View Full Version : What the Xbox 720 Needs to Do in Order to Eclipse the PlayStation 4

02-25-2013, 10:30 AM
Without a doubt the biggest event of the month in terms of gaming was the reveal of Sony's PlayStation 4, the first true next-generation home console.

Even if it didn't actually reveal the console, Sony admitted its existence, confirmed it was going to appear in the holiday season of 2013, and demonstrated a wide variety of games for it, ranging from hardcore experiences like Killzone: Shadow Fall, to more outlandish ones, like Knack, or even technologies like the Unreal Engine 4.

Besides the games and tech, Sony also demonstrated the PS4's various features, chief among which being the cloud gaming options, powered by Gaikai, including the ability to start a game download and play it while it's still being transferred.

While PlayStation fans were excited, Xbox loyalists are now looking forward to Microsoft's own next-generation console, in the form of the oft-rumored Xbox 720, which might be revealed at E3 2013 this June.

Microsoft will have to do a lot of things with its next-gen device to eclipse the PS4, especially when it comes to the cloud mechanics.

Even so, the company can overtake Sony in other areas, chief among which being the sensor, as the rumored Kinect 2.0 should be much better at detecting people and input than the PlayStation 4 Eye camera, which was only presented and not even demonstrated by Sony.

The Xbox 720 will also have a much bigger emphasis on controlling the console or even the games through other objects than a controller, like a smartphone or tablet, via the already known Xbox SmartGlass tech.

Sony promised something like this for its PlayStation 4, including an improved remote play function through the PS Vita, but it didn't actually show anything like that at its announcement.

Considering Sony's early reveal, Microsoft has more than enough time to plan its Xbox 720 presentation and even make some last minute changes in order to overtake its rival.

Don't forget, however, that right after Microsoft's press conference at E3 2013 Sony will also hold its own gathering, where it's expected to reveal more features for the PlayStation 4, including the actual console.
