View Full Version : RAW Results - 25th March, 2013

03-26-2013, 06:19 AM
CM Punk, Paul Heyman, and the urn make their way to the ring. Paul tosses the urn to Punk and the pass is complete.


Punk says that they say that the Undertaker’s undefeated streak will never be beaten. This dead man is unstoppable on the grandest stage of them all. They say in hush tones that the urn feeds Undertaker power and is a representation of his spirit. They have a lot of opinions. They say a lot of stupid things . . . don’t THEY.

Who are THEY? He asks Paul Heyman and then Paul Bearer. Do they know what they are talking about? They don’t because everyone has opinions and the only opinion that matters is his. They are irrelevant and he is the only one who matters.

Last year the Undertaker went 20-0. Twenty times he has dispatched his opponent. It should have ended last year with Undertaker, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels skipping into the sunset. Punk says that Undertaker ruined it all and came onto his show and pointed at his sign. Because of his actions and storybook career at Wrestlemania, it is being rewritten by a man who is not afraid of the dark or of the undefeated streak. It is being rewritten by the best in the world.

Punk says that it is the Undertaker’s fault. Punk says that he did not take the urn to disrespect Paul Bearer. He took it because of what it means to Undertaker. It does not matter to him. Punk tosses the urn to the mat. The streak is the Undertaker’s. Punk will break it. Punk has something that the Undertaker does want. Taker is at a psychological disadvantage.

Taker coming back against any other man would have been great. He would have gone 21-0. He could have gone 30 or 50 and 0. There is nobody in the world who is better than him. There is nobody in the world smarter than him. There is nobody in the world who will beat him at Wrestlemania. Punk says that he is the 1 in 20-1.

Punk says that he is waiting for the lights to go out and the chill to enter the arena. He is waiting for the magic words ‘Rest in Peace’. Rest is something he has never been afforded and he has never been at peace. Punk says that the streak will rest in peace.


There is a gong and the lights go out.

The lights go back on and the Undertaker is in the ring and he punches Punk. Taker with a forearm to the head and Paul picks up the fumble and runs like Keith Byers to the end zone.


We go to commercial.

We are back and Fandango has something to say before his match, but he is interrupted by Chris Jericho’s music.

Jericho with a double leg take down and he punches Fandango. Jericho with chops to Fandango. Fandango goes to the floor and he goes up the ramp.

Dolph Ziggler comes to the ring and we have a match.

Chris Jericho vs Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee and Big E Langston)

Jericho takes Ziggler to the mat and he punches Dolph. Jericho with a running back elbow followed by a suplex and a kick to the back. Jericho with a forearm to the back but Ziggler with a kick to the chest. Ziggler with a punch to the head. Jericho with punches and chops. Jericho with a double leg take down and he tries for the Walls of Jericho but Ziggler escapes.

Ziggler runs into an elbow and Jericho goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dolph Ziggler is in control of the match. We see footage from the commercial break when Big E Langston pulled Jericho off the apron. Jericho with a rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with a drop kick for a two count. Ziggler with a splash into the corner. Jericho with chops to Ziggler but Ziggler with a knee and an abdominal stretch.

Jericho with a hip toss to escape. Ziggler misses the Stinger splash and Jericho with shoulder tackles. Ziggler sends Jericho over the top rope but Jericho lands on the apron and he goes up top for a double sledge to the head. Ziggler with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot and Jericho with a bulldog. Jericho with a springboard drop kick to Langston.

Ziggler with a leaping DDT for a near fall. Ziggler tries for a sleeper but Jericho pushes him off. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but Ziggler kicks him away. Ziggler has a drop kick blocked and Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho and Ziggler taps out.


Winner: Chris Jericho

After the match:
Langston attacks Jericho and then he gives Jericho the Big Ending. Langston tells Jericho that it is over for him.

From out of nowhere, Fandango makes his way to the ring with his Dancing with the Superstars partner. Fandango dances in front of Jericho. Fandango kicks and punches Jericho. He tells Jericho to say his name. Jericho chops Fandango but Fandango with a boot to the head.


