View Full Version : Ryback Speaks Out – Razor Ramon, Skip Sheffield, More

04-02-2013, 08:42 PM
Credit: NorthJersey.com

Ryback recently spoke about how Razor Ramon was an influence on him and more. Here are the highlights…

On missing last year’s WrestleMania and his attitude going forward: “Last year, I was sitting there watching in the stands as I was coming back from a big injury, and it was kind of still up in the air what we were going to do with [my character], I was remaining positive, but I told myself last year ‘this was the last one that I’m sitting out [and] I’m going to be a part of the rest of them.’ It was such a horrible feeling not being a part of it.”

Ryback’s thoughts on his NXT character Skip Sheffield: “When the [ankle] injury happened, I told myself ‘this was the best thing that was ever going to happen to me because deep down in my heart I knew I couldn’t do what I needed to do with the name ‘Skip Sheffield.’ “It’s a dopey name. It’s not a name that the general public will get behind, no matter what I’m doing out there. So being away for a year and a half and coming back under my own terms was a blessing in disguise, and the best thing that ever could have happened to me,” Reeves said.

On where the inspiration for his “finish it” taunt came from: “Razor Ramon was actually my favorite for quite sometime. There was just something about [the character]. The reason I do that ‘finish it’ [taunt] with my arms is because, if you remember, Razor Ramon would always kind of fire it up and throw his arms out.”

04-03-2013, 03:57 AM
I admit, Skip Sheffield was a bit weird for him lol Ryback suits him so much better.