View Full Version : 2-6-2013 WWE Main Event Results

02-06-2013, 05:45 AM
Credit: Josh Parry & PWTorch.com

WWE Main Event (Airing Wednesday):

Dark Match: Bo Dallas beat Corey Graves. Surprisingly, Bo got a genuinely impressive reaction. Bo won with the same slam he pinned Wade Barrett with.

JBL tripped on the way to the ring for Main Event, but played it off like a champ.

Cody Rhodes said he is holding Main Event hostage until Booker T comes out and puts him in the Elimination Chamber match. Michael Cole came on the mic and said that Booker is not here tonight. Instead, Rhodes gets to face Sheamus. Sheamus came out impersonating Booker, Vickie Guerrero, and Mr. McMahon before shoving Cody out of the ring to set up their match.

Sheamus beat Cody Rhodes with the Brogue Kick in 15 minutes. Solid, hard-hitting match. There was a nice top-rope enziguiri spot from Rhodes and a nice fallaway slam into the ringside barricade from Sheamus.

Damien Sandow came out and explained that Cody’s loss was a travesty and that he will avenge Cody’s loss against Daniel Bryan next.

Damien Sandow beat WWE tag champion Daniel Bryan. Kane’s ringpost pyro erupted during Bryan’s finishing routine, allowing Damien to hit the straight-jacket neckbreaker for the win. Kane came to ringside and stared down Bryan post-match.

Cameron & Naomi beat Aksana & Tamina in Divas action. Naomi, who was particularly impressive, won with a big dropkick. Brodus Clay was on commentary.
