional wrestling career and we'd talked about doing both at the same time, but when it didn't happen, it struck me that I was going about it the wrong way. I needed a legit fighter who wanted to wrestle."

Dixie also mentioned that she spoke with Spike TV president Kevin Kay about finding a cross-over fighter even before Bellator entered the picture to help package a deal for King Mo.

"The goal is for King Mo to make his in-ring TNA debut in late March/early April, but Carter said "there's no way to put a timetable on it. The reports I'm hearing from his trainers are that he has exceptional athletic ability and he's really doing well. I'm hopeful this will make the timetable shorter."


The Mac
01-25-2013, 05:48 PM
he is lucky king mo is such a joke he would become a pro wrestler and a mma fighter at same time