View Full Version : JR's Rumble Thoughts..Order JR's Today at WWEShop.com or American Soda in Manchester.

Black Widow
01-29-2013, 01:56 AM
Mon, 01/28/2013 - 4:26pm — J.R.
Posted in:


Thanks for stopping by and to all that support our efforts at WWEShop.com, http://www.wweshop.com and with American Soda in Manchester, England @americansoda. Let's Rumble...

Post Rumble Thoughts....

Thought WWE's production values throughout the show were excellent. Top quality TV production especially the video piece on the Rumble match stats and the use of the female voice over talent.

Solid start to the show with @VivaDelRio and @WWETheBigShow. Last Man Standing bouts are hard to broadcast and challenging to execute for the talents.

Thought Team Rhodes Scholars would win the WWE Tag Titles Sunday night but I was wrong. Still enjoying their maturation and the overall work of Team Hell No. Arguably, @WWEDanielBryan is the best all around wrestler in WWE for my BBQ Sauce.

Really enjoyed the Rumble match. Chris Jericho was arguably one of the MVP's of the PPV and Y2J coming out 2nd in the Rumble order of entry gave the crowd life and the match an early hit that seemed to be sustained throughout. Brilliant placement for the future WWE HOFer. @IAmJericho ruled Sunday night.

Good use of the nostalgia acts such as Goldust and Godfather in their own respective ways.

What a nice welcome to WWE for @TheBoDallas, a 3rd generation talent who many of us have watched evolve for a good while in NXT where I will be this Thursday night.

Memorable focus for @HeelZiggler @WWESheamus @RandyOrton and @Ryback22 in the Rumble match which isn't easy to do when one actually stops and thinks about it. @JohnCena winning wasn't a total shocker and it sets up what one hopes will be a compelling Road to WrestleMania main event.

Rock vs Cena 2 is potentially HUGE money and that is and always has been the bottom line in this genre...money.

Liked the fact that the wrestler talk on the broadcast was pointed and succinct which seemed to help the show have more energy and move along at a quicker pace which I enjoyed.

@TheRock pre match promo was emotional and his most effective verbal offering in the build to the main event.

@CMPunk reign as WWE Champion added more stature and credibility to the WWE Title than any other reign that I can recall in recent memory because of the amount of days Punk spent on top. My hat's off to him. Punk was another Royal Rumble MVP in my eyes.

@TheRock wrestling the amount of time that he did in a show closing performance considering his lack of in ring time over the past several months was pretty amazing. Ring rust only is removed inside the ring and Rock showed his natural athletic skills and his desire to be the best in the long, physical match with Punk.

Three man announce teams are tough to navigate more often than not but @MichaelCole, @JCLayfield and @JerryLawler told the stories that needed to be told and had a largely entertaining night at ringside. King missed a golden opportunity to wear his own, WWE produced T shirt.

Interested to see how all these issues and complexities are followed up tonight on Monday Night Raw Live from Las Vegas. It's RAW Roulette night which could mean virtually anything.

The Heyman -Mr. McMahon face to face confrontation isn't to be missed and will likely be loaded with natural, organic vitriol and full of attitude era passion.

Save almost 20 bucks at WWEShop.com on the JR's Superfan BBQ Package. Great gift idea for any occasion in my less than humble opinion.

Love the photos that we receive on Twitter @JRsBBQ from our friends who shop @americansoda in Manchester, England. They ship throughout the UK and Europe.

The Q&A's are updated. Admittedly, I deleted some who were less than cordial because I happen to not either agree with their opinions or I just didn't have an opinion on their topic. I was taken to the woodshed by some and perhaps deservedly so. Such is life but thanks to those who send their questions and comments and I will try and be nicer going forward....cut a man a break... I've been working here with the Flu!

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to share the link to our site with others.

Boomer Sooner!
