View Full Version : Ring of Honor Results - 16th Sep 2006

09-18-2006, 01:44 PM
Ring of Honor Results - 16th Sep 2006
Location: New York, New York (Manhattan Center)

NOTE: The show was said to be a legit sellout with an attendance of close to 1,100.

- Davey Richards defeated Jack Evans.

- Members of the Ring of Honor roster surrounded the ring. Bruno Sammartino was introduced and got a huge reaction from the crowd. A loud "WELCOME HOME" chant broke out. Sammartino got on the mic and said he hasn't been pleased with wrestling since his retirement, but added he was sent some ROH DVD's and was very impressed. He praised the wrestlers and fans, making sure to put over that ROH was all about "wrestling" instead of sports entertainment. After Sammartino left, Samoa Joe and Takeshi Morishima had a shoving match in the entrance area. Joe hit the ring and challenged Morishima to a match right away. They started to brawl and were pulled apart.

- Adam Pearce defeated Delirious.

- Jimmy Jacobs defeated Christopher Daniels & Colt Cabana.

- Jim Cornette & The Briscoes came out. Cornette's promo started off nice praising the ROH fans and how his real problem was with Homicide. He then had the whole crowd turn against him by running down New York and its people. The Briscoes were wearing confederate flags on their new ring gear and Cornette put over that he only liked people from the south. He added that Homicide would get a title shot this December if he was victorious tonight along with Samoa Joe against The Briscoes.

- Samoa Joe & Homicide defeated The Briscoes.

- Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong to become the NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions.

- Naomichi Marufuji defeated Nigel McGuinness to retain the GHC World Championship.

- Bryan Danielson defeated KENTA to retain the ROH World Title.