View Full Version : Wade Barrett Hypes Dead Man Down

02-22-2013, 03:00 PM
To hype WWE Studios' Dead Man Down, Wade Barrett is posting his "Stories From The Set" on Twitter. Here is the first one:

"On my first day on set, we were filming a particularly intense scene, and things just weren’t clicking with the cast. It was looking very bleak, so imagine my amazement when COLIN FARRELL came up to ME requesting acting advice! I thought to myself: “You couldn’t make this up!” I gave Colin a few words of wisdom and whaddya know?? The next take, he nailed it! The cast and crew immediately hoisted me onto their shoulders and a rendition of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” broke out. I could see the sheer admiration in the eyes of everyone in the room. As I climbed down, the Director had two glasses of champagne waiting for us. After we had clinked glasses, he looked me in the eye and said: “Thanks for saving the movie, champ.” I shrugged it off – I wasn’t in this for the ego boost - but that was the moment Hollywood realized that a new megastar had arrived, and his name was Wade Barrett."
