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View Full Version : Impact Results - 11 April, 2013

04-12-2013, 05:26 PM
We start off with a video package hyping tonight's Full Metal Mayhem main event between Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Title, and also Taryn Terrell's match with her #1 antagonist, Gail Kim!

Speaking of Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan catches him on his way into the building and he tells Hardy that this match is his, and he's going to get that title back tonight. That's much nicer than at the PPV when he said Jeff Hardy made for a good transitional champion.

Chavo Guerrero, Jr & Hernandez make their way out to the ring for their title shot, but Bobby Roode and Austin Aries jump them on their way to the ring to get a cheap early advantage. They head inside, and we're off!

TNA World Tag Team Title Match, 2 of 3 Falls: Bobby Roode & Austin Aries vs Chavo Guerrero, Jr & Hernandez

Roode whips Aries into a dropkick in the corner on Chavo, then Roode snaps Chavo over with a spinebuster and gets the first fall.

Roode tags Aries, who takes his time going to the top for a frogsplash, but Chavo rolls out of the way and Aries hits the mat. Chavo quickly cradles Aries and gets 3 to even the match up and totally defeat the purpose of the stipulation.

Roode tags back in as soon as the bell rings to start the third fall and puts the boots to Chavo in the corner. Roode distracts the referee so Aries can choke Chavo from outside the ring, then Roode covers for 2. Aries slingshots into the ring with a rolling senton to Chavo, then stops to play to the crowd before going back and raking his boot heels across Chavo's face. Roode comes in and charges Chavo, but Chavo gets the boot up and hits a tornado DDT to even the odds. Hernandez is just now climbing up onto the ring apron and he gets the tag, slingshots into the ring with a flying shoulderblock, and goes about destroying both opponents. Pounce for Roode, press slam for Aries, then Hernandez goes all the way up the ramp and sprints down to the ring and dives over the top rope with a double clothesline that takes out both Aries and Roode. We're at commercial!

We're back, and now Hernandez is in trouble on the floor after apparently getting his butt kicked by Aries during the break. Aries rolls Hernandez inside and Roode covers him for 2, then he hits the Perfect Necksnap before Aries comes off the second rope with a rolling back elbow for 2. Roode takes a free shot at Chavo as he pulls himself to his feet on the apron, then he goes to the eyes of Hernandez. Hernandez plows through both men with a double clothesline and then it's Chavo coming back in and trying to rally the team to victory. Chavo sends Aries to the floor and then pulls out some lucha offense on Roode to send him out to the floor as well, then Chavo takes both of them out with a dive through the ropes. Chavo counters a brainbuster attempt by Aries to the Dos Amigos, then gets three more of his uncle's famous suplexes before signaling that he's going to the top for his uncle's finish. Aries shoves Chavo off the top rope and Roode gets a rollup with a handful of tights, but Chavo kicks out at 2, so Roode goes to a crippler crossface instead. Hernandez is in, he gets dumped to the apron by Aries and lands on his feet, and he tries his charging dive again but accidentally nails Chavo. Aries dumps Hernandez to the floor as Roode covers Chavo for 2, and the surprised champions hit the dropkick in the corner and try for the spinebuster, but Chavo counters that to a DDT for 2. Aries puts Chavo in the corner, Hernandez grabs him and goes for a Border Toss, they stop him and go for a double suplex, but Hernandez double suplexes them and Chavo hits Roode with a frogsplash for the win.

Winners and New TNA World Tag Team Champions: Chavo Guerrero, Jr & Hernandez

Chavo and Hernandez regain the title to pop the crowd in their home state, then some dude comes in with the Texas flag to celebrate. I hate when people mess with the 2/3 falls stip by winning the first fall in like ten seconds, which seems to happen all the time, but I H-A-T-E-D that they blew through the first two falls in under a minute because they might as well have just done a one fall match for all the difference it would have made.

Brooke Hogan and her nipples are backstage when Joey Ryan comes in and says that he's got his referee outfit on in case she needs him to referee the Knockouts match tonight. Brooke says she's got somebody already, and says the way he behaved last week was ridiculous. She talked to her dad and says that Joey's got a match tonight and he'll prove who the bigger man is. Joey asks who could be bigger than him as Brooke walks off, and I guess we'll find out...LATER!

Aces & Eights arrive at the Impact Zone and are totally psyched to get down to business tonight.

Joseph Park comes out and says he got approval from TNA officials to say that he has an issue with Aces & Eights, specifically with Bully Ray. What Bubba and his band of hooligans have perpetrated on this company is felonious and wrong, and it stops now. He's not out for revenge, he's out for justice and it will be served when Jeff Hardy brings the title back to TNA and the fans. Park also says that he's well versed in divorce law and marital code, so he put together a writ of annulment that will officially end the marriage of Bully Ray and Brooke Hogan. Devon apparently doesn't appreciate Park messing with his brother's loving marriage, because he comes out, grabs the annulment out of Park's hand, and tears it into pieces. Devon says that if he has a problem with Bubba, he has a problem with Devon. Park had better crawl back under the rock he came from and he'd better stay out of family business. He doesn't care what Park's thinking, he's been warned. Devon goes to leave as Park picks up the pieces of the document, but he turns back and punches Park in the ribs before telling him again to stay out of family business.