Fandango goes up top for the leg drop.

Fandango kneels over Jericho and tells Jericho his name.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus is in the interview area and we see footage from the Smackdown main event involving Sheamus, Big Show, and Randy Orton against 3MB.


Then we see the issues between Sheamus and Show only to have Randy Orton play peacemaker while The Shield observed the problems between two of their opponents at Wrestlemania and Big Show.

Matt asks Sheamus if they have buried the hatchet with Show. Sheamus says that when the Shield tucked their tails between their legs . . .

The Shield attack Sheamus and Randy Orton hits Roman Reigns in the back with a chair. Rollins and Ambrose attack Orton. Big Show goes after the Shield and they leave.


Show helps Orton up and they breathe heavily.

Mark Henry vs Jimmy and Jey Uso

Jey starts off the match and they lock up. Henry sends Jey to the mat and then he biels Jey across the ring. Jimmy tags in and Henry with a kick and punch. Jey makes the blind tag. Jimmy with a drop kick and Jey with a super kick. Jimmy with a super kick and Jey with a superfly splash but Henry kicks out at two.

Jey with punches and Jimmy with a shot from the apron. Mark punches Jey and then he sends Jimmy into the ring post. Mark with a lariat to Jey followed by the World’s Strongest Slam for the three count.


Winner: Mark Henry

After the match:
Mark sees Jimmy on the floor and he doesn’t think that Jimmy has done enough to qualify for the Hall of Pain. Henry with a World’s Strongest Slam to Jimmy and he tells us that is what he do.

Mark picks up Jey and gives him another World’s Strongest Slam. Henry kicks Jimmy to see if he is still moving and then he hits a splash and he tells Jimmy that nobody splashes him.

We go to commercial.

Champion versus Champion Non Title Match
Antonio Cesaro vs Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)

They lock up and Cesaro works on the wrist. Del Rio with a reversal into an arm bar. Cesaro gets to the ropes and then he punches Del Rio. Cesaro with a European uppercut to Del Rio followed by an elbow drop for a near fall. Cesaro with a cravate but Del Rio with punches. Cesaro with knees. Del Rio with two clotheslines. Cesaro misses a clothesline and Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker followed by a super kick set up, but Zeb Colter comes out to the stage.

Cesaro attacks Del Rio from behind and he punches and kicks Del Rio. Del Rio sends Cesaro to the apron and Cesaro with a head butt. Del Rio crotches Cesaro and Del Rio sets for a superplex and he hits it.

Jack Swagger grabs Ricardo and he pushes him into the ring steps. Swagger pulls Ricardo into the ring bell quadrant and he slams the leg into the ringside barrier. Del Rio attacks Swagger and they fight into the crowd.

Del Rio kicks Swagger in the head while the referee continues his count and he gets to ten.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro by count out

Alberto Del Rio grabs Cesaro from the turnbuckles and then he kicks Cesaro in the corner. Del Rio floats over into the cross arm breaker and Cesaro taps because it doesn’t matter.

We have an earlier tonight moment of CM Punk’s comments about the Undertaker and the urn.

Daniel Bryan and Kane walk in the back and we go to commercial.

Daniel Bryan and Kane vs Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Kane and Titus start things off and Kane with a kick and clothesline. Bryan tags in and they send Titus into the turnbuckles. Bryan with Kicks of No to Titus. Kane tags back in and Kane sends Bryan into the corner for a forearm. Bryan sends Titus to Kane for a forearm. Kane works on the arm but Titus with kicks and he tags in Young.

Kane with an uppercut and punches to Young. Bryan tags back in and they hit a double hip toss and Bryan with a knee drop for a near fall.

Big E Langston and Dolph Ziggler go to the stage and they distract Bryan for a minute. Bryan with a series of Kicks of NO. Darren with an overhead belly-to-belly throw and then he tags in Titus. Titus with boots to Bryan followed by punches and kicks in the corner. Titus with a European uppercut and it is time to bark.

