View Full Version : Anarchy wrestling hardcore hell live report

04-01-2013, 03:47 PM
Jerry Palmer's reign of terror as Anarchy Wrestling commissioner came to a shocking conclusion in the War Games at Hardcore Hell 2013 -- shocking in it's brutality, shocking in it's finality.

It was precisely one year ago at Hardcore Hell 2012 that Palmer turned against Anarchy and joined forces with former arch nemesis Jeff G. Bailey's Elite. That storyline has been the primary driver of all things Anarchy ever since.

As the uber disgruntled former owner, Palmer vowed to take back his company and/or burn it to the ground. He came close but no cigar. Rather than regaining ownership via an Elite victory in the War Games, Palmer was subjected to a sadistic beating as a result of the ultimate switcheroo, the surprise return of superstar babyface Mikal Judas (replacing Iceberg) to personally dish out Palmer's five minutes of hardcore hell inside the cage.

Take it from someone that saw the first War Games ever from the second row, no promotion on the planet, large or small, gives the War Games match its proper due like they do in Cornelia, GA.

As good as the War Games was, Hardcore Hell was no one trick pony. There wasn't a bad match on the show, and there were several pleasant surprises.

A full house of 200 rocked the Anarchy Arena. For a change, the building was cracking with energy all night long.

Bill Behrens opened the show with a touching speech under difficult circumstances. Behrens said Anarchy star Bryan Casanova's significant other was suffering with leukemia and in need of bone marrow transplant. The couple has two kids. One of them is autistic. Behrens channeled the talents of Bert Prentice in the best way, saying every day we wake up is a blessing from God, and asking fans to buy a raffle ticket to help the cause.

Behrens then talked about the Flair family. Behrens reflected on how David Flair came to Cornelia when NWA Wildside was a WCW development territory and broke down crying after his first match because he couldn't be his dad. Behrens said David learned to be more comfortable in his own skin, and went on to become an NWA Wiidside Tag Team Champion. Behrens said David wanted Reid to have the same opportunity to learn, but Reid decided against it. "I never had a chance to meet him, and now I never will." Behrens said Reid's death at the age of 25 was a tragedy.

"Cherish every single day of your life, and thank God every day for the opportunity."

Anarchy honored Reid with a 10 bell salute.

(1) Joey Rhymer & BJ Hancock defeated Bobby Moore & Adrian Hawkins in 8:07. Moore has a thing for Rhymer. He took credit for getting his mystery partner's suspension lifted. Hawkins interfered and the heels put Rhymer in the torture chamber. A unique double down spot saw Hawkins and Rhymer have the same idea, causing dueling springboard back elbows to crash and burn. The match broke down to where ref Dee Byers would have been pulling his hair out if he had any to pull. Byers correctly ruled that Moore's pin attempt on Joey was illegal. In exasperation, Moore pulled out the loaded elbow pad, and wouldn't you know it? Hawkins ended up eating it. Rhymer pinned Moore after teaming up with Hancock on a top rope combo.

Postmatch, Moore embarrassed himself with a kicking, screaming fit on the ramp.

(2) Se7en (with Jeff G. Bailey) defeated Seth Delay in 12:28. This match exceeded my wildest expectations. Se7en turned in his most compelling Anarchy performance ever. Per the stipulation, Delay was gone from Anarchy if he used the brass knucks. Se7en missed the big boot, and Delay cut the big man down to size with a dropkick to the knee. Delay blocked an early chokeslam attempt and busted out a flip dive. Se7en started the dismantling process. Se7en wanted to use a chair, but Delay dropkicked it into the monster's face. Delay then drove Se7en through a freaking table with a top rope splash -- a stellar choice to create believable vulnerability. Delay hit a top rope elbow. Se7en powered out at two. Se7en started shrugging off the damage. Delay took a full rotation bump onto his face off a backdrop. Se7en hit a killer powerbomb, but clutched at his knee before covering and Delay kicked out. Delay countered a chokeslam with an ankle lock. Se7en connected with the big boot but Delay kicked out at 2 and 3/4. Se7en got the chokeslam and Delay rolled a shoulder. Delay gave Se7en a superplex. Not the prettiest of moves but still an impressive sight given the size difference. Se7en went for another chokeslam and Delay countered with a triangle. Se7en broke the hold with a haphazard buckle bomb. Se7en was beating Delay to death, so Seth kicked him low. Delay missed a moonsault. Bailey hit Delay with brass knucks and Se7en finally put him away with the chokeslam.