We look back at when Brooke Hogan fired Taryn Terrell as a referee and hired her as a wrestler, and we'll see Terrell take on Gail Kim...NEXT!

Gail Kim vs Taryn Terrell

Our special referee is...ODB! Yeah, Gail doesn't look happy about that. Terrell goes after Gail like a house of fire, pummeling her almost more quickly than Gail can get back to her feet, but Terrell goes to the second rope and Gail yanks her off by the ankle and Terrell lands on the back of her head. Gail starts dishing out punishment of her own, but ODB warns Gail to back off and gives Terrell a chance to try and mount a comeback. Gail shuts her down before too long and dumps Terrell on her face with a firewoman's carry dump, then she chokes Terrell on the second rope until ODB physically forces her to break. Gail leapfrogs Terrell going into the corner and gets an O'Connor roll with the tights, but ODB catches her this time and stops counting. Gail argues with ODB, Terrell rolls Gail up, and we have a three count.

Winner: Taryn Terrell

Gail is not happy with the outcome of that match, but Terrell is the winner and Christy asks her how she feels after winning her first match. Terrell says she's been waiting a long time to get physical with Gail, and now she wants to know who wants to get physical with her.

Adam Pearce and Magno are backstage, and we'll find out the results of the Gut Check...NEXT!

We look at the Gut Check judges backstage discussing last week's matche between Adam Pearce and Magno, and the only thing they seem able to agree on is that this is going to be a tough choice. They then bring Pearce and Magno in to pick who faces the Gut Check tonight, they say that Magno has his entire career ahead of him, but Pearce has seventeen years behind him and he's going home tonight. His exit seemed to indicate that we haven't seen the last of him, and I hope we haven't because he's a real good hand and I think he brings a hell of a lot more to the table as a worker than Magno.

We see a video package looking at the recent history of AJ Styles, then we go backstage to Hulk Hogan who says that he's going to deal with AJ Styles right now, but refuses to answer any questions about Sting.

AJ Styles is arriving at the building and blows off the dumbass cameraman's questions, but Ken Anderson comes up and hands AJ another Aces & Eights getup and says he knows AJ will do the right thing.

We see a video package hyping tonight's Full Metal Mayhem match, then we're off to the ring to hear from the Hulkster, DUDE. He says a lot is going on tonight, but there's one man he wants to hear from and that's AJ Styles, who better get out there right now to find out WHERE HE'S AT, BROTHER. AJ comes out and Hulk asks him pointblank WHERE HE'S AT, and AJ finally speaks! He's gonna tell Hogan, BROTHER, that he doesn't respond well to ultimatums. James Storm's music hits and he comes out before we can get more of AJ's thoughts on that, and he says that he's not here to find out what side AJ's on, he's here to fight AJ. They go face to face, but Bad Influence's music hits and they come out to the ring to interject themselves. Kazarian tells "Toby Keith" to step aside, and says they're not here to start a fight, they're here to mend fences. He and Daniels are Sexual and Intellectual, and he tells AJ that Thunderlips is going to convince him to join his team because Aces & Eights have totally dismantled his team. Aces & Eights are also in a war, so it makes sense that they would try to recruit TNA's #1 guy for eleven years. Daniels tells AJ that Hogan's choice is lose-lose because no matter which side he picks, he's getting used. Daniels and Kazarian have a proposition for him: they want AJ on their side, and he knows that AJ thinks the whole Claire Lynch thing was bad, but it had to be worse when Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, and the fans stopped trusting him. Daniels tells AJ not to stand with these guys, to stand with his brothers. He lists all the titles they've held between them, and says it would be great if it was the three of them against the world. Storm slaps the microphone out of AJ's hand and they get in each other's faces again as the crowd chants for Hogan. AJ leaves the ring, stops to stare at Daniels and Kazarian, then walks to the back by himself. Hogan says that since AJ won't make a decision, Hogan will make one for him: AJ will face James Storm next week on Impact Wrestling.

Joey Ryan is backstage, and he's...WALKING!

Kurt Angle is backstage saying the war between TNA and Aces & Eights will turn directions when Jeff Hardy beats Bully Ray for the TNA World Title, and he asked Hulk Hogan to face Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff in a handicap match next week so he can show those ungrateful punks a wrestling lesson.

Joey Ryan vs Rob Terry

Really? Joey's going to put this stiff over? ARGH...fine. Joey tries a shoulderblock and bounces off, so Terry hits one of his own and nearly drives Joey out of the ring. Terry picks Joey up and tosses him clear across the ring, then hammers Joey with chops. Joey has gotten no offense in at all as Terry slams Joey, blocks a double boot attempt, and clotheslines Joey. Terry hits a running powerslam, picks Joey back up, and hits the fireman's carry into a spinebuster for the win.