Darren tags in and Titus with a gourdbuster of Young onto Bryan and Darren gets a near fall. Young with a waist lock. Bryan with elbows and knees. Young with a knee and Bryan with a flying clothesline. Kane tags in and he punches Darren. Kane with a punch to the midsection followed by a kick to the head and a drop kick. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Kane charges into a boot from Young but Young runs into a boot from Kane.

Kane tries for a slam but Young escapes. Young with kicks but Kane with a side slam. Titus breaks up the cover but Bryan sends Titus to the apron and Kane kicks Titus off the apron. Bryan with a flying knee off the apron. Kane holds on to the ropes on an O’Connor Roll attempt and then Kane with a choke slam for the three count.


Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan

After the match:
Kane and Bryan taunt Ziggler and Big E on top of the stage.

We are back and we take a look back at last week when Triple H signed his Wrestlemania contract.

It is Game Time and Triple H makes his way to the ring and we get the Game Fountain.

For the first time ever, he finds his way in a situation where if he loses, he is never allowed to compete in the ring again. His career is over. If you go to the ring against Brock Lesnar, thinking that your career might not be over, you have already lost. He is a destroyer and a machine who can end your career.

Hunter says that he has had a twenty year career where he has gone into the ring each night like his career and life depended on it. If Paul Heyman thinks he has made this grand coup by putting him against a corner, he is mistaken.


Hunter tells Brock to show up at Wrestlemania like his career is on the line. Come to Wrestlemania and fight like your life depends on it. It very well might. He is not coming to Wrestlemania to wrestle or to fight. He is coming to kick his ass.

Wade Barrett’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Triple H does not appreciate that Wade is coming to the ring while he is still in the arena.

They stop short of the ring and Wade tells Hunter to move. Hunter kicks Wade and the Barrett Barrages.

We go to commercial.

Non Title Match
Wade Barrett vs Miz

Barrett continues to feel the effects of HHH’s kick and Miz with a reverse atomic drop and Barrett gets to the floor. Barrett returns to the ring and Miz with an atomic drop and a reverse atomic drop and Barrett gets to the floor again.

Barrett returns to the ring and Barrett with a kick and elbow to the head. Barrett with kicks in the corner and the referee warns him. Barrett with an Irish whip. Miz floats over but Barrett sends Miz to the apron. Miz goes up top and Barrett with a kick and then he puts Miz on the top turnbuckle and he kicks Miz in the midsection and gets a near fall.

Barrett with an elbow drop and then he punches Miz. Barrett with a rear chin lock. Miz with elbows but Barrett with a knee. Miz with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with the first half of the Reality Check but Barrett avoids the second half. Miz back body drops Barrett over the top rope to the floor. Miz with a double sledge off the apron and then he gets a near fall when they return to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett gets a near fall and he kicks Miz. We see Barrett sending Miz into the corner of the ringside barrier and then Barrett continues to work on the back. Barrett with knees to Miz in the ropes and then he kicks Miz to the floor. Barrett runs Miz’ back into the apron. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett stretches Miz.

Barrett runs into an elbow and then Miz with a drop toe hold that sends Barrett into the turnbuckles. Miz with punches to Barrett followed by a forearm and a running knee lift and kick to the head. Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then he goes up top for the double sledge and he gets a near fall.

Miz sets for the Skull Crushing Finale but Barrett escapes it. Barrett with the Blackpool Slam and he gets a near fall. Barrett gets Miz up for Wasteland but Miz escapes. Miz blocks a back heel kick and Miz goes for a figure four but Barrett counters with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a drop kick to the knees and then Miz with a kick to the hamstring. Miz is sent into the ring post and Barrett gets a near fall with a rollup.

Barrett with a back heel kick and he gets a near fall. Barrett sets for the Bull Hammer. Miz moves and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Barrett sends Miz to the apron. Barrett crotches himself on the top rope and Miz with the figure four leg lock and Barrett taps out.


Winner: Miz

Daniel Bryan tells Kane that he needs to be focused. Kane tells Daniel Bryan to stop it. Bryan says that Big E Langston and Dolph Ziggler are not the Prime Time Players.


