View Full Version : Will Season 8 Of Dexter Be Its Last?

03-05-2013, 09:00 AM

Back in January, we learned that Dexter would return to Showtime for its eighth season a bit ahead of its usual schedule, with a June premiere set for the series, to match the debut of Showtime's new drama Ray Donovan. At that time, it was speculated, but unconfirmed, that Season 8 could be its last. And given the lengthy run for the serial killer drama, it wouldn't be entirely surprising if that were the case. Some might even go as far as to say the show is due to wrap up. While there's still no official confirmation that the show is on its way out, CBS president & CEO Les Moonves may have let slip the fate of the series during a conference with Deutsche Bank Media.

According to Broadcasting & Cable (via EW), Moonves referred to Dexter's upcoming season as its last. It may have been a casual reference to the show, and not meant to intentionally reveal the official status of the show. It's also possible that he made a mistake. Either way, the comment has people talking.

As we mentioned, there's been speculation that Dexter was head dingo its last season already. When it was announced that Season 8 would premiere in June, Showtime Entertainment president David Nevins said he wasn't making any announcements at that time about when Dexter will end, but that he would "clarify that before Dexter goes on the air," assuring fans that there's a clear end game in place but he wasn't able to talk about it. Considering June is just a few months away, we may hear official confirmation or clarification on the fate of the series soon enough. In the meantime, Moonves' comment doesn't bode well for the series. So fans might want to prepare themselves for the worst case scenario. At the very least, if it is the last season, the creative team behind the series likely know one way or the other and can prepare to wrap the show up with whatever ending they have in mind.
