View Full Version : One Night Only - X-Travaganza Results - 5th April, 2013

04-06-2013, 09:58 PM
TNA One Night Only: X-Travaganza
Orlando, FL (Impact Zone)
April 05, 2013
Report by Josh Boutwell

The first installment of TNA’s new “One Night Only” PPV series puts the high flying X-Division on display and we kick things off with a special introduction and video package highlighting the X-Division.

Mike Tenay & Tazz welcome us to the show and they hype up the card for tonight. They’re going to run through the Top 10 moments in the history of the X-Division throughout the night. #10 is AJ Styles’ win over Psicosis, Jerry Lynn, & Low-Ki in a Round Robin Match to crown AJ as the first ever X-Division Champion.

X-Division Xscape Steel Cage Match
Lince Dorado vs. Puma vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Sam Shaw vs. Alex Silva vs. Christian York vs. Matt Bentley

As Matt Bentley comes to the ring highlights of his career, especially the first ever Ultimate X (when he was known as Michael Shane), are shown. Puma is rocking a sweet new mask that I haven’t seen him use before, it looks like a cross between the old mask and his time as Sydistiko in Lucha Libre USA. All of these guys have competed in TNA at one point or another except for Dorado who is a former CHIKARA King of Trios winner and a Puerto Rican masked star. As the bell rings they’re going to try and keep some order to kick things off as there will be tag rules to start off. These are Lucha Style tag rules, all a guy has to do is roll under the ropes and someone can replace him or they can tag out traditionally. Eliminations are pinfall or submission. When it gets down to the final two, the first man to escape the cage wins. Lince & Silva kick the match off. Lince goes for a kick but Silva catches his foot and hit’s a Dragonscrew Legwhip. Lince trips Silva up and then they exchange wristlocks. Silva whips Lince into the corner but he floats up and over him and then connects with a nice hurricanrana. Lince follows up with a Leaping Kick and then a Springboard Hurricanrana! Silva tags in York and he blocks a hurricanrana but Lince answers with a series of kicks only to get destroyed by a Flying Knee from York. Puma replaces Lince in the ring and exchanges chops with York. Puma then flips over York and goes for a hurricanrana but York cartwheels through it. York whips Puma into the corner but Puma uses his balance to headstand on the top rope into a Spinning Headscissors! Puma then goes for a hurricanrana but York lifts him up into the air. Puma lands on the top rope and kicks York back, and as he sets up for a high spot Rave grabs him and pulls him down across the top rope. Rave replaces Puma in the match and clotheslines York from behind. Shaw & Bentley put the boots to York and choke him on the mat. Rave covers York for an early nearfall and then tosses York into the boot of Bentley. Bentley slams York to the mat and continues to double-team him with Rave. They whip him into the ropes and connect with a Double Back Elbow. Sam Shaw comes in and hits Rave from behind and now all the guys are in the ring brawling! York & Dorado are taking turns chopping Rave in one corner and then York goes for a Suplex on Dorado, but he blocks it and hits a Tornado DDT off the ropes! 1…2…NO York kicks out! Its back down to two guys as York hits a series of knees followed by a Swinging Neckbreaker! Sam Shaw and Silva replace both guys as they hit them from behind. Silva hits Shaw with a Back Elbow and then covers him for a one count. Shaw answers with a Jawbreaker and then a dropkick for a nearfall of his own. Shaw hits a Vertical Suplex and then Bentley comes in and replaces Silva with a Fisherman Suplex on Shaw. Bentley climbs up top and hit’s the Picture Perfect Elbow! 1…2…NO Shaw kicks out! Bentley tosses Shaw into the corner and then attempts to whip him into the opposite corner but Shaw reverses it. York tags in and Shaw bails out as well. Lince comes in and rolls York up but only gets a two count. Lince hits a Springboard Missile Dropkick but York bounces off the ropes with a back kick and then the Mood Swing! LINCE IS ELIMIANTED! Puma dives off the top with a Missile Dropkick to York and then he hits a series of crazy strikes to Shaw. Puma goes for a Roundhouse Kick but Shaw ducks and then rolls Puma up! Puma rolls through and attempts a clothesline but Shaw ducks it as well and hit’s a Backstabber followed by a Neckbreaker! 1…2…3! PUMA IS ELIMIANTED! Silva takes out Shaw and then Bentley comes in and eats a series of strikes from Silva. Silva hits an Atomic Drop followed by a clothesline and then a Flying Knee! Shaw comes back in and hit’s the Backstabber/Neckbreaker combo on Silva! Bentley shoves Shaw away and pins Silva! SILVA IS ELIMINATED! Bentley and Shaw exchange punches but then Bentley pokes him in the eyes and attempts a Brainbuster, but Shaw blocks it only to eat the Sweet Shane Music from Bentley! Bentley and Rave double team Shaw in the corner. Rave hits a series of forearms but Shaw answers with a flurry of forearms of his own! He hits the ropes but eats the Move That Rocked The World from Rave! SHAW IS ELIMINATED! York grabs Rave and rolls Rave up but only gets a two count. Bentley decks York and then Rave holds York as Bentley climbs up top. Bentley dives off with a clubbing blow off the top to York. Bentley hits York with an elbow and then Rave lights York up with chops. Bentley tosses York to the side and taunts the crowd before going back to putting the boots to York. Rave and Bentley whip York into the corner and then Rave whips Bentley into a clothesline on York in the corner. Rave then charges at York but he gets his boot up and then catches Bentley with a boot as well! York with a Half Nelson Suplex to Rave and the Mood Swing to Bentley! 1…2…3! BENTLEY IS ELIMIANTED! Rave slams York into the cage wall! Rave climbs up to the top of the cage and attempts to escape, but York stops him and pulls him back down to the top rope. They brawl on the top and York slams Rave into the cage repeatedly. York then climbs up but Rave pulls him down and off the top! Rave climbs back up to the top of the cage and starts to climb over but York bounces back and climbs to the top to cut him off. York climbs up to the top of the cage with Rave and they exchange right hands from the top! Rave spits in York’s face which infuriates him! York slams Rave’s face into the cage and then Rave falls down to the top rope. Rave grabs York’s leg and pulls him down with him. Rave and York exchange strikes but then York slams Rave into the side of the cage and hit’s a Super Mood Swing off the top! York climbs up the cage but as he is climbing over Rave recovers and grabs York’s leg! York kicks Rave off and climbs down the cage to the floor to win!