Daniel mentions she who would not be named. They argue back and forth. Kaitlyn tells Daniel and Kane to stop focusing on AJ.

Daniel says that AJ is not focusing on Kaitlyn’s title. Kaitlyn tells Kane and Bryan that it is a new AJ. She calls her crazy but Kaitlyn does not realize that AJ has been listening to the whole thing. AJ attacks Kaitlyn and Kane and Bryan have to pull AJ off Kaitlyn.

We go to commercial.

Justin Gabriel, Zack Ryder, and Great Khali vs Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns

Rollins and Khali start things off and Rollins with kicks but Khali with a clothesline. Khali with a chop in the corner and he tags in Ryder. Ryder with a punch and then he sends him into the turnbuckles. Rollins with an Irish whip but Ryder with knees to Rollins. Rollins moves when Ryder tries for a drop kick off the turnbuckles. Rollins punches and kicks Ryder and then he tags in Ambrose who makes a wish with Ryder.

Ambrose with knees and punches. Ambrose rubs his forearm across the face and then he hits a drop kick. Reigns tags in and he punches Ryder when Ambrose Irish whips him. Reigns sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and he kicks him repeatedly. Gabriel tags in and he kicks Reigns. Ambrose makes the blind tag and he hits a lariat to the back of Gabriel’s head. Ambrose with a slam while Reigns takes

Ambrose with a bow and arrow and Rollins with a knee drop to the chest and Rollins gets the three count.


Winners: The Shield

After the match
Khali tries to fight the Shield, but the numbers are too much and they get Khali up for the Cerberus power bomb and they connect.

Sheamus’ music plays and he comes to the stage. Randy Orton joins him on the stage. Orton and Sheamus walk to the ring.


Reigns looks around and he sees that Show is at the announce table.

All six men battle in the ring and Reigns and Ambrose get out of the ring and Show with a back body drop to Rollins.


The Shield go into the crowd.

We go back to footage from earlier tonight when Chris Jericho got Dolph Ziggler to tap out to the Liontamer and then Big E Langston attacked Jericho followed by Fandango.

We see Vickie Guerrero’s office door open and Chris Jericho emerges. Josh Mathews asks Chris what they were discussing. Chris says that when you have been in the WWE as long as he has and accomplished what he has, he has a bullseye. Fandango has kicked his ass twice in a row and it means nothing. Fandango gets his chance. On the grandest stage of them all, it will be Fandango versus Y2J Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania. He tells Fandango to be careful what he wishes for because the bullseye is on his head and he will never . . . ever be the same agayne.

Damien Sandow says that they are in a city famous for greasy sandwiches and a stadium that has an actual prison inside of it. He demands silence.

Fear not because tonight the Rhodes Scholars have a gift for everyone. He tells everyone to avert their eyes to avoid the incandescence of the Bella Twins.

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow (with Nikki and Brie Bella) vs Brodus Clay and Tensai (with The Funkettes)

Sandow and Clay start things off and Clay sends Sandow to the mat. Clay with an Irish whip and splash. Clay with a side slam and Tensai with an elbow. Tensai misses a back senton splash and Cody tags in. Cody with jabs to Tensai followed by kicks and a neck breaker. Sandow tags in and he kicks Tensai and he connects with an elbow drop. Cody tags in and he kicks Tensai.

Cody with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Tensai sends Cody into the turnbuckles. Cody comes off the turnbuckles and is met with an uppercut. Clay with a shoulder tackles and then he knocks Sandow off the apron. Clay with a Sheeeeplex and then he sets for the splash into the corner and connects. Cody rolls to the floor and the Bellas are a human shield.

Naomi and Cameron attack the Bellas. Sandow drops Clay on the top rope and Cody with Beautiful Disaster for the three count.


Winners: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

Ryback is walking in the back as he gets ready for 3MB.

We go to commercial.

