View Full Version : Immokalee Results - 15th March, 2013

03-17-2013, 02:47 AM
Very small gym probably a hundred people at most. Wrestlers that weren't in action were used as staff and ushered people to their seats. Adrian Neville brought me to mine which was pretty cool. Damien Sandow and Brad Maddox were there to sign autographs and take pictures. Sandow was great and stayed in character the whole time, he even used a feathered pen to sign autographs.

* The show started with Mojo Rawley defeating Briley Peirce in a match that lasted about 10 minutes with both guys getting good offense in.

* Next up was Mike Dalton Vs. Brandon Traven. Decent match with Dalton scoring the victory.

* Divas tag match was next with Emma and Audrey Marie taking on Paige and Bayley. Emma and Audrey dominated the match until Bayley made the tag to Paige were she dominated and got the victory.

* Next match was Dante Dash vs. Mason Ryan who looked absolutely huge. Ryan got the victory using the torture rack.


* Back from intermission we get a promo from Sylvester Lefort explaining that he's a business man and that his tag team is going to be the next NXT tag champions. This brings out the team of Jake Carter and Garret Dylan. Their opponents are Scott Dawson and Danny Burch. Carter and Dylan get the victory.

* Up next was the tag team of El Generico (without mask) and Kassius Ohno Vs. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. Both teams beat up on each other for about 10 to 15 min before Bray Wyatt Hit his finisher on Ohno for the victory.

* After this match Sandow comes out and cuts a promo about how he's better than NXT. He then challenges anyone in the locker room to a match. This brings Xavier Woods, Axl Keegan, Leo Kruger, and Conor O'Brian out and surround Sandow untill he leaves. This sets up the elimination fatal four way main event. First eliminated is O'Brian when Kruger and Keegan team up to roll him up. Next out is Axl Keegan followed by Leo Kruger. Xavier Woods wins and celebrates with the fans to end the show.