Bailey twirled the knucks on his finger in a sickenly smug manner after the match.

Next up was a handicap match with Todd Sexton going for revenge against his brother, heel referee Brent Wiley, who has been screwing him at every turn in his feud with Bo Newsom. The heat for Miss Rachael's introduction of Wiley and Newsom was massive. Rachael said she too would have disavowed Sexton if he was part of her family. Wiley came out wearing a shirt, tights, and boots all with matching referee stripes.

(3) Todd Sexton defeated Brent Wiley & Bo Newsom (with Miss Rachael) via submission at 10:11. Sexton wanted a piece of his slimeball of a brother in the worst way. Wiley spent most of the match running and hiding and interfering, and let Newsom take the abuse. Wiley's offense was appropriately pathetic and brother Todd wouldn't sell for it. Sexton tried to chase Wiley down and ran smack into Newsom's spinebuster. Wiley applied Todd's trademark sharpshooter. Sexton powered out with ease and delivered a vicious chop. Newsom accidentally clocked Wiley when Sexton ducked out of the way. With Wiley down on the floor, Sexton gave Newsom a piledriver and played possum. Seeing Sexton down, Wiley seized the moment. Sexton kicked out right away. Wiley knew he had been had and tried to bail, but all three refs forced him back into the ring. Wiley got what was coming to him and the crowd loved it. It was time to make Wiley tap. Rachael ran distraction so Newsom could smash Sexton with her clipboard. Wiley covered and the crowd popped in relief when Sexton kicked out. Sexton dispatched with Bo and gave Wiley a superplex before making him tap to the sharpshooter. The finish got a great response. This was a match that provided a satisfying payoff.

(4) Billy Buck defeated Jacoby Boykins to retain the Anarchy TV Title in 13:10. Boykins came out of the gate like a raging bull. It wasn't working. Buck hit a twisting splash off the ropes that sent both men sprawling to the hardwood floor. Buck blocked a slam on the ramp (the move that put Buck out of action). Boykins blocked Buck's vaunted superkick. Boykins covered up to defend against a second superkick, so Buck went after his arm. Boykins survived a figure four leglock and sleeper. Buck survived multiple power moves. The selling in this match was very effective. That's nothing new for Buck. Boykins got it across that he didn't have his full powers because of the damage to his arm. In the end, Boykins hit his big spinning powerslam, but was slow to follow up, and Buck grabbed the ropes. Boykins sprung off the ropes and ran right into Buck's superkick for the 1-2-3. Sound psychology. Good match. Here's hoping Buck gets a healthy run with the title vs. worthy contenders.

(5) CB Suave defeated Tommy Penerelli and Champion Stryknyn to become the new Anarchy Young Lion's Champion at 7:40. Would Hot Commodity be able to maintain a united front? The champion didn't wait for an answer. He set out to destroy both of them and his offense was looking good. Double crossing ensued. Hot Commodity exchanged heated words. Stryknyn broke up the argument with a double clothesline off the top. Penerelli saved Suave from a spear. Suave rescued Penerelli from the Tourniquet. Hot Commodity started working together again, but a miscue caused referee Wes Grissom to get bumped. Stryknyn speared both of them. Anthony Henry hit the ring, speared Stryk and fired a snot rocket at him, erasing any lingering doubts about his heel turn. Suave got an arm over Stryknyn for the three count.

Suave and Penirelli left each clutching one end of the belt. This should be interesting.

