View Full Version : John Cena discusses Wrestlemania with the New York Post

04-04-2013, 06:34 AM

With Wrestlemania 29 just four days away, the Tri-State area is buzzing with anticipation.

Sunday marks the fourth time in the event’s history that it will be held in the New York-New Jersey Area (Wrestlemania I, X and XX each took place in Madison Square Garden).

The Post had a chance to catch up with John Cena to talk about his favorite part of being in New York, the slew of WWE events taking place this week and his thoughts on almost all things Wrestlemania related before his WWE Championship match against The Rock this Sunday at MetLife Stadium.

For you and the other superstars, what is Wrestlemania Week like? How excited are you?

That’s an understatement, it’s my favorite time of the year.

It gets bigger every year, and because it really is the end of our calendar year, you can really feel the anticipation that is related to it. It’s in the same breath as March Madnees, the NFL Playoffs or any major sport coming to the close of what they do.

It also has a sense of excitement of your television show’s season finale. It’s really all of those things rolled into one, it’s really special.

This is the second straight year where you and The Rock will be headlining Wrestlemania. What is it like getting to face someone so revered in the industry?

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is more than a legend. I call him the face of the Mount Rushmore of the WWE. He literally has done it all. To be able to be included in a match of this calendar at Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship, it will be a historic moment.

And then with it being at MetLife, that has to add to the energy right?

It’s fantastic. Not only is it the center of the media universe, but it is also WWE’s home base. When you look at the beginnings of WWE, it is Madison Square Garden and the Tri-State Area.

Being from Massachusetts, do you have any Boston-New York hatred inside of you?

The rivalry is in sports games and with teams only. Ask any Boston fan and they will tell you that New York is the media center of the world and I really can’t think of a better place for the event.

Well then, what is your favorite part about New York City and your favorite part about Wrestlemania?

My favorite parts run parallel. My favorite part of Wrestlemania week as well as being in New York is being in front of that crowd in the middle of that ring.

Wrestlemania is our biggest event but it attracts our biggest fans from all over the world. It really is just being surrounded by the best of the WWE. From a WWE Superstar perspective, from a WWE Universe perspective, our biggest fans come to New York.

It’s been a little cold up here as of late, any concerns that the elements could play a role in Sunday’s event?

I would love nothing more than if it were to be a Lambeau Field type atmosphere. I think that would be fantastic. I think it would be a little difficult for our fans to sit out there, but I’ve been to MetLife in cold weather, it’s a great stadium and I think people will enjoy it no matter what. I hope it’s that grizzly wintry mix.


As I mentioned before, this is the second time you are facing The Rock. Coming off a defeat, how will Sunday’s match be different aside from the title being on the line?

I think it’s very different.

I think a lot of people thought what I thought last year, that it would be the last time we would see The Rock. I really thought that would be my once in a lifetime chance to face The Rock. It was Wrestlemania, it was his home town, I just thought that it would be the last time we would see him.

The day after in Miami he said that not only did he want to be back, but he wanted to be back to compete and to be champion. Rock wanted to usher in a new era, saying John Cena, your time is over, it’s my time now.

Outside of your match, which Wrestlemania match are you looking forward to the most?

CM Punk and the Undertaker. Undertaker is a true phenom and he seems to get better every single year. I’ve been in the ring with CM Punk many times and he says he’s the best in the world because he truly believes it.

Do you think Punk can end The Streak?

Yes, I do. Only because of his brash attitude and the fact that he literally swims upstream with everything that he does. He is on Planet CM Punk and the population is one. If there is any wild card in the WWE that can end the streak, it’s CM Punk.

What is the mood like in the locker room when you have legendary figures like The Rock and Undertaker mingling with the Superstars?

Interestingly, its split. There are some people like me who appreciate their involvement in Wrestlemania because it needs to be the biggest extravaganza that we give to the WWE Universe.

There are also some that feel as if their Wrestlemania spot has been sacrificed for these future Hall of Famers. I don’t understand or agree with it.

This is a very proactive business. We do over 300 events a year, 52 weeks a year, if you want to be in that spot, to be a future legend or Hall of Famer, every week you need to learn. I don’t understand any sort of resentment and I think it’s very short-sighted.

Do you view yourself being in the same class as The Rock and Undertaker, let’s say, ten years from now?

I have learned a lot in this business. The most valuable thing I have learned is you focus on one day at a time and right now that’s April 7. If I can score a victory on April 7, I think it betters my case to be in that group.

nypost - Original article can be found here (http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/tv/wwe_superstar_john_cena_discusses_AjNX69oxt4pwDzG5 fTsiaL).