View Full Version : Eddie Izzard to run for London Mayor in six years

03-27-2013, 03:36 AM

Eddie Izzard has revealed plans to run for London Mayor in the future.

The British comedian stated that comedy is needed in politics to make it more "palatable" to the masses, and feels he could do a good job to help improve the country.

"I'm going to chuck in comedy in six years to go into politics," he told The Sun. "I've proved I can be determined and do things in a different way. And you need comedy in politics.

"There are lots of decisions to be made and people get bored talking about things that are only slightly different. It's very dry so you need comedy to make it palatable."

He continued: "You can get people's attention by doing huge tours and I'd rather do that than throw a TV out of a window.

"You do that and you're a rebel. But then you have no telly and a hole in your window. And if you play gigs you earn money, which is good for someone who wants to run for Mayor."

Izzard also outlined plans to run 27 marathons in just 27 days next March, as a tribute to former South African president Nelson Mandela's 27 years in captivity.

His first attempts to complete the challenge will be featured in a new Sky documentary in the autumn. He was recently forced to stop the challenge after he began urinating blood.

He said: "I guarantee I will do it. I will drag myself round. I did think, 'What if I fail a second time?' But Mandela tried and failed, tried and failed.

"Then he had a bit of success and failed. I will do the same thing - I'll go again until I do it. Mandela is a big hero of mine."
