View Full Version : David Hasselhoff loses campaign to save Berlin Wall

03-27-2013, 05:44 PM
Actor David Hasselhoff was left devastated on Wednesday (27Mar13) when bulldozers moved in on Germany's historic Berlin Wall following his failed campaign to save parts of the structure from demolition. The Baywatch star famously performed on top of the wall in 1989, a year before it was torn down to reunify East and West Germany, and this month (Mar13), he backed calls to save parts still standing from being removed to make way for new apartment blocks. However, the campaign was unsuccessful and demolition began on Wednesday morning (27Mar13), prompting Hasselhoff to vent his fury in a post on Twitter.com. He writes, "It's a sad day as the bulldozers came & ripped out the memories of those imprisoned by the Wall and those who died." The demolition sparked protests in Berlin and more than 250 police officers were deployed to control the crowds as the construction crews moved in.