Winner: York via escaping the cage

The #9 Moment in TNA History is the 2008 World X-Cup Finals at Victory Road where Volador Jr. from CMLL was able to win the match for Team Mexico over Kazarian (Team USA), Daivari (Team International), and Naruki Doi (Team Japan). The spot that was focused on was Kaz’s insane Guillotine Leg Drop off the scaffolding onto Daivari who was hanging on the cables. Kazarian and Christopher Daniels always seemed to be the guys that took the most insane chances in those matches, especially Kazarian.

In the back Jeremy Borash says tonight is old school vs. new school with old faces from the X-Division meeting new faces. Tony Nese & Rashad Cameron talk about their match with Doug Williams & Kid Kash tonight. Nese says the X-Division is always evolving and he is the finished product of that evolution with his speed, strength, and intelligence. He says he and Shad will prove why they’re the future of the X-Division. Shad says that the last time he was in TNA he proved what he brings to the X-Division and he says that he is different than anyone else that’s ever stepped foot in the division. He says he and Nese are going to “beat the brakes” off Williams & Kash and the people will know that he is the future of the X-Division at the end of the day.

Kid Kash & Doug Williams vs. “The King of Philly” Rashad Cameron & Tony Nese

We haven’t seen Nese since 2011 and Cameron hasn’t been seen in TNA since last year’s Destination X. Indy fans will know him as BLK Jeez from Ruckus’ group BLK OUT. Williams & Kash are both former X-Division Champions. Williams and Cameron will kick this one off. They lockup and Williams forces Shad into the corner but breaks clean. Shad forces Williams into a corner as well and breaks clean as well both playing babyface roles to start off. They lockup a third time and this time Shad gets Williams in a wristlock but Williams rolls through it and counters into a top wristlock. Shad rolls through and counters back into a wristlock of his own. Williams attempts to roll through but Cameron rolls with him and rolls him up for a nearfall. Williams grabs Shad’s leg and trips him up and attempts an Ankle Lock and as Shad fights it Williams drops his elbow across Shad’s knee and then rolls him over and locks in an insane seated Surfboard type of move. Kash comes in and kicks Shad repeatedly but then Nese comes in and breaks the hold up. Williams argues with Nese allowing Shad to roll him up for a nearfall. Williams and Nese talk trash back and forth and then Williams kicks Shad and locks in a side headlock. Shad shoves him off but eats a shoulder block and then Shad leapfrogs Williams and connects with a dropkick! Williams rolls out to the floor and attempts to bait Shad into a dive but Shad stops and backs off as Kash talks trash to him. Williams rolls back in and into a wristlock from Shad and then Nese tags in. Williams breaks the hold and tags Kash in. Kash charges at Nese but eats an armdrag but Kash comes back with a Waistlock Takeover. Nese counters but Kash counters right back in a beautiful chain wrestling sequence. They continue to counter each other with holds until Kash hits a series of knees and chops. Kash whips Nese into the corner and then charges but eats an elbow followed by a Springboard Cross Body for a nearfall from Nese. Nese clotheslines Kash over the top rope and then sets up for a dive but eats a Lariat from Williams! Shad hits a dropkick to Williams sending him to the outside and then hits a gorgeous Somersault Plancha over the top onto Williams & Kash! Nese then hits a crazy Running Moonsault over the top onto the heels on the outside! Back in the ring Nese attempts a springboard move but eats a forearm from Kash. Williams tags back in and they whip Nese into the ropes and Kash levels Nese with a chop. Williams hits Nese with a European Uppercut and then puts the boots to him. Williams has pulled his knee pads down for some reason. Williams tosses Nese into the heel corner and tags Kash back in. Kash puts the boots to Nese and then stomps him in the nuts. Williams tags back in and attempts a Back Suplex but Nese lands on his feet and tags in Shad! Shad comes in a Hurricanrana on Williams followed by a Running Double Knee! Shad climbs up top and dives off with a Missile Dropkick! 1…2…NO Williams kicks out! Shad attempts to whip Williams into the ropes but Williams reverses it and Shad eats a kick to the back from Kash followed by a Lariat from Williams! Kash tags back in and then starts pulling on the afro of Shad and tosses him across the ring by it! Kash puts the boots to Shad and chokes him in the corner and then obliterates Shad with a chop followed by a suplex for a nearfall. Williams tags back in and they take turns kicking Shad in the back. Williams and Shad exchange chops but then Williams catches Shad with a Jawbreaker followed by a Knee Strike and then a Snap Suplex. Kash tags right back in and drops an elbow on the outstretched arm of Cameron. Kash spits at Nese and then kicks Shad in the face repeatedly. Kash hits a Release Vertical Suplex and then stands on his head. Kash picks Shad up but Shad fights back with forearms and strikes only to get destroyed by a Lariat from Kash as he bounced off the ropes. Kash follows up with a Scoop Slam and then goes for the Double Spring Moonsault, but Shad gets his knees up! Shad with the hot tag to Nese! Nese clotheslines Kash followed by a Back Elbow and then a dropkick! Nese hit’s a Scoop Slam and then a Lionsault off the ropes! 1…2…NO Kash kicks out! Kash is able to rebound with a Jawbreaker allowing him to reach out and tag Williams in. Williams goes for a Lariat but Nese drops down to his back to avoid it and then nips back to his feet and hit’s a Back Kick. Nese with a front kick and then a Spin Kick! Nese attempts to whip Williams into the ropes but Williams blocks it and as he attempts a whip of his own Nese then ducks through Williams’ legs and hit’s a Pump Handle Bomb! Kash hits Nese in the back and then tosses Shad out to the floor. Williams & Kash attempt a double clothesline but Nese ducks and hit’s a Double Dropkick! Nese hits a Running Spinning Elbow to Williams followed by a Running Forearm from Shad! Nese hits a Running Knee to Williams and gets a nearfall before Kash breaks it up. Shad dropkicks Kash out to the floor and then hits a Slingshot Plancha over the top onto Kash on the floor! Nese dives off the top but Williams avoids him and Nese lands on his feet. Williams charges at Nese but gets dropkicked in his knees by the Italian! Nese then picks Williams up but eats an elbow from Williams. Williams then goes for a rollup but Nese drops down on top of him! 1…2…NO Williams kicks out! Nese hits a series of strikes and then lifts Williams up as Kash tosses Shad into the ring steps. Kash comes in and decks Nese allowing Williams to hit the Chaos Theory! 1…2…3!

