View Full Version : Jared Leto received a human ear in the mail & wore it as a necklace: really?

03-26-2013, 08:05 AM

No one pays attention to actor/musician Jared Leto, not even when he lost 30 pounds to play an AIDs victim and a transsexual, rendering him almost unrecognizable. So I don’t know what kind of response to expect with this story, as outrageous as it is. Leto was interviewed on UK radio station XFM to promote his band 30 Seconds To Mars. He was asked about the strangest thing he’s ever been sent by a fan, and he claimed it was an actual ear. I listened to the audio (at 7:15 in the embedded audio on this page (http://www.jared-leto.net/jared-leto-a-fan-sent-me-an-ear-interviewaudio/)) and he sounds totally serious about it and not like he’s joking. He then claims offhand that he poked a hole in the ear and wore it as a necklace, but that part sounds like he’s just being macabre.

So will people care that fans are sending Jared Leto actual body parts? Were said body parts from a living person or just from a cadaver, say from someone crazy who has access to dead bodies on the regular? This story leaves so many questions unanswered, and what’s worse is the lack of follow-up from Leto. He drops this huge bombshell and then never reveals if he notified authorities that someone mailed him a damn human ear. That’s what allegedly happened though.

Jared Leto gets a lot of letters, gifts and photos from fans, but there’s one present that stuck out above all the rest.

In an interview with XFM, the 30 Seconds To Mars frontman, 41, revealed that a fan sent him their severed ear in the mail.

“The fans are an incredibly committed and passionate group of people. Going to a show is kind of like visiting Japan, you expect gifts on your arrival. You get all kinds of wonderful things,” Leto explained before describing the weirdest thing he’s ever received.

“Someone cut their ear off once and sent it to me, that was very strange. A whole ear. The Van Gogh move. The note just said, ‘Are you listening?’ I never knew who it was, who’s missing their ear out there,” he quipped, confessing what he did with the gross gift.

“I poked a hole in it and wore it as a necklace,” Leto joked, letting admirers know, “Just don’t put your entire body in a case and send it to us.”

Leto, who is also an actor, has some devoted (and bizarre) fans, that’s for sure.

Why would he assume that someone cut off their ear for him? If all they wrote was “are you listening,” wouldn’t he think the ear was obtained in some other (easier) way, like from a morgue? I don’t know why I care so much about this story, it just bothers me that he never contacted the FBI or whomever would be responsible for body parts sent through the mail. (It seems like it would be the FBI.) Or maybe he did contact them and revealing that part of the story or focusing on it too much creeps him out. I don’t know why I’m taking him seriously, this probably never happened and he’s just pulling dead ear stories out of his ass. Since people barely talked about him when he became an emaciated woman, he’s got to up his game somewhat.

