View Full Version : Greatest wrestling quotes from the attitude era

02-26-2013, 07:04 PM
"Lord knows, if it's on the internet, it's got to be true!" Shawn Michaels

"I am the singest... singest, is that a word?" - HHH

"I am twice the man you are, and I have half the brain you do!" - Sid Vicious speaking to Kevin Nash

"There's one thing that comes into mind when I see Trish Stratus... MANAGEMENT" - Jerry Lawler

"Representing The Allowance..." - Lillian Garcia

"Representing The Alliance, Chuck O'Haire!" - Lillian Garcia

"By the time The Iron Sheik gets to the ring, it will be Wrestlemania 37!" - Bobby Hennan

"Hey Bret! If you could just, uh, join us here in the real world for a little while..." - Sting, after a Bret Hart tirade

"Same Hurri-time, Same Hurri-station!" - The Hurricane (Shane Helms)

"Sid Vicious is a thinking man's wrestler!" - Larry Zbysko

"Speaking of birthday suits, I think Mae Young's needs ironing!" Jerry

"You knew if I was on the card I was gonna give you 100%, no matter how drunk, how hungover I was!" - Kevin Nash mocking Arn Anderson

"I got more on my mind than those girls have on their bodies!" - Jerry Lawler

"What time is it? It's Jenny Craig time!" - HHH mocking Vader

"I think [my] book is a lot about just how ridiculous the lifestyle is. For example, you win the King of the Deathmatch, you're on a cloud, and you've got press all around you and then the press leaves, and you realize there's no ambulance for you, the bus has left, and you walk to the hospital with your bag." - Mick Foley

"What am I doing carrying my own bags?" Vince McMahon

"Christian! His parents waited nine months to call him Christian. My parents could have waited nine months to call me Jew!" - Paul Heyman

"Here come the New Age Outlaws!" - Mike Tenay, referring to the Old Age Outlaws on Thunder

"Are you the real Santa, or are you just a fat piece of trash? I got a little Christmas present for you myself!" - Steve Austin (Before beating up Santa)

"Stone Cold's favorite beer is his next!" - Jerry Lawler

"Vince Russo is writing all of this sex and T&A. You know why? He can't get any! He has to write about it!" - Roddy Rowdy Piper

"One of us is thinking about sex... OK, it's me!" - Jerry Lawler

"The Mean Street Posse is the winner!" - Lillian Garcia

"Making their way to the ring, Lita!" - Lillian Garcia

"Hulk Hogan, you big bald son of a bitch, kiss my ass!" - Vince Russo

"If looks could kill, Austin would be on death row!" - Jim Ross

[Pat Paterson Proceeds To Remove His Shirt] "And Remember Guys, He's Single!" - Jim Ross

"When The Phenoix Suns are missing two basketballs, they'll know where to look!" - Bobby Hennan commenting on a porn star's gigantic breasts

"Everybody's screwed me and nobody does a goddamn thing about it!" - Bret Hart

"What is that smell? You might want to use that to clean up the mess you just made all over yourself!" - The Warrior, aftering being offered an NWO T-Shirt from Hollywood Hogan

"Unless you got real short and real fat, you ain't no Booker T!" - Steve Austin talking to Tazz

(To The Tune Of Happy Birthday) "Happy Birthday To Steph, You're a Hoe with Big Breasts, so take the Night off from Hooking... If ya Smell what The Rock's cooking!" - The Rock

"I got pairs of socks taller than Tazz!" - Jerry Lawler

"Ric Flair, you're a jealous old bastard! And you belong where you're at in WCW, because WCW sucks!" - Big Poppa Pump

"...and oh yeah stop being such a filthy, dirty, disgusting bottomfeeding trashbag ho! maybe then you`d have a shot at Y2J!!" - Chris Jericho talking to Stephanie

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: "I always say, 'Once is not enough'."

Rob Van Dam: "Yeah, I heard that about you." - Smackdown, September 27 2001

"Ahmed Johnson came from a neighborhood where the most common words heard was, You have the right to remain silent." - Jerry Lawler

"I think Stephanie just ruined Rob Van Dam's chances of becoming the WCW title" - Jim Ross, Raw, September 24 2001

"Pat Patterson works at The Brisco Brothers bodyshop... Yeah, he does rear-end work!" - Jim Ross

"Do you know who else is hot? My mom! My Mom's HOT!!!" - Paul Heyman, Smackdown, October 4 2001

"Making her way to the ring, The Women's Wrestling Federation Champion, Tori!" - Lillian Garcia

"DDP, while you're at the hospital, screaming in pain... your wife will be on her back, screaming my name!" - Big Poppa Pump

"The Crock thinks Kenny should switch to decaf!" HHH referring to Ken Shamrock (X-Pac) who is acting crazy.