Winners: Williams & Kash via pinfall (Chaos Theory)

#8 in the Top 10 X-Division Moments is Samoa Joe’s first X-Division Title victory over AJ Styles in 2005. That was the night Samoa Joe finally won the belt and then acted as if he was going to show AJ respect only to beat the hell out of him after the match.

In the back Samoa Joe says tonight they celebrate the idea that there is “no limits” to what a wrestler will do to win a match. He says that when he first came to TNA there was only one place they could put him and that was the X-Division and that was because he would literally do ANYTHING to win. He says that Aries took much the same course that Joe did and tonight they find themselves at a very familiar impasse underneath the “X” and he says tonight he will beat Aries down and choke him out.

Robbie E comes out to the ring and he says that he “invented” the X-Division and that he’s the greatest X-Division Champion of all time. Robbie says that he’s trying to say that it’s a treat for everyone in the Impact Zone because he is going to let all of them stand up and give him the applause he deserves.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. comes out to the ring to interrupt Robbie and says that since Robbie being such a “great” champion that the X-Division originated from the Cruiserweight Division. He says that he was a pretty good Cruiserweight Champion and if you know anything about that division it originated from Lucha Libre. He says that if you know anything about Lucha Libre then you know that one of the pioneers of Lucha Libre was his grandfather Gori Guerrero. Chavo says that you can say the Guerrero family really invented the X-Division in a roundabout way. Chavo suggests a match between the two but Robbie says he would love to embarrass Chavo but in order for them to a have a match they would need a referee but there is no referee in the ring. Chavo says they do have a referee and this referee knows a lot about the X-Division because his “brother” is a former X-Division Champion…Joseph Park!

“Mexican Warrior” Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Robbie E
Special Referee: Joseph Park

Robbie tells Park that he hates him as a “Chavo” chant starts up. Some funny comedy with Park and Robbie’s spiky hair. Chavo and Robbie lockup and Chavo gets him in a waistlock but Robbie backs him into the corner. They break clean and then they lockup again and Chavo forces Robbie into the corner. After another clean break Robbie talks trash to Park and Chavo. Chavo kicks Robbie and breaks down a clubbing blow across his back repeatedly. Chavo puts the boots to Robbie and then connects with a European Uppercut. Chavo whips Robbie into the ropes and then charges at him but Robbie backdrops him over the top rope! Robbie goes for a Plancha over the top but Chavo moves out of the way! Chavo then hits a series of kicks on Robbie and tosses him back in the ring. Chavo hit’s an Eddie Guerrero style Slingshot Somersault Senton for a nearfall. Robbie begs Park to keep him back and then Robbie kicks Chavo in the knee. Robbie beats on Chavo in the corner and then whips him into the opposite corner hard. Robbie hits a Scoop Slam and then climbs up top and hits the Fist Pump Drop! 1…2…NO Chavo kicks out! Robbie puts Chavo in a headlock but Chavo fights up to his feet and breaks the hold with elbows. Robbie slaps Chavo in the back of the head and then hits the ropes but eats a dropkick from Chavo! Chavo follows up with a Spinning Headscissors and then a Spinning Heel Kick. Chavo goes for the Three Amigos but Robbie blocks it and then dives at Chavo, but he ducks and Park catches him in midair. Park drops Robbie and then Chavo hit’s the Three Amigos! Chavo climbs up top and dives off with the Frog Splash! 1…2…3!

