View Full Version : Triple H Was Built for WrestleMania

03-25-2013, 08:58 PM
If it’s WrestleMania, then it must be “time to play the Game.”

Triple H is a wrestler built for the big stage, and we all know that in WWE, there is no bigger stage than WrestleMania.

In the 29-year history of the event, there are probably a handful of stars that WWE could count on to deliver a great match. At the forefront of that group is Paul Levesque, aka Triple H.

Look at the rundown of Superstars Triple H has faced during previous WrestleManias: John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Kane, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, and The Undertaker to name a few. There definitely are no slouches in that list.

At WrestleMania 29 in two weeks, he is going against probably one of the most feared and unbalanced men in WWE when he faces Brock Lesnar.

There appears to be no stopping him. Triple H was built for WrestleMania.

Triple H is a dying breed in WWE. He is one of the few stars on the roster who can bridge the gap between today’s PG product and the Attitude Era, a time for which many hardcore WWE fans still yearn.

He also is a shining example of how a wrestling legend went from creating a name for himself and maintaining his star status at earlier WrestleManias to helping new stars get traction in later WrestleManias.

Take a look at WrestleMania 21, for example. Triple H lost his coveted World Heavyweight Championship to an up-and-comer named Batista. The following year, he faced another young star in John Cena, who was the WWE champion, and lost.

At that point, it was clear. If WWE really wanted to put young stars over in the biggest way possible, then sign them to a match with Triple H at a WrestleMania event.

But Triple H also has proven that he is more than just a launching point for young stars. His matches with The Undertaker at the last two WrestleManias were so classic that WWE should put the footage of them in a time capsule to show wrestling executives in the future what a WrestleMania match should look like.

Triple H loves the industry and knows how to put on a good show. It is a characteristic that has served him well in and out of the ring, and definitely makes him WWE Hall of Fame-bound.

Furthermore, at this current stage in his 21-year career, Triple H is even more as important to WrestleMania as ever before.

His work schedule now has him splitting time between in-ring action and his duties as a WWE executive—and heir apparent to WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, who happens to be his father-in-law.

As the executive duties have begun taking more precedence over in-ring work, Triple H’s ring appearances have become less and less frequent to the point where he will be at WWE’s major pay-pre-views. And it is likely to get to the point that the only action Triple H will get involved in will be WrestleMania.

That will suit the WWE Universe just fine. After all, The Undertaker could be hanging up his wrestling gear for good after next year’s WrestleMania, and that will leave WWE management and the WWE Universe looking for someone to take over as the centerpiece of WrestleMania.

Who better to take on that role than the man who truly was built for WrestleMania? All they have to do is take the elevator to the executive-level suite of WWE Headquarters and knock on the door that reads, “Paul Levesque.”

Something tells me he will be more than willing to help.
