View Full Version : * Spoilers* Smackdown - 12th April, 2013

04-10-2013, 02:22 PM
Credit: Tim Nicoletti & Prowrestling.net

Pre-Show Notes: I know it’s mostly because it’s his home town, but it’s 90 percent John Cena gear. Even as the crowd was just starting to fill in, it was noticeable that it’s not nearly as lively as last night. John Cena Sr. is in attendance and there are a lot of kids present.

Lillian Garcia introduced Big E Langston, who introduced Dolph Ziggler. Dolph cut a very hoarse promo where he turned on the crowd to try to draw heat, saying that the moment is his and his alone. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter interrupted Ziggler.

Colter congratulated Ziggler and said Ziggler should thank Swagger for his title win. Ziggler told Swagger to get to the back of the line. Swagger started to approach the ring then backed off. Colter said that Ziggler wants a title shot, and that he won’t wait long.

Colter and Swagger left. Ziggler continued his promo until he was interrupted by Del Rio. Alberto said when his ankle heals he will get a rematch and get his title back. Del Rio left and now there is a lot of heat on Ziggler. He dared someone else to come out and was interrupted by Chris Jericho, who got a big pop. Jericho informed Ziggler that his first match as champ will be against him. Jericho way over with the kids

Kane and Daniel Bryan defeated The Prime Time Players. Bryan performed the No Lock on Titus, who tapped out to end a short match. The Shield cut a promo on Hell No, interrupting their victory. The crowd chanted along “yes/no” with Bryan.

Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett defeated Santino Marella. Santino tried to kick himself to his feet but failed. Barrett took down his elbow pad and turned his back on Santino to show the crowd. Meanwhile, Santino successfully kicks himself up and then ducked the elbow. Santino took out The Cobra glove. Barrett kicked The Cobra and hit him with The Bull Hammer elbow for the win.

The Bella Twins and Tamina Snuka beat The Funkadactyls and Kaitlyn. One of Funkadactyls dominated one of the Bellas. The funk girl went for a top rope move but was knocked down by other twin, which led to the pin.

Triple H came out to a huge pop and the whole crowd was on its feet. “I told you the ass-kicker is back,” he said. 3MB interrupted. “Shut up and listen to us,” one of them said. “You haven’t seen nothing yet because 3MB is about to rock your face.” 3MB surrounded Triple H. The Shield came out and attacked 3MB. Kane and Bryan joined Triple H in the ring. The Shield retreated.

Heath Slater was left in the ring surrounded. He took a Bryan kick, a Kane chokeslam, and a Triple H Pedigree. The Band collected Slater and retreated. Bryan asked Triple H to celebrate by hugging it out. The crowd cheered him on. Triple H asked to see a demonstration first “just to be clear.” There was a “hug it out” chant. Hunter asked the crowd if they hug – various guys in crowd demonstrate hug.

Triple H still reluctant and accused Bryan of having “goat toe or something.” He told him to eat meat to make him feel better. There was an “eat some meat” chant. Triple H said he would have no trouble hugging Kane. They were interrupted by Vince McMahon. Triple H said that “if anybody needs a hug it is Vince McMahon” Bryan opened his arms expectantly. McMahon retreated. Bryan asked for Hunter and Kane to hug. Triple H asked “is it weird that at this point I wish The Shield had come down and finished me off?” Triple H hugged Kane and said he felt violated. They all left the ring happy.

Randy Orton and Sheamus beat Big Show by count out in a handicap match. Randy was bandaged around his midsection to sell his injuries from Monday. There was a sidewalk slam by Big Show. Show stepped on Randy’s injured midsection. Sheamus tagged in and brawled. Randy performed an RKO, Sheamus hit a Brogue kick. Show rolled out of the ring. The crowd counted with the ref from two, but there were boos after the nine count. Show slowly retreated while holding his jaw.

Kofi Kingston defeated U.S. Champion Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro dominated and taunted the crowd. Kofi hulked up and hit Trouble in Paradise. Ceasaro fell too close to the corner. Kofi pulled him closer and pinned him to end the snoozefest.

World Hvt. Champion Dolph Ziggler (w/AJ, Big E Langston) defeated Chris Jericho. There was an extensive set up for Fandango’s entrance, as he was a spectator for the match. The crowd sang along with his entrance song. There was an “AJ’s crazy” chant. Jericho ended up out of the ring near Fandango. As the ref was distracted by Ziggler, Fandango took advantage.

Jericho made his comeback and hit two top rope moves both for two counts. He completely missed a Lionsault. Jericho went for Walls of Jericho. Fandango tried to interfere. He was blocked by the referee, but while ref wasn’t looking, Big E attacked Jericho. The ref turns around to see Jericho pinned for the three count. Fandango further insulted Jericho after the loss.

Dark Main Event

John Cena, Kane, and Daniel Bryan beat The Shield. All of the faces hit their finishers. The Shield used a chair for the DQ. The Shield retreated. Cena’s music played to close it out.


FROM PWInsider

*Big E. Langston opened the show doing a Ricardo Rodriguez impression as he introduces the new World champion, Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler comes out with AJ and cuts a promo about how he is the most physically gifted athlete WWE has ever seen. He says the future is now. He has no voice. Ziggler says this moment belongs to him and him alone.

Jack Swagger comes out. Zeb Colter congratulates Dolph and says Ziggler should thank Swagger for the win. Ziggler blows them off and tells Sewagger to get to the back of the line. Alberto Del Rio comes out and Ziggler says he can hobble to the ring if he wants his rematch. Alberto says when his ankle is healed, he is coming for his title. Chris Jericho came out and tells Ziggler to shut the hell up. Jericho is awesome and gets the crowd to chant that AJ is crazy. This sets up Y2J vs. Ziggler for later.

*WWE Tag Team champs Team Hell No defeated The Primetime Players when Titus O'Neal taps to the No Lock. The Shield shows up and tells Hell No to believe in the Shield.

*WWE Intercontinental champion Wade Barrett defeated Santino Marella with the Bull Hammer.

*The Bellas & Tamina defeated WWE Divas champion Kaitlyn & Naomi & Cameron.

*Triple H does a promo. 3MB tries to attack him but The Shield comes out and makes the save, only to go after HHH. Kane and Bryan make the save. They and HHH destroy Heath Slater. Bryan tried to get HHH to hug him. That led to Vince McMahon coming out and the crowd tried to get Vince and Bryan to hug. This was gold.

*Randy Orton & Sheamus defeated Big Show via countout.

*Kofi Kingston defeated WWE U.S. champion Antonio Cesaro with Trouble in Paradise.

*World champion Dolph Ziggler defeated Chris Jericho after Fandango & Big E. Langston got involved.