Winner: Chavo via pinfall (Frog Splash)

#7 Greatest Moment in TNA History is a series of some of the wildest moves in X-Division history form a ton of different stars including Jerry Lynn, Low-Ki, Elix Skipper, Amazing Red, AJ Styles, Kid Kash, Christopher Daniels, Kid Romeo, Petey Williams, Homicide, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Kaz, Jigsaw, the Machine Guns, Consequences Creed, Suicide, Kenny King, and many others.

In the back JB is with Kenny King and he says you can see one of the greatest collections of X-Division talent in one plays in the back tonight. He says he’s no stranger to Ultimate X and he was baptized by fire last year in the Ultimate X at his first PPV. He says that match takes a lot of skill and patience all of which exemplify him. He says that he isn’t here to prove he’s the future of the X-Division but the present.

#6 in the Greatest Moments is a video package highlighting the great history of the Ultimate X Match. My personal favorite would have to be either the LAX/Daniels & AJ match or the ’08 World X-Cup Finals.

Ultimate X Match
Rubix vs. Zema Ion vs. Kenny King vs. Mason Andrews

Rubix (you may know him as Jigsaw from CHIKARA) is the only one in this match that has never been in an Ultimate X. This is King’s 2nd Ultimate X and Zema’s third. Mason is in his 2nd UX here as well, Zema is the only one of the 4 to have won an Ultimate X. Rubix and Andrews stop Zema and King from climbing up to the cables and then toss them into each other. Rubix clotheslines King and Andrews clotheslines Zema over the top. Andrews & Rubix Double Dropkick King and then Mason kicks Rubix! Mason then hits a spinning headscissors on Rubix and charges at him in the corner, but Rubix lifts himself over Andrews and hits an armdrag. Rubix rolls through and hits a basement dropkick! Rubix whips Mason into the corner but walks into a Spinning Heel Kick from King and then Zema lays King out with a clothesline! Zema climbs up top but Mason stops him only to get poked in the eyes. Rubix hits Zema from behind and whips him into a corner. Rubix charges at him but Zema avoids him by sliding through the ropes and then hits a Slingshot Foot Stomp to the back of Rubix’s head! Zema dives over the top onto Mason on the floor and then King chokes Rubix. King hits a Scoop Slam on Rubix followed by a Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop. King tosses Rubix out to the floor and then follows him and puts the boots to him. Zema tosses Mason back into the ring as Rubix tosses King into the guardrail. Zema whips Mason into the corner but Mason uses the momentum to spring to the top and attempt to scale the scaffolding. Zema grabs his leg but Mason punches him away and then dives off with a Flying Cross Body! Rubix rolls back in and tosses Zema into the corner and then attempts to whip him into the opposite corner, but Zema reverses it and Rubix springs to the top. Rubix dives off the top with a Missile Dropkick to Zema and King pulls Zema out and chokes him. Rubix hits a Scoop Slam on Mason and then follows up with a Slingshot Guillotine Leg Drop from the apron. Rubix climbs up top but King climbs up on the apron and headbutts him knocking him off the top. Zema climbs up as well but Mason stops him and then climbs up with Zema and lays into him with right hands. Rubix springs to the top with Mason but gets knocked off by a back elbow. King grabs one of the cables and starts scale it but Mason and Rubix pull him down onto the knee of Mason! Rubix tosses Mason out to the floor and then climbs up only to get tossed off by Zema. Zema shoves Rubix into the corner and King climbs up top and chokes Rubix while Zema shoulder blocks Rubix. Mason then springs onto the back of Zema and Superplexes King off the top in an insane spot! Zema then goes for a Running Elbow on Rubix but eats a boot and then Rubix grabs the cable and starts going across it! Zema grabs his foot but Rubix kicks him off and then dives off into a hurricanrana on Zema! Rubix charges at King but King backdrops him over the top and hit’s a Cartwheel Kick sending Rubix to the floor! King then hits a Plancha over the top onto Rubix on the floor! Mason hits a Somersault Plancha over the top onto King! Zema follows up with an insane Corkscrew Moonsault off the top onto King & Mason on the floor! Rubix climbs all the way to the top of the scaffolding and dives off of it with a Plancha onto everybody! Rubix climbs up to the top and grabs the cable. As he starts scaling across it King rolls back in and grabs his feet and pulls him down into the Royal Flush! King climbs up but Zema crotches him and then goes for a Superplex, but King blocks it and tosses Zema to the floor! Mason then comes out of nowhere with a Leaping Frankensteiner off the top on King! Mason climbs up and scales the cables but Zema grabs his foot and pulls him down into the Hostile Makeover! King hits a Flying Double Knee on Zema! Rubix then this a Tornado DDT on King using Zema as a launching pad! All four men are down now. They all start to stir and King & Zema charge at Rubix & Mason but they both move and then nail King & Zema with Elbows! Rubix whips King into Zema and then Mason whips Rubix into a Splash on King & Zema in the corner! Mason climbs up top and grabs the cables but Rubix grabs his feet and pulls him down into a German Suplex! Rubix climbs up to the top but Zema tosses him down to the floor! Zema pulls him up to the apron and Suplexes him back into the ring. Zema then climbs up to the cables and scales across but Rubix gets back up and he and King pull Zema down. They attempt to whip Zema into the corner but he counters into a Neckbreaker/DDT combo on them both! Zema climbs back to the top but Mason shoves him into the scaffolding headfirst! King then charges at Mason but gets lifted straight up into the air and he comes down with a big right hand on Mason. Rubix then flies off the top with a Missile Dropkick! Mason hits a Flying Knee to Rubix and then climbs up top and grabs the cables. Mason scales the cables but Zema climbs up on the another side and starts scaling the cables as well! They meet in the middle and start kicking each other and then Mason hits an STO off the cables on Zema! Rubix grabs the cables and reaches the X and pulls it down but as he drops to the mat King catches him on his shoulders! King takes the X away and drops him with an Electric Chair Drop! King wins it!

