View Full Version : Main Event Report / Results - 3rd Apr, 2013

04-04-2013, 05:33 AM
We are in Washington, D.C. and your announcers are Michael ‘Filibuster’ Cole and John ‘Let’s Get Ready to Recap’ Layfield.

Before the first match, Wade Barrett makes his way to the stage. He tells Miz not to worry. He is not here for trouble today. He wants to passively observe one more time before Miz becomes the next victim of the Barrett Barrage on Sunday. He tells Miz to do whatever it is he is going to do. He is going to sit next to his pals JBL and Cole during this match.

The Miz vs Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Darren starts things off and they lock up. Miz with a side head lock take down and he stares a hole through Barrett. Young with forearms and a side head lock. Darren with a shoulder tackle. Miz tries for a hip toss but Young avoids it. Miz with a reverse atomic drop and Miz tries for the figure four but Young gets to the ropes and the floor.

Darren wants a time out and they discuss strategy while we go to commercial.

We are back and Miz with a punch and he mocks the dog bark. Miz with kicks and punches. Miz with a boot to Titus but Titus with a shoulder tackle. Titus shows Miz how to bark. Titus with a punch to the head. Miz escapes a slam and he chops and punches Titus. Miz with a sunset flip but Titus does not go over.

Titus with a knee and European uppercut. Titus with a slam and Young is tagged in and he stomps on the midsection and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Miz with an elbow but Darren with a knee. Miz blocks a suplex and hits a suplex of his own. Miz sends Darren into the turnbuckles and then he climbs the turnbuckles and punches Darren and then he hits a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

Miz with knees but Darren with a kick and he kicks Miz in the back. Darren with an elbow drop and he tags in Titus. Titus with an elbow drop and then he chokes Miz in the ropes. Darren tags back in. Miz with a knee to the midsection followed by a boot to the head for a near fall. Darren goes to the floor in front of the announce table.

Titus checks on Darren but Miz stays in the ring so he does not get close to Barrett. Miz with punches in the corner and then he connects with knees. Darren with knees. Miz with a drop kick to the knees and he tries for the figure four but Young tries to send Miz into his corner but Miz knocks Titus off the apron. Miz with the Reality Check for a near fall as we go to commercial.

We are back and Titus with a boot to Miz. O’Neil gets a near fall. Titus with an abdominal stretch. Miz escapes and he kicks Titus. Titus catches Miz and he hits a back breaker and then he tosses Miz over his back and Titus gets a near fall.

Young tags in and he kicks Miz in the ribs. Darren with a chop to Miz followed by a leg drop and he gets a near fall. Young with a reverse chin lock. Miz with elbows but Young sends Miz into the corner and he Irish whips Miz but Miz with an elbow followed by a double leg take down and punches.

Young with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Titus tags in and he hits a gourdbuster of Young onto Miz and Titus gets a near fall. Titus waits for Miz to get up in the corner and Titus with a splash and he gets a near fall. Titus misses a shoulder in the corner and Titus goes down.

Darren tags in and Miz with a knee and a knee lift followed by a boot to the head. Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then Miz with a boot to Titus on the apron. Miz with the double sledge from the top but he can only get a near fall. Young with a kick and he gets Miz on his shoulders but Miz escapes and he kicks Young and hits a DDT but Titus breaks up the cover.

Miz sends Titus to the floor but Young with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Miz with kicks and Titus tries to trip Miz but Miz avoids it. Young with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a baseball slide to Titus on the floor and Miz applies the figure four and Young taps out.

Winner: The Miz

After the match:
Miz gets on the turnbuckles to celebrate his victory. Barrett gets up from the announce table and he holds the title belt for Miz to see.

We go to commercial.

We are back and do you want to see what an evisceration looks like? We see the Undertaker and CM Punk from this week’s Raw.

We then go to Shawn Michaels’ comments to Triple H about his match with Brock Lesnar on Sunday.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see what Jack Swagger had to say in front of the Capitol.

We go to the interview area and Matt Striker is with the Big Show. Matt says that some think that he is the wild card, but some think that he is a valuable ally. Is the Big Show turning over a new leaf? Show wants to know how stupid Matt is. Show says that is the last thing that Orton and Sheamus want him to do. They want him at his most vicious, most cruel, and most intense. That is what he is bringing to Wrestlemania. It is not about redemption, friends, allies, wild cards, or turning leafs. It is about payback and retribution. Those rookies picked a fight with a giant. It was a dumb move. At Wrestlemania, they will find out that the only leaf they are turning is this one (as Show shows us his fist).

We go to commercial.

We are back and with a video package for Rock versus John Cena.

We go to credits.
