View Full Version : SPOILER: 2-8-2013 Smackdown Results

02-06-2013, 05:44 AM
Credit: Josh Parry & PWTorch.com

WWE SmackDown (Airing Friday):

- Big Show was shown arriving in his bus after being told by his driver that the coast is clear. Show came to the ring and complained about the fans’s double standard. “Because I’m not popular, it’s fair to attack me?” Show said we’re cheating a criminal in Alberto Del Rio. “When you’re popular, you can do anything you want to. I just don’t get you people. You call ME a bully and a bad person?” he said.

Show announced to the crowd that Del Rio was suspended. He held Booker T accountable because is jealous of Show’s accomplishments, ability, wealth, and career longevity. Booker interrupted to a great live reaction. He accused Show of being a bully toward Ricardo Rodriguez and the fans. But, Show accused Booker of feeding Del Rio his hotel information to attack him during Raw.

Booker said he treated all Superstars equally, and the fact that he suspended Del Rio is proof of that. But, Show again asked, “Who gave Alberto my hotel details?” Booker avoided the question and informed Show that he would face Kane tonight.

Cody Rhodes pinned Kofi Kingston with Cross Rhodes. Nice, dominant first Smackdown victory for Rhodes during his new singles run. Poor Kofi, though. At least he has a cool ring entrance.

Great Khali squashed Titus O’Neil.

- Post-match, Mark Henry’s music played to a great ovation. Henry hit the ring and decimated Khali with World’s Strongest Slam. Loud “Welcome Back” chants followed. Henry then got on the mic and said the Hall of Pain is now open again. This led to a recap of Henry’s attacks from Raw. “That! Is what I do!” he shouted. Henry said it’s Booker’s fault for not calling him to compete in the Chamber match. “How do you forget the strongest man who ever lived?!” Henry shouted. Henry demanded an explanation.

Booker T came out and said Henry can’t expect results by bum-rushing the roster. He said there is no room in the Chamber for him. Henry responded that if there isn’t room, then he will make room. Henry threatened to take everyone else. Booker replied by saying that if Henry beats Randy Orton tonight, then he will qualify for the Chamber.

Big Show beat Kane with the WMD in quick fashion.

- Post-match, Del Rio was shown in the parking lot. He told Big Show that he made some changes to Show’s tour bus and invited him backstage to take a look. Big Show arrived in the parking lot to find his bus on blocks, wheels removed. As Big Show lamented over the bus, Del Rio poured a bucket of orange paint off the roof onto Show’s head. Del Rio drove off as Show hollered in anger.

Jack Swagger squashed Justin Gabriel.

Tensai beat Drew McIntyre via DQ. Tensai hit a two-handed chokeslam and went for the pin, but 3MB ambushed him. Brodus Clay made the save, then they danced in the ring.

U.S. champion Antonio Cesaro squashed Sin Cara. Cesaro won with the Neutralizer.

Mark Henry beat Randy Orton clean with the World’s Strongest Slam to qualify for the Chamber match.

End of Smackdown taping.

Post-taping, Big Show called out Del Rio. Del Rio obliged and met him in the ring for a slugfest. Del Rio capitalized with a chair and sent Show reeling to the back. And, that’s all for tonight.

Overall, what a marathon taping. The flow of the show was off tonight. There were literally five-minute breaks between each segment and pointless video packages throughout. There’s no need for that during a Smackdown taping. There was no opportunity for the crowd to pick up any steam and the mood in the arena was pretty flat throughout.