Winner: King via pulling the X down

The #5 Top X-Division Moment is Brian Kendrick’s X-Division Title win over Abyss at the 2011 Destination X.

In the back SoCal Val is with Bad Influence and Kazarian clowns on Sonjay & Petey. He says that Petey & Sonjay were run out of TNA like Dixie Carter attempted to do to them unsuccessfully. Daniels says they are the best tag team in the business and they will entertain like only they can. He says that despite Val not being able to take either of them home tonight she does have permission to worship them.

JB is with Petey & Sonjay and Petey says that just because he hasn’t been in TNA for years it doesn’t mean he hasn’t been training like he was here. He says he’s been training his whole life and he was even doing situps in the womb and slid out of his mother doing pushups. Sonjay says that he knows both Kaz & Daniels very well but he’s going to show them that they don’t have it like the “Original Playa from the Himalayas” and he’ll show Kaz & Daniels why he’s “Gid up from the feet up” which Petey has no clue what means.

The #4 Top X-Division Moment is a history of the great AJ Styles/Daniels rivalry.

Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels & Kazarian) vs. “The Canadian Destroyer” Petey Williams & “The Original Playa from The Himalayas” Sonjay Dutt

Petey and Daniels will kick this one off as a “Welcome Back” chant is directed at Petey. Petey & Daniels lockup and Petey forces Daniels into the corner but breaks clean only to get kicked by Daniels. Daniels tosses Petey into the corner and lights him up with chops and kicks. Daniels whips Petey into the opposite corner and charges in with a Running Forearm! Daniels charges at Petey again but Petey gets his boot up this time and follows up with a Spinning Headscissors! Petey then goes for a Monkey Flip but Daniels blocks it and sits Petey up on the top. Daniels swings at Petey but he blocks it and kicks Daniels away. Petey then dives off the top with a Flying Rana! Petey then drop toe holds Daniels into the ropes and dropkicks him in the back after knocking Kaz off the apron! Petey tags Sonjay in and they whip Bad Influence into the ropes and connect with a Double Elbow. Dutt covers Daniels for a nearfall and then picks Daniels up, but Daniels forces him into the corner and hits a series of shoulder blocks. Daniels tosses Sonjay into the boot of Kaz and tags Kazarian in. Kazarian then goes for a Springboard Sunset Flip, but Sonjay rolls through and attempts a kick but Kazarian drops back and Sonjay swings through and into a Standing Moonsault! Sonjay then puts Kaz in a Front Facelock and transitions into a wristlock. Kaz gets to the rope and then swings at Sonjay but he ducks and hits a series of rights. Sonjay whips Kaz into the ropes and attempts a backdrop but Kazarian kicks him and then bounces off the ropes only to walk into a dropkick from Sonjay for a one count. Sonjay tags Petey back in and then they whip Kaz into the ropes and connect with a Flapjack! Daniels runs in but eats a Flapjack as well! Kazarian then rolls Petey up out of nowhere! 1…2…NO Petey kicks out and counters into a Sharpshooter! Sonjay runs in and locks Daniels in a Spinning Octopus! Kazarian gets to the ropes to break the hold and then Sonjay hits a Front Slam on Kaz! Petey then hits a Running Forearm to Daniels and Bulldogs Daniels on top of Kaz! Petey then hits a Running Dropkick sending Daniels to the floor and bouncing down into a Senton on Kaz! Petey goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Daniels comes back in and hooks his leg to block it. Kaz then hot shots Petey on the top rope and follows up with a Lariat! Kaz drapes Petey across the top rope and then kicks Petey down to the floor! On the outside Daniels tosses Petey into the guardrail and then back into the ring. Daniels tags in and tosses Petey into the corner. Daniels hits a Scoop Slam and tags Kaz in followed by a Slingshot Elbow Drop over the top followed by a Slingshot Guillotine Leg Drop from Kazarian! 1…2…NO Petey kicks out! Kaz elbows Petey and then chokes him in the ropes by standing on his back. Kaz tosses Petey into the corner and then tags Daniels in. Kaz whips Petey into a back elbow from Daniels, and then Daniels climbs up top and rides Petey down to the mat with a Foot Stomp. 1…2…NO Petey kicks out again! Daniels puts Petey in a chinlock but Petey breaks it and then tries fighting out of the heel corner, but Daniels catches him and slams him into the turnbuckles. Kaz tags back in and puts the boots to Petey and then Daniels chokes him. Kaz Scoop Slams Petey and then hits a Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop, 1…2…NO Petey kicks out! Kaz puts Petey in a Front Facelock on the mat but Petey fights it off and is able to get to his corner and tag out but Daniels had the referee distracted. Sonjay tries to come in but the referee says there was no tag and Bad Influence double teams him in the corner. Kaz kicks Petey in the ribs and then slaps him repeatedly taunting him. Kaz tells him that Canada sucks but then eats a Spinning Neckbreaker out of nowhere from Petey! Both men are down but are able to tag out! Sonjay whips Daniels into the ropes and hits a Corkscrew Elbow and then blocks a Back Suplex and connects with a series of rights! Sonjay then Bulldogs Daniels into the corner and follows up with the Bombay Boom! Sonjay drapes Daniels across the rope and leaps over the corner into a Guillotine Leg Drop on Daniels! Sonjay then hits a Slingshot Somersault Rana on Kaz! Kaz rolls to the floor and Sonjay hits a Tilt-a-Whirl DDT on Daniels followed by a Standing Shooting Star Press! 1…2…NO Kaz breaks it up! Sonjay sets up for a springboard move but Kaz avoids it and then nails Sonjay with a shoulder block followed by a Slingshot DDT over the top! Kaz covers Sonjay for a nearfall and then grabs Sonjay and sets up for the Fade 2 Black, but Sonjay blocks it with elbows and calls for the Sonjay Cutter! Daniels runs in and grabs Kaz’s leg so Sonjay can’t lift him up! Bad Influence whips Sonjay into the ropes and hit a Double Powerbomb/Neckbreaker! 1…2…NO Petey breaks it up! Petey then hits the Canadian Legsweep on Daniels! Petey goes for the Destroyer but Kaz puts a stop to that! Kaz then walks into an Enziguri from Sonjay and then the Sonjay Cutter! 1…2…NO Daniels breaks it up! Petey Hip Tosses Daniels over the top and then hits the Slingshot Rana over the top onto Daniels on the floor! Kaz trips Sonjay in the ring and covers him using the ropes for leverage but Earl Hebner catches him. On the outside Daniels whips Petey into the ring steps and then Sonjay rolls Kaz up! 1…2…NO Kaz kicks out but immediately Sonjay Superkicks him! Sonjay then goes for the Moon Stomp but Daniels crotches him on the top rope. Kaz lifts Sonjay on his back and hits the Fade 2 Black! Daniels then hits the BME! 1…2…3!