Winner: Rob Terry

The Warlord wins another one. Joey is flat on his back in the middle of the ring as Magno paces around backstage. We'll find out his fate...NEXT!

Hulk Hogan is backstage trying to talk business with Brooke, but she says she can't think about that because she has to face Mark in the ring. Hulk tells her to be safe, and she says not to worry because she'll have Ronnie from Atlas Security with him. Matt Morgan comes in and asks Hogan if he's really going to do that, and says he's making another Hogan mistake. He says to keep making them because one day, they'll all come crashing down on him.

Jeremy Borash is in the ring and introduces the Gut Check judges, then he calls Magno down to the ring to face the judges. We start with Danny Davis, who says that it seems like the fans in Corpus Christi like him, but he hasn't made one quite yet. He could make him a star in Louisville, but we're nationwide on Impact, so he has to agree with the fans and say...no. Wait, that's not what the fans were saying. Magno has one last chance to plead his case, but the fans don't appear to appreciate his broken English and boo him as he says he knows the fans want him on Impact Wrestling. We go to Bruce Prichard, who tells Magno that he has his whole career in front of him, he has a marketable look, but his inexperience in the ring can cost him, and he's not going to speak for Al Snow, but he thinks they have to agree that he needs some more seasoning, and he answers in both English and Spanish and says his answer is no. Well, looks like nobody wins Gut Check this month. Too bad.

Aces & Eights are in the parking lot, and Anderson reminds Bubba that when you run with the Aces & Eights, you never walk alone. Bubba says that he needs to walk alone tonight, beat Jeff Hardy on his own, and shove it up his ass and Hogan's. He makes the rest of the gang swear that he'll do this by himself because he's not just doing it for him, he's doing it for all of them. The gang revs their bikes in agreement, and Jeff Hardy is backstage and he's...WALKING, so it looks like we're ready for our main event...NEXT!

TNA World Title/Full Metal Mayhem Match: Bully Ray vs Jeff Hardy

Brooke Hogan is sitting front row and appears discontent with what she sees as Bubba comes out to the ring and gets in her face. Ronnie keeps a watchful eye as Brooke kicks at Bubba before he leaves to get in the ring and face his challenger. There's all kinds of deadly implements surrounding the ring as Hardy hits a Twist of Fate and a charging forearm in the corner as soon as the bell rings. Hardy gets a chair and starts just unloading on Bubba with it, he brings a ladder into the ring and leans it in the corner, then whips Bubba into it. Hardy sets the chair up and uses it to hit Poetry In Motion against the ladder, then sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring and starts climbing. Bubba brings Hardy down, but gets mule kicked in the face. Hardy takes a charge at Bubba, who backdrops him out onto the ramp with an audible thud, then takes his chain out and uses it to work Hardy over on the ramp before setting the ladder up in the ring and starting to climb. Hardy is up and they fight their way to the top of the ladder, Bubba gouges Hardy's eyes and suplexes Hardy off the ladder. Both men are down as we go to commercial.

We're back as Hardy is pounding on Bubba with a chair, then he sets up the ladder upside down next to a table and tries to suplex Bubba onto it, Bubba blocks and goes to the mat to slow Hardy down. He asks Hardy if this is what he was going to do to him, then he picks Hardy up and hits a gourdbuster onto the uprights of the upside down ladder. Brooke is incensed as Bubba does the Hogan ear wave before going back to stomping on Hardy, he brings another ladder into the ring and yells at the referee and the fans as Brooke looks angry at ringside. Hardy's not ready to call it quits yet, and he comes back with a quick series of moves and a pseudo-conchairto that drives the champion all the way out to the floor. Bubba happens to crawl over near Brooke and dodges a charge from Hardy, who crashes to the floor right in front of Brooke. Brooke desperately begs Hardy to get to his feet as Bubba gets in her face, they take a lot of time to yell stuff at each other before Brooke slaps her, giving Hardy an opening to ram Bubba into the steps and ram him through a table at ringside. Hardy brings another table down to ringside and goes back to brawling with Bubba. Hardy hits another Twist of Fate and Bubba falls onto the table, Hardy goes to the top rope and hits a swanton through the table to the floor, and both men are DEAD. Hardy slowly recovers and heads back into the ring, and Taz slips the hammer from the ring bell to Bubba as Hardy climbs the ladder. Bubba goes back in and climbs the ladder, he trades blows with Hardy at the top before nailing Hardy with the hammer to knock him off the ladder and through a table. Hardy is out as Bubba reaches up and grabs the ladder to retain.

Winner: Bully Ray

Really good mnatch, and I'm glad to see Bubba go over without any (real) help from his fellow Aces & Eights teammates. Speaking of Aces & Eights, they rush into the ring to celebrate with the champion. Bubba says to shut the music and says they are the Aces & Eights, he is the World Champion, and when you ride with the Aces & Eights, you never walk alone. Bubba stands over the fallen former champion as the EMTs attend to him, and with that, we call it a week.