If Mark Henry can beat two men, I can beat three Match
Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre vs Ryback

3MB figure out who will be the first to face Ryback and Slater wins the toss. Ryback goes after Mahal and McIntyre on the apron and that allows Slater to get in a few shots. Ryback with a Thesz Press and then he slams Slater’s head into the mat. Ryback sends McIntyre into the turnbuckles after tagging in. Ryback with chops and then he knocks Slater off the apron and clotheslines Mahal over the top rope.

McIntyre takes Ryback to the mat with a kick and Mahal tags in and he kicks Ryback. Mahal with knees to the head and then Slater tags in. Slater with jabs and Ryback pushes him away but Slater with a leg lariat for a near fall.

Slater with a front face lock. Ryback sends Slater to the mat and McIntyre gets a near fall. Drew with an arm bar and he rubs his forearm across Ryback’s face. McIntyre with a side head lock and Ryback sends Drew into a corner.

Mahal with a running high knee for a near fall. Slater tags in and they Irish whip Ryback into the corner. Slater misses a splash into the corner and Ryback with a clothesline to Mahal and he sends Mahal into Drew. Ryback with a POUNCE and spinebuster. Mahal gets a spinebuster and it is time to finish things. Ryback with a marching muscle buster to Slater and Mahal and Ryback gets the three count.


Winner: Ryback

We are told that on Friday night, Ryback and Mark Henry will participate in a weightlifting competition.

AJ is skipping in the back and she will be in action as we go to commercial.

We are back and Arnold Schwarzenegger will be inducting Bruno Sammartino into the Hall of Fame.

Non Title Match
AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn takes AJ to the mat and then she Irish whips AJ into the corner and Kaitlyn with a shoulder. Kaitlyn with more hard Irish whips into the turnbuckles. AJ gets in the ropes to get the referee to stop Kaitlyn. AJ with a few slaps and Kaitlyn with a shoulder tackle. Kaitlyn gets AJ on her shoulders and he hits a gutbuster but AJ rolls to the floor.

Kaitlyn kicks AJ on the floor and then she goes for a spear but AJ moves and Kaitlyn goes into the ringside barrier. AJ returns to the ring while the referee continues his count. Kaitlyn has trouble regaining her equilibrium and Kaitlyn is counted out.


Winner: AJ Lee

We are back and Michael Cole announces that Big Show is officially the partner of Randy Orton and Sheamus.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring and he says that John Cena will be facing The Rock in a historic match. Tonight, it will be a historic night as well. At Wrestlemania they will answer the question of who is the WWE Champion. Tonight, a panel of Hall of Famers and superstars will ask Rock and Cena the questions.

The first panelist is Booker T. The next panelist is Mick Foley. The third man to ask the questions is Dusty Rhodes. The final panelist is Bret Hart.

When we come back, Rock and John Cena will answer their questions.

We are back and the Rock makes his way to the ring first. Out next is the challenger for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania, John Cena.




Jerry explains the rules. Each man will be asked a question. The other person will be able to answer the same question.

The first question comes from Mick Foley.


Mick mentions that he teamed with the Rock at Wrestlemania 20, a match that he lost. He felt bad for losing and costing the Rock for winning what people thought was his final Wrestlemania match. Mick says that he is a John Cena fan, but he felt a weight off his shoulders when Rock beat Cena last year.

Mick asks John if he is ready to live with the type of regret if he loses to Rock for a second time.

Cena says that there is no mistaking that April 7th will be a historic day for the WWE. Whether he wins or loses, it is safe to say that it will change the face of the WWE forever. If he wins, he gets satisfaction, the title, and much needed redemption. If he was asked last year about losing he would not talk about the subject. Then the Rock beat him so he knows that losing is an option. John says that regret is a tougher story and he says that he would feel like Donovan McNabb.

Donovan McNabb is the greatest quarterback to put on an Eagles uniform, but the people in the city he played in treat him the way they do because he could not win the big one. Cena says that Philadelphia deserves someone who can win the big one. Much like the WWE Universe, they need to have someone who can win the big one. If he loses on April 7th, he will carry the legacy of Donovan McNabb. He will get reactions of disdain. He might be statistically superior but he cannot win the big one. He can look in the mirror and handle failure. The Rock does not know about failure . . . not yet, but he soon will.

