View Full Version : 7 Superstars Paul Heyman Should Start Managing Immediately

04-15-2013, 05:13 AM
Paul Heyman was a busy man at WrestleMania 29, managing two Superstars in the two biggest non-title matches of the night.

Unfortunately, both his clients lost their encounters, but Heyman is still a man who can command attention and help other WWE Superstars.

With Brock Lesnar being part-time and CM Punk possibly taking some time off to heal after getting banged up in his match with Undertaker, there could be an opportunity for someone else to benefit from the talented Heyman.

This list will look at the top seven Superstars who could possibly reach the next level with Heyman's help.

Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes

Just like CM Punk, Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes do not need Heyman as a mouth-piece because they have their own impressive mic skills, but just like Punk, they could benefit greatly.

Heyman is someone who would fit in perfectly with Sandow and Rhodes. He is smart enough for Sandow to be reasonably impressed with, and we already know that Heyman is a fan of Rhodes.

#NowFollowing @CodyRhodesWWE Hey, don't follow him. Be stuck in the past. ‘Cuz the future will be Living Out The Dream - @HeymanHustle

Team Rhodes Scholars would be a shoe-in for the Tag Team titles if they were backed by Heyman.

Wade Barrett

Wade Barrett is the kind of Superstar Heyman should want to manage. He is already good in the ring and on the mic, and he is a legitimate tough guy.

When JBL talks about Barrett's history as a bare-knuckle fighter, he is not joking. Barrett really did fight in the UK before coming to the U.S.

With Heyman by his side, there is nothing that could stop Barrett from becoming one of the top heels in WWE.

Barrett is someone who will be a World champion in WWE someday. It's not a matter of if, just a matter of when, and with Heyman as a manager, it would be sooner rather than later.

Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee and Big E Langston

Dolph Ziggler is the new World champion after cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase against Alberto Del Rio on Monday, but he is not quite the top guy yet.

Ziggler usually travels with his on-screen girlfriend, AJ Lee, and their enforcer, Big E. Langston.

This group is a lot of things, but organized is not one of them. They cost Ziggler as many matches as they help him win with their distractions.

What they need is a manager who can make every single one of them a bonified threat. With Heyman as a manager, not only could Ziggler hold onto the title for awhile, but Lee could also become Divas champion and Langston could even hold the IC or U.S. title.

Imagine the super group of Heyman leading World champion Ziggler, Divas champion Lee and U.S. or IC champion Langston.

Tell me that wouldn't be the best thing in WWE if it happened.

Kofi Kingston

When I do the live Raw coverage on Monday and Kofi Kingston comes on, it is a guarantee that someone will comment saying he should turn heel.

Well, Kingston is not the best on the mic as it is, so making him into a heel will not fix that. Unless they put him with Heyman.

This might seem like a really weird pairing on paper, but trust me when I say it would work.

Heyman is someone who leads clients that are talented, and Kingston has talent to spare. If the heel turn ever actually happens, then he will need a manager like Heyman.

Heyman can be the force behind the promos, and Kingston can be the guy who puts on exciting matches. If anyone could get Kingston over as a heel, it would be Heyman.

Who do you think Heyman can help become the next big Superstar in WWE?



04-15-2013, 01:09 PM
i like any 1 under heyman command its interesting segments