View Full Version : Female fans ejected from Unforgiven

09-18-2006, 01:36 PM
PWInsider.com is reporting that they received an email from someone attending the Unforgiven pay per view event last night where that person discussed an altercation between two female fans and WWE security.

The incident took place during the WWE Championship main event after John Cena "crotched" Edge and went to the floor to grab a table. There was a very loud woman who was cursing at Cena and another woman with her, obviously voicing her dislike of Cena.

According to the person who emailed PWInsider.com, the referee came over and told the two women to stop "spitting" on Cena (the emailer claims the women did not spit at all at Cena, and from the replay of the show it did not appear like either spat at Cena) and shortly after security had them removed from the building.

As noted in PWInsider's report (and I also checked it out) at no time does it appear that either fan spat at John Cena but you can see the referee talking to them. If they were removed for spitting at John Cena, at least from the tape, it certainly appears that they were falsely removed.

09-18-2006, 04:09 PM
lol sucks to be them.

That Rob
09-18-2006, 07:27 PM
The reason they were ejected is not because they spat on Cena it's because throughout the show they were cursing and asked repeadly to stop, I was about 6 rows behind them and heard the whole thing.

The Instant Classic
09-18-2006, 08:18 PM
sucks for them hahahahaha

09-20-2006, 05:14 PM
So why don't they chuck out everyone who exercises their right to free speach by chanting F**K you cena? Were they just chucked out because they are women who have seen the light and hate chav boy?

09-27-2006, 01:52 AM
Yea i have the tape and i just watched it hah and why do they hate cena so much?