View Full Version : Confirmed: Brock Lesnar Set For Next Week’s RAW

02-02-2013, 08:50 PM
It was announced on WWE SmackDown this week that Brock Lesnar will be returning to appear on WWE RAW to address his attacks from a week ago.

Lesnar rescued Paul Heyman from getting fired last week on RAW and hit an F5 on WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.


02-02-2013, 09:07 PM
And then we wont see him again til the weeks before WM lol.

I feel like they're just re-hashing the Orton/HHH storyline from a few years ago when Orton punted Vince and Shane and DDT'd Steph and HHH came to protect em. Seems like they're gonna do the same thing here with Lesnar honestly.