View Full Version : CM Punk: Why Saying Nothing Was the Best Move He Could Have Made Monday Night

04-17-2013, 02:42 PM
"You say it best, when you say nothing at all" - Alison Krauss

While the words to a country song may have, in fact, said everything CM Punk did not say Monday night, there is nothing more expressive than his actions.

If the angle the WWE was trying to convey Monday night was a dejected CM Punk that needed to "find" himself, leave the company and then come back as a conquering hero, then the company may have achieved platinum. Punk, the master manipulator of the WWE, hugged his "buddy," Paul Heyman, and left the building Monday to a host of confused WWE fans.

Note to WWE fans: The fun is just getting started.

We have seen this kind of act before with other wrestlers like Chris Jericho, trying to find their way in the wrestling world, trying to reinvent themselves and making a fresh start.

Unlike Jericho or Brian Pillman or Dustin Rhodes or any other WWE character, Punk does not need the makeover. He is just fine where he is.

But the thought of a change is enough to have the WWE Universe thinking about what will happen with Punk, his character and his association with Heyman when he returns to the ring.

Punk gave us a masterful three-minute performance Monday night, one worthy of a Slammy for the "Best scene of non-drama in a wrestling ring." Punk made it look like the WWE just shot his dog and a tornado destroyed his trailer. And we all knew what was next. Punk will now take time off to heal, plot and return. Don't expect an immediate return.

In what capacity he returns, we are not sure yet, but I have a feeling it will involve the WWE Title, whether it is around the waist of John Cena or Ryback. He could also be in a program with Dolph Ziggler for the World Title (which is something I would really like to see).

I was wrong when I wrote (on Monday) that Punk needed to drop a "pipe bomb" on all of us Monday night, meaning he needed to spew venom and breathe fire. What he did not say was more dramatic than anything else.

And that is all we needed to hear.



04-17-2013, 05:35 PM
CM Punk should take some time off, where WWE can do a storyline so that they "have to convince him to come back and he just does not want to.."