View Full Version : Alberto Del Rio Discusses WWE Touring In Mexico

Black Widow
01-30-2013, 07:39 PM
Credit: Kris Zellner and Pwinsider.com

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Alberto del Rio gave an interview with Yahoo! Deportes over the weekend where he admitted that Mexico isn't in the WWE plans anymore due to declining economy, attendances, ratings, and even piracy. ADR said that once WWE sees that a market is beyond saving in their minds then they would turn their attention to newer markets. ADR said that a couple of years ago Mexico was held in high regard by the promotion but their last tour there last year was considered a flop in their eyes with the lack of merchandise sold being a key factor in determining that the product just wasn't hot anymore.

ADR spoke of his future and said while he hopes to return to Mexico one day he feels a deep sense of gratitude to the WWE for giving him the opportunity that made him a superstar and they stood by him in very difficult situations. ADR said that the WWE is like family and when he retires he hopes to become a road agent where he will be able to share his experiences with younger talent to help them grow to become superstars like him.