Winners: Bad Influence via pinfall (Fade 2 Black/BME)

After the match Daniels & Kazarian continue the beat down on Sonjay but Sonjay is able to duck a clothesline attempt and Kaz lays out Daniels! Petey then hits the Canadian Destroyer on Kaz and the crowd explodes!

The Best of Moments of the X-Division looks at Jerry Lynn & RVD’s feud over the years.

No DQ Match
“Whole F’N Show” Rob Van Dam vs. “The New F’N Show” Jerry Lynn

This will be the final match between longtime rivals RVD & Jerry Lynn in their careers and it will also be Lynn’s final TNA match and final televised match period in his career. Lynn is retired now and doesn’t plan on stepping back in the ring in the future. These two’s rivalry dates all the way back to 1998 in ECW and spanned ECW, WWE, and TNA over the years. Lynn and RVD shake hands and then lockup in the center of the ring with Lynn getting RVD in a waistlock. RVD reverses it but Lynn counters with an armdrag. RVD answers with a Leg Scissors into a pin for a nearfall. Lynn comes back with a rollup and a nearfall of his own. It looks like Lynn has a mouse under his eye. Lynn swings at RVD but he ducks and then RVD attempts a kick but Lynn ducks that as well. They stare each other down and then Lynn kicks RVD and puts him in a headlock. RVD shoves Lynn into the ropes and then leapfrogs him and drops down into a split forcing Lynn to leap over him. RVD rolls back into a Monkey Flip attempt but Lynn cartwheels over him. Lynn then goes for a kick but RVD blocks it and hits an Atomic Drop. RVD hits the ropes but runs into a clothesline from Lynn! RVD rolls out to the floor to catch a breather. Back in the ring RVD kicks Lynn and follows up with a Forearm Smash. RVD whips Lynn into the corner and charges at him but Lynn floats up and over him! RVD springs to the corner and Moonsaults off the turnbuckles, but Lynn escapes the move and RVD lands on his feet. Lynn then slides through RVD’s legs and goes for a kick but RVD blocks it and hit’s a Stepover Heel Kick! Lynn rolls out to the floor as he wants a breather this time. RVD goes for a Baseball Slide but Lynn sidesteps it and tosses RVD into the guardrail. Lynn climbs back in the ring and sets up for a dive but RVD catches him with a Spin Kick in midair! RVD looks under the ring and finds a steel chair. RVD nails Lynn in the gut with the chair and then whips Lynn into the corner. RVD sets up for a Rolling Monkey Flip but Lynn springs out of the corner with a clothesline! RVD rolls back out to the floor and Lynn follows him and whips RVD into the guardrail. Lynn charges at him but RVD gets his boot up and then drapes Lynn across the guardrail! RVD then springboards off the guardrail into a Guillotine Leg Drop on Lynn! RVD pulls a table out from under the ring and then sets it up in a corner in the ring. RVD attempts to Suplex Lynn back in the ring but Lynn blocks it and then leaps over a shoulder block attempt and drops down into a Guillotine Leg Drop on RVD! RVD’s leg got hooked in the ropes and he landed headfirst into the apron. Lynn attempts to whip RVD into the table but RVD reverses it! Lynn stops himself before crashing through the table and then kicks RVD and goes to Suplex RVD into it! RVD blocks it and shoves RVD into the opposite corner. RVD then charges at Lynn but he gets his boot up and climbs up top. Lynn attempts a Tornado DT but RVD blocks it and attempts a Northern Light Suplex. Lynn blocks it and counters into a Spinning Neckbreaker! 1…2…NO RVD kicks out! Lynn whips RVD into the ropes but RVD holds onto them so Lynn goes flying at RVD with a Cross Body and both men spill over the top to the floor. Lynn tosses RVD back into the ring and then pulls a table of his own out! Lynn sets the table up at ringside but RVD comes out and nails Lynn with a Forearm Smash. RVD tosses Lynn back into the ring and then climbs up on the apron and grabs Lynn. He tries to Suplex Lynn into the table but Lynn blocks it and shoulder blocks RVD! Lynn then goes for a Slingshot Powerbomb over the top into the table! RVD blocks it and nails Lynn with a Leg Drop! RVD