(6) Najasism & Vandal defeated Washington Bullets (Jon & Trey Williams) to retain the Anarchy Tag Team Championship in 11:02. They tried for a flashy, fast-paced show stealer. It had some really good stuff and a fair amount of sloppy spots. Vandal has a certain charisma, but his work isn't on the same level as the other three. The crowd was hot in spots and died out at others. Bullets nailed Vandal with a combination of Naja's Iron Boot and a backcracker. The crowd got behind Vandal when he kicked out. The Bullets messed up. Naja hit the Iron Boot on Jon and Vandal pinned him with a neckbreaker. Based on their capabilities, I'd have to rate this match as a mild disappointment.

Bret Wolverton auctioned off a chair signed by all the Anarchy wrestlers with the proceeds going to Casanova's family. It went for $100.

(7) Team Elite (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis & Geter & Shaun Tempers & Jagged Edge with Jerry Palmer) Team Anarchy (Brodie Chase & Slim J & Azrael & Jeremy Vain & Iceberg with Franklin Dove & Reverend Dan Wilson) in 21 minutes of pure carnage. Palmer did a number on one of the security guards with his axhandle before the match ever got underway. Lots of blood. Jackson, Tempers and J bled buckets. Azrael and Nemesis also got color. Jackson and Slim did the first five minutes. A new wrestler entered every two minutes after that. Team Elite had earned the man advantage at the previous show and made the most of it throughout the match. Nemesis brought a barbed wire bat. Azrael brought a sickle. Azrael and J pulled off some indescribably unorthodox acrobatic double teams. Jagged Edge had a bullrope and a trash can lid as his weapons of choice. The returning Jeremy Vain got a huge babyface pop, which was a surprise since he left as a heel. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess. Jagged Edge gave J a piledriver, and his head bounced off the mat like a pogo stick. Geter was the last member of Team Elite to enter, and he inflicted massive damage on Team Anarchy before Iceberg arrived on the scene. The match ended shortly after all 10 men were in. J hit a flying reverse DDT off the top of the cage, and Tempers surrendered to the STF. The pop for the finish was the loudest I've heard at the Anarchy Arena in quite some time.

Iceberg said this moment with Palmer had been five months in the making, and he knew the people wanted to see him whip Palmer's ass...BUT he had done a lot of soul searching and come to the conclusion that Palmer was right. "I can't fight you. We have too much history. I can't but this guy right here can."

The crowd exploded when they heard Judas' music. Judas was thrilled to be there. His issues with Palmer was far more than five months in the making and included serious injury.

(8) Mikael Judas defeated Jerry Palmer in 4:50. The members of Team Anarchy pulled up chairs at ringside to watch. The fans chanted "whoop his ass" and an ass whipping is what they got. If the beating Palmer took was 1/10 as bad as it looked, I don't even want to think about it. Palmer offered to shake hands with Judas. Judas accepted and brought Palmer to his knees. Palmer bled after the first shot into the cage. I thought Palmer was going to fly right through the damn thing. Two more followed. When Judas hit Palmer with the trash can lid it sounded like a bomb going off. Palmer was in la la land. Judas kicked Palmer right in the face and pinned him with one foot.

Bailey and Geter entered the ring. Bailey berated Palmer. Geter crushed Palmer with two running splashes. Bailey wasn't satisfied. Geter was going to end it with a splash off the ropes. At that moment, Team Anarchy came to Palmer's aid. Enough was enough.

Bailey lost it on his way out. He used Palmer's ax handle to knock down the chairs set up at ringside, naming each one of them for an Anarchy team member as he went.

Palmer received some applause as he was helped to the back by Team Anarchy. Palmer had taken his beating like a man. Justice had been served. The score had been settled.

NOTES: Anarchy returns to action at the NWA Arena on April 13...Anthony Henry participated in the Ring of Honor training seminar in Charlotte over the weekend...Alabama Attitude (Mike Posey & Corey Hollis), who lost to the Movement at the March 23 Anarchy event, received a shot at ROH World Tag Team Champions Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly in Asheville Saturday night...Ken Wallace was the third referee along with the aforementioned Dee Byers and Wes Grissom...Television commentary was handled by Wolverton and Tim E. D...Jonathan Feltner handled the ring introductions during the War Games.
