View Full Version : WWC's "Camino A La Gloria" results, Carlos Colon Sr issues challenge and more

04-04-2013, 02:05 PM

World Wrestling Council (WWC)

WWC held their event “Camino a la Gloria” (Path to Glory) last Saturday evening at the “Pepin” Cestero Arena in Bayamon, PR. They continued their streak of good crowds as they were able to attract more than 1,500 fans to the show. Take into account that the weather was playing against them, as there was a lot of rain and flash floods over the course of the weekend in the island. I would venture to say that they could’ve had a much bigger turnout if weather conditions would have been better. Still, really good crowd that was hot all throughout the night, especially when it came time for the top matches in the card. Here are the results and some comments from the event:

Zion RT1 retained his WWC Jr. Heavyweight weight title when he defeated “El Diabolico” via pinfall.

The Joel Brothers (Chris & Steve) defeated Jay Velez and AJ Castillo

In a #1 Contenders Match to the WWC Tag Team titles, “Bad Man” Andy Levine and Samson Walker defeated “Zona 101”, Chicano and Abbad in what was a really fun match to watch. Both teams worked hard and the fans were really into this match.

Eddie “Primo” Colon defeated the mystery opponent that Invader #1 had chosen for him. Nothing to write home about here. Unfortunately this match was more of a disappointment for pretty much everyone in the crowd, as the mystery opponent was a masked man that looked to be a little out of shape. Not exactly the kind of “surprise” that fans were expecting and I would say a waste of Primo’s talent, as they could have used this match to set up an angle that could potentially lead to a future match against his brother Carlito, Invader #1 or any other member of “La Familia Cool”.

Grudge match between Invader #1 and Savio Vega was a slugfest that had the fans involved in it from start to finish. The fight started from the entrance way and into the crowd. They literally fought from one end of the building to the other before even getting into the ring. When they finally get to the ring they were able to put a really good back and forth match, bringing the crowd to their feet in more than one instance. On the latter part of the match, Vega and Invader engaged in a back and forth that lead to Vega going for and missing the pain-killer sidekick, only to have Invader go for his heart-punch and Vega avoiding it, and turning once again and this time connecting the pain-killer sidekick on Invader. They both go down on the canvas and after a few seconds Vega is able to recover just enough to place Invader in his “cobra sleeper-hold. As Invader was starting to fade, members of “La Familia Cool” come out to interfere. Vega is able to fend off the attack at first, but eventually is subject to a beat-down at the hands of the faction. Invader then gets on the mic to work the crowd and tells Vega that he is just a piece of s#%t, kicking him on his way out of the ring. Vega was left lying in the ring and nobody came out to help him. As he was trying to make his way back up and to the back, he was announced as the winner of the match via DQ. At this point the crowd erupted in support of Savio and he looked at the fans acting as if he was taken aback by the reaction.

Next up, with WWC’s Universal title belt hanging from a pole 15’ high, “Super Fenix” retained the title by defeating Ray Gonzalez, in what was yet another controversial finish within this feud. Another match that had all the fans involved from beginning to end. As Fenix came out for the match with Orlando Toledo, the crowd started chanting “The Precious One” Gilbert’s name and Fenix acted as if he was upset about it. He went to take his mask off, but Toledo did not let him. As the crowd continued to chant Gilbert’s name, Fenix went ahead and took his mask off, only to reveal another mask underneath. This got a ton of heat with the crowd. Immediately after this, Gonzalez came out and attacked him to start the match. Really good back and forth throughout the match that saw both, Fenix and Gonzalez, going for the belt at different points only to be stopped by the other. Toledo interfered a couple of times during the match. Towards the end of the match, there was a ref bump. Gonzalez took the advantage in the exchange and decided to go after the belt. As he was climbing the ropes in the corner he saw that Fenix was recovering and went after him with a “plancha” from the top rope. Fenix recovers and hits the “Fenix Landing” on Gonzalez and then goes for the belt. As he was climbing, Gonzalez comes up and pushes him. Fenix was caught tangled in the ropes as he fell from the top. He gets untangled and Gonzalez and Fenix go the floor to slug it out. At one point, Fenix decides to run towards the locker room. Gonzalez then heads back to the ring to go for the belt, but Fenix comes back and they start slugging at each other. While they are tied up in the brawl, a second masked “Super Fenix” comes out from the locker rooms, climbs and reaches the title belt. Toledo then goes to get the ref who was still down. The ref looks at the second Fenix holding the belt and calls for the bell, declaring him the winner of the match. After the match Fenix and Gonzalez took to the mic for solid exchange of words, however Fenix had his voice disguised throughout the heated exchange.

WWC World Tag Team title match – Thunder & Lightning became the new champions after a good stiff and hard fought “Tables & Chairs” match against Sons of Samoa.

During the course of WWC’s Sunday TV show, Carlos Colon Sr. was interviewed by TNA’s Spanish announcer Willie Urbina. During the interview Colon Sr. spoke about how he has received the green light from his doctor to go back to training and that is what he has been doing. But that there is purpose and that is to challenge Invader #1 for one final match at “Aniversario 40”. So, we have the first match tentatively set up for this big event that will be taking place in mid June.

This weekend’s show will include footage from all the incidents that took place at last weekend’s “Camino a la Gloria” event.

WWC will be holding their weekly house show/TV taping this Saturday in Yabucoa, PR. The following is the line-up that has been announced for the show:

WWC Universal Heavyweight / Rematch – “Mr. Ray-tings” Ray Gonzalez vs “Super Fenix” (c)

Rematch – Savio Vega vs “The Puertorican Dream” Invader #1

WWC World Tag Team title match – Thunder & Lightning (c) vs “Bad Man” Andy Levine & Samson Walker (w/ Orlando Toledo)

WWC Jr. Heavyweight title match – Zion RT1 (c) vs “El Hombre de la Calle” Barrabas Jr.

3 more matches will be announced during the course of this Saturday’s TV show.