slams the corner of the table into Lynn’s ribs and then uses the other side to do the same! RVD tosses Lynn back into the ring and then climbs up top but Lynn crotches him up there. Lynn climbs up with RVD and hits a gorgeous Frankensteiner followed by a Running Drop! RVD then charges at RVD but eats a Spinning Heel Kick! Both men are down now as the fans get behind them. RVD grabs a chair and goes for the Rolling Monkey Flip into it, but Lynn blocks it and then springs to the top and hit’s a Sunset Bomb onto the chair on RVD! 1…2…NO RVD kicks out! That was a sick bump! Lynn goes for the Cradle Piledriver but RVD trips him and jackknifes him for a nearfall. RVD whips Lynn into the corner and then hits a Running Spin Kick on Lynn! RVD grabs the chair and sets up for the Van Terminator but Lynn gets up and Spears him through the table! 1…2…NO RVD kicks out! Lynn grabs the chair goes for a DDT but RVD counters into a Northern Lights Suplex onto the chair! 1…2…NO Lynn kicks out again! RVD hits a Springboard Flying Back Kick! RVD then springs to the top and dives off with the 5-Star, but Lynn moves and RVD nails the chair! Lynn then catches RVD with a La Magistral Cradle! 1…2…NO RVD kicks out! Lynn swings the chair at RVD but he ducks and then attempts a Van Daminator, but Lynn ducks and then leaps over a Leg Sweep attempt and Leg Drops RVD across the chair! 1…2…NO RVD kicks out again! Lynn grabs RVD and attempts the Cradle Piledriver but RVD backdrops him and then hooks Lynn’s legs! 1…2…NO Lynn kicks out again and then lifts RVD up into a TKO on the chair! 1…2…NO RVD kicks out! Lynn grabs the chair and climbs to the top rope! RVD springs up and hits a Van Daminator knocking Lynn off the top and crashing through the table! RVD tosses Lynn back in the ring, 1…2….NO Lynn kicks out yet again! RVD springs to the top and dives off with an insane 5-Star Frog Splash clear across the ring! 1…2…3!

Winner: RVD via pinfall (5-Star Frog Splash)

After the match Lynn and RVD shake hands and hug in the ring. The rest of the X-Division wrestlers walk out and applaud Lynn on the ramp in a great sendoff for the TNA Legend. Lynn goes and celebrates with the rest of the X-Division as RVD says the best matches of his career were with Lynn.

The Best Moments of the X-Division next moment is the insane 4-Way from Destination X ’11 between Low-Ki, Aries, Jack Evans, & Zema Ion.

JB is with Austin Aries backstage and Aries says if you need a Main Event to seal the deal on a great PPV you call on he and Samoa Joe. He says that he and Joe are two of the most dominant X-Division Champions ever and that they both used the title to springboard to the World Title. He says that Joe is a 300-lb. monster but Aries is the greatest man to ever live. He says that he and Joe get to go out and show everyone once again why TNA is the best company in the world.

Jerry Lynn talks about the match with RVD backstage and he talks about his history in TNA. RVD walks up and they talk about the match. RVD talks about how his matches with Lynn defined his career and they both discuss their first matches with each other. Lynn says that young wrestlers tell him all the time that the matches with RVD are what made them get into wrestling. He says tonight is emotional for him and it’s a bummer that it’s almost over but it’s almost like a family reunion in TNA right now. He says he will miss seeing everybody and RVD puts Lynn over saying that many wrestlers have tried to be the next Jerry Lynn but no one has been able to do it. Lynn thanks RVD and RVD says he hopes to see him down the road even if it’s without wrestling boots. Lynn thanks the fans and says without them he wouldn’t have a job that he’s loved for the past 20 years.

The final moment in the Top 10 is Aries cashing in the X-Division Title for a shot at the World Title.

As Samoa Joe comes to the ring highlights to one of the greatest matches in TNA history, the Unbreakable 3-Way (Joe vs. AJ vs. Daniels), are shown. One of my all time favorite matches. Daniels, AJ, & Joe give insight into the match during it as well.

