View Full Version : SHINE 9 iPPV Results - 19th April, 2013

04-20-2013, 10:01 AM
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Welcome to PWInsider.com’s coverage of SHINE 9 available on iPPV from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.
Daffney welcomes everyone to tonight’s show.

Match Number One: Allysin Kay (with April Hunter) versus Courtney Rush

Allysin has something to say to Courtney before they lock up. Courtney works on the wrist and she dips Allysin and Allysin is not happy with the nonsense that Courtney is bