View Full Version : 3/15 WWE in Bridgeport, CT Results

03-17-2013, 12:52 AM
WWE ran Bridgeport, CT:

*Tensai & Brodus Clay beat 3MB. Naomi nailed a hurancanrana on Heath Slater, setting up a double splash finish.

*Zack Ryder defeated Darren young and was laid out by The Shield, who cut a promo saying they'd destroy Ryback and John Cena later.

*Vickie Guerrero came out to announce Kaitlyn vs. Tamina. Kaitlyn won after Vickie's help backfired.

*WWE United States champion Antonio Cesaro defeated Kofi Kingston and The Miz after Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Kofi but Cesaro stole the pin. Afterward, Cesaro was double teamed. The fans were behind Kofi the most.

*R Truth pinned Titus O'Neal.

*CM Punk cut a promo about Wrestlemania.

*Ryback & John Cena & Sheamus won via DQ over the Shield. Seth Rollins hit Ryback and Sheamus with a chair at about the 20 minute mark. The Shield were impressive live and really had major heel heat.