View Full Version : A Health Update On Scott Hall – Is He Sober?

02-14-2013, 06:15 AM
Jake “The Snake” Roberts tweeted the following update on Scott Hall today: “Say miracles abound. R u ready? Oh it’s true. Scott hall to arrive Monday. Seen him yesterday and we r so happy to report clean 4 16days”

Roberts has been living in a sober house with DDP for the last several months. Hall is expected to join them next week. Roberts sent out a second tweet, stating: “Will b biggest move 4either of us. Sharing road to health, sobriety and happiness. Ddp yoga will take us there just add hope, prayers love”

It should also be noted that WWE has been trying to get Hall into rehab for months now.


Black Widow
02-14-2013, 12:08 PM
shocked he's clean, won't last long though

The Mac
02-14-2013, 05:50 PM
step by step 16 days i s quite a achievement for hall. and once he moves in with ddp should help more

02-16-2013, 04:57 PM
Kevin Nash says he talked to both Scott Hall and Diamond Dallas Page about Hall's treatment on Friday. Nash tweeted:

"Talked to Scott today 4 over an hour, best he's been in 15 years.Thur detox and on to DDP.If anyone can take Scott 2 the next level it's him. Really don't give a f--k what marks think, just want what's best for Scott.Talked To DDP tonight feel were all on the same page."


Y0UR Messiah
02-17-2013, 07:46 AM
Okay, I'm calling it right now, 2 months and he'll be drunk again.