View Full Version : WWE Raw: WrestleMania 29 Results, Potential Spoilers and More for April 8

04-08-2013, 07:45 PM
After a wild night in East Rutherford, N.J., WWE’s WrestleMania 29 proved to be a great show, and Monday’s Raw should continue that trend.

The fallout from the big event will shake the WWE to its core, and the possibilities for what could happen the night after WrestleMania—this episode of Raw is infamous for big moments—has the fans at a fever pitch for Monday’s show.
Anything could happen.

With the direction of the company changing once again with John Cena as champion, the excitement over what’s next will have the WWE Universe tuning into Raw ready for the action.

Where: Izod Center, East Rutherford, N.J.

When: Monday, April 8 at 8 p.m. ET

Watch: USA Network

Full WrestleMania 29 Results

John Cena defeated WWE Champion The Rock.

The Undertaker defeated CM Punk.

Triple H defeated Brock Lesnar.

World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio defeated Jack Swagger.

The Shield defeated Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus.

The Miz defeated Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett.

Mark Henry defeated Ryback.

WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No defeated Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston.

Fandango defeated Chris Jericho.

Potential Spoilers for Raw

The Monday Night Raw following WrestleMania is notorious for its groundbreaking surprises and returns, and there is little doubt that the company likely has at least one trick up its sleeve.

According to F4WOnline, the return of former World Heavyweight champion Christian is imminent and could happen as early as this week’s Raw.

Christian hasn’t been seen on television in months, but with a midcard begging for depth and talent, the decorated star would be a much needed-addition back to the active roster.

Expect Christian to come back and help either Antonio Cesaro or Wade Barrett salvage their roles as midcard heels by becoming Chris Jericho Lite and putting all the fresher faces over.

John Cena’s Time is Now

After verbally battling The Rock since the Royal Rumble, John Cena was finally able to gain the upper hand physically against his long-time foe and win the WWE Championship for a record 11th time.

Monday will be the leader of the CeNation’s first chance to show the world what their new champion looks like, what kind of reign this will be and what’s next for the face of the company.

Question on Everyone’s Mind: What’s Next for John Cena?

The Rock was arguably Cena’s toughest challenger over his storied career, and finally overcoming the adversity to come out on top was the validation the new WWE champion needed.

As great as the win was Sunday, it’s just as important that Cena and the company follow up the WrestleMania main event with a feud of equal proportions. No star can match The Rock’s stature in the business right now, so it’s time for the rubber match.

Hype Meter: 4 out of 5 Thrice in a Lifetime Taglines

Extreme Rules is the next pay-per-view on the schedule (May 19), and allowing Cena and The Rock to finish up their feud now would free up both stars for bigger matches at SummerSlam and next year’s WrestleMania.

Cena would win once again and secure the series victory, finalizing the passing of the torch from the former face of the company to the unquestioned No. 1 wrestler in the WWE.

WWE Rumors: Ryback on John Cena’s Radar?

Part-Time Stars Sticking Around

There were several huge names brought back to the WWE for the road to WrestleMania, but now that the biggest show of the year is over, it will become clear which superstars will leave the company again and which will stay for another program.

The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, Chris Jericho and Triple H were all working part-time schedules, but how each is depicted in storylines starting on Raw Monday will foreshadow their involvement with the WWE moving forward.

Question on Everyone’s Mind: Which Stars are Sticking Around?

The hope is that that since WrestleMania is over now, there won’t be a mass exodus of top stars heading back to their part-time schedules. That’s not how the WWE should be using their mainstream draws.

Instead of allowing the biggest names in the business to disappear from television once again, the WWE must formulate a plan to get these stars working at least one or two secondary PPVs per year, on top of working the road to WrestleMania.

Hype Meter: 3 out of 5 Thinning-Out Rosters

As great as the WWE has been with building new superstars over the last year, the need for mainstream stars to appeal to the casual fans is something the company must be conscientious of through Extreme Rules.

That means the biggest PPV draws should be on the card.

Even if that means rematches of the WrestleMania matches from Sunday, as long as the company stacks the card with names like Lesnar and The Rock, Raw and the subsequent weeks of television should be excellent.

WWE Rumors: Which Superstars are Working Extreme Rules?