Rock says that he doesn’t know about failure? He knows about failure. When he was 23 years old, he was so broke he had to get a mattress from the back of a motel. A year later, he got his big break from the WWE. Six months later he flopped and hurt his knee. He was told to go home. He could have quit and given up his career, but he worked his ass off. He returned to the WWE Universe. He said to give him a mic. Two years after that, he became the youngest WWE Champion and he headlined Wrestlemania in this city.

FINALLY . . . the Rock has come back to Philadelphia. He was the youngest champion with the title in one hand and a Pat’s Cheesesteak in the other. That night, he got his ass kicked by Steve Austin. He sat alone in that locker room thinking about the loss and failure. He was going to come back better and stronger. Those failures led him to be the man he is today. The man he is today is going to whip Cena’s ass at Wrestlemania.

Bret Hart is next.


He says that it pained them to see them last year because of the bad blood. He can see that something has changed. What happened and changed.

Rock says that last year two men went at it to see who was the best. There were no cheap shots or screwjobs. John didn’t bitch, moan, and complain after the loss and he respected that about John.

John says that he started it when he called out the Rock years ago. He wanted the Rock to prove that he loved WWE. He hosted Wrestlemania 27 and then Rock beat him at Wrestlemania 28. Cena thought that Rock would walk away after winning in his home town. Then Rock came out and said that he wanted to be the WWE Champion. Cena says that Rock has proven his love for the business.

He respects Rock and appreciates what Rock said about taking the loss. We will see how Rock handles his loss in 13 days.

Booker T is next.


He points out that he has been in the ring with both men. John says that he thinks that he can beat Rock at Wrestlemania. He wants to know why.

John says that he has to.

Rock asks if that is it. He wants to know what kind of weak and shallow answer that is. Why not wipe a monkey’s ass with ‘I have to’. He wants John to rip himself open and tell everyone why.

John says that Rock cannot beat him. Cena says that he beat himself. One bad decision and he gets caught up in one personal moment. Some people like him and some people don’t like him. For ten years, he has been coming out and half the crowd likes him and half hate him. Rock is the only person who has clouded his decision. John says that he had Rock beat. Cena handled the best that Rock had. Cena figured he had to use Rock’s stupid move and one time, Rock got in the way of making the easiest decision. On April 7th, he will do it his way. He knows that he is better than the Rock. Much more importantly, the Rock knows that Cena is better than the Rock.

Rock says there is one thing that he does know. If Cena had him beat, he would have beaten him. Rock points out that he kicked out of the AA before Cena tried for the People’s Elbow. There is one more legend who Rock wanted to be like. Rock tells Cena ‘to be the man . . . you gotta beat the man’.

Rock tells Cena that between the Rock and him, John Cena will never . . . and means ever be the man.

Dusty says that they need to take the gloves off because Wrestlemania is not about respect. It is about winning and losing. There are no guarantees in this business. You don’t always get what you want and what you want is now what you get.


What do you really want on April 7th.

Cena says that he wants to win the big one and dominate the Rock. At the end of Wrestlemania, he wants the Rock to be looking up at the sky and he will finally realize that this ball cap wearing punk belongs in the Attitude Era. Rock will realize that John Cena is better than the Rock. He wants to do to the Rock what the Rock did to him. He wants to give Rock a loss that will haunt him for the rest of his life.

Rock wants to know who Cena is talking to. Rock says that he is not wired that way. The day after Wrestlemania, he will wake up as the WWE Champion. John Cena will wonder why he could not bring it again. If he wants to prove the Rock and the world wrong, prove them wrong at Wrestlemania. He wants Cena to prove him wrong right now.

Lawler tries to get them to calm down. Cena and Rock get face to face and Cena shows Rock he cannot see him. Rock pushes Cena but Cena gets Rock on his shoulders. Rock escapes and hits the Rock Bottom.



Rock at the top of the ramp and Cena still down in the ring stare each other down.



We go to credits.