Main Event
“Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. “A-Double” Austin Aries

JB does the boxing style intros for this one. Aries avoids a lockup with Joe and then quickly gets to the ropes to avoid another lockup. Aries then leg kicks Joe and grabs Joe in a side headlock. Aries transitions into a hammerlock, but Joe counters into a side headlock. Aries attempts to shove Joe off but he holds onto the headlock. Aries succeeds a second time but walks into a shoulder block from Joe. Aries rolls out to the floor and then climbs back in the ring and Aries goes for a waistlock but Joe counters into a wristlock. Aries rolls through it and counters into a side headlock. Joe pushes Aries off and runs him over with a shoulder block and then Aries gets back to his feet and backs away from Joe. Aries hits Joe with a series of leg kicks and then blocks one of them and lights him up with chop. Joe hits a series of jabs and then whips him into the corner. Joe charges in with a Running Back Elbow and then a Leaping Enziguri! Joe headbutts Aries and then hits a Snapmare Takeover and slaps Aries across the back and then kicks him in the chest and follows up with a Knee Drop. Joe beast on Aries in the corner with jabs to take him down and then facewashes his foot across Aries’ face. Joe springs off the ropes but before he can kick Aries he slides out to the floor and trips Joe. Aries pulls Joe’s legs out but Joe pulls him into the ring post and then kicks him into the guardrail. Joe chops Aries repeatedly sending him tumbling over the guardrail into the first row! Joe pulls him back to ringside and tosses him into the ring. Aries rolls out to the floor on the other side but Joe runs over and punches him. Aries answers with a series of knees and chops. Aries attempts to whip Joe into the ring steps but Joe reverses it! Joe tosses Aries back into the ring but as he comes back in Aries dropkicks his knee and then slams his knee across the ropes. Aries kicks Joe in that leg repeatedly and then does his own version of the facewash in the corner. Aries targets that knee again cannon balling over it and then he knee drops it repeatedly. Aries puts Joe in a Kneebar and then slams the leg into the mat and covers him for a nearfall. Aries Knee Drops Joe’s leg and then Elbow Drops it before putting him in another Knee Bar. Joe punches Aries repeatedly to break the hold but as he tries to spring off the ropes Aries dropkicks the knee again. Aries covers Joe for another nearfall and then kicks him in the head. Aries kicks him over and over but Joe answers with a series of chops, but Aries quickly chops Joe’s knee down and then dives off the top with a Flying Elbow onto Joe’s knee. Aries naps Joe’s leg back and then hangs the leg up in the ropes and kicks it. Aries hits Joe with a series of elbows and then dropkicks the knee as it hangs in the ropes. Aries twists on it as it hangs in the ropes and then he pulls Joe’s knee pad down and hit’s a Kneebreaker followed by a Dragonscrew Legwhip! Aries locks Joe in a Figure Four but Joe is able to roll over and counter the hold! Aries gets to the ropes to escape it. Joe gets back to his feet and backdrops a charging Aries over the top. Aries lands on the apron and Joe Forearm Smashes him! Joe sets up for a dive but as he limps across the ring Aries is able to roll back into the ring to avoid it and then dive through the ropes with the Heat Seeking Missile! Aries taunts the crowd and then tosses Joe back in the ring. Aries climbs up top and doves off with a Missile Dropkick! Joe goes psycho as he screams and it gets back up and nails with a Lariat! Both men are down now. Aries gets back up and they exchange chops and jabs. Joe hits an Atomic Drop and then a Mafia Kick! Joe follows up with the Backsplash Senton! 1…2…NO Aries kicks out! Joe picks Aries up but Aries kicks him and then bounces off the ropes and right into a Snap Powerslam from Joe! 1…2…NO Aries kicks out again! Joe gets the crowd behind him and then hit’s a Powerbomb! 1…2…NO Aries kicks out and Joe transitions right into an STF! Aries fights the hold and bites the hands of Joe. Joe pushes him and hits a Forearm Smash but Aries answers with one of his own. They exchange forearm smashes and then Aries kicks Joe’s leg and chop blocks it! Aries then goes for the Figure Four again but Joe counters into the Coquina Clutch! Aries looks to be out but is able to reach out and grab the ropes. Aries hooks the ropes as Joe tries to pull him away. Joe kicks him off the ropes and then picks him up but Aries shoves him away and retreats to the corner. Joe charges at Aries but he limps and Aries is able to move and then hits a Rolling Elbow! Aries hits the IED and then he goes for the Brainbuster! Joe counters into a Front Suplex and then a Lariat attempt, but Aries counters into the Crucifix Bomb! Aries punt kicks Joe and then goes for the Brainbuster again. He can’t lift Joe up so he just covers him, 1…2…NO Joe kicks out! Aries stomps on Joe’s head and then climbs up top. Aries dives off with the 450 Splash but Joe rolls out of the way and Aries rolls through. Aries charges at Joe but runs into the Uranage Suplex! Joe lifts Aries up to the top and goes for the Muscle Buster, but Aries counters into a rollup! 1…2…3!

Winner: Aries via pinfall (rollup)


04-16-2013, 01:19 AM
I've seen better shows from TNA. But it had a nice touch to it :)

04-18-2013, 03:27 AM
Sounds like a great exhibition show. I'm not a fan of a PPV without a major storyline surrounding it, though. Thanks for the coverage LG!