View Full Version : First Hand Report on the Chaos at Axxess 5th April, 2013

04-06-2013, 05:43 PM

I attended WWE's Axxess session earlier last night and it's one of the highlights of WrestleMania weekend that I look forward to going to every year. This year I have to say that it is a major step backwards as compared to the last few years when Axxess was held in a convention hall.

By having it in an arena they had to cut out many of the popular attractions including Undertaker's Graveyard, the mini entrance stage where fans can have a video taken of them doing their favorite wrestler's entrance, the Hell In A Cell setup, the big Hall Of Fame room where you can see a ton of memorabilia, the display of famous cars that were used and/or destroyed over the years, the option to call a match with a commentator and have it recorded onto a DVD and a few other attractions that were very popular are no longer there.

And forget about waiting on line to get an autograph or a picture with a current star. The way they have it set up is a mess. The lines start out in the hallway and they zigzag back and forth like a post office or bank line before you actually get into the arena where the seats are. After that they have you sit in the seats in the audience until its your turn in line to meet the wrestlers. You're lucky if you're able to meet 2-3 wrestlers.

Another issue is the majority of the attractions are in the hallway which means you can't see anything that's going on in the ring. When Axxess was in the convention centers you can at least still see the ring and what was going on while you waited on line for a picture or autograph.

Overall it just seemed like WWE produced this year's Axxess very half-assed as opposed to the last few years that I've been to where it really felt like they put a lot of time and effort into making it feel special. I was really looking forward to this for months, but after the whole VIP ticket fiasco with Ticketmaster I should've taken that as a warning sign.


04-06-2013, 05:59 PM
Amazing, I thought it was all going so well. I have heard and read other reports that things are not going smoothly.

04-06-2013, 07:25 PM
Thats a bit disappointing. Doesn't really make me have much hope for next years (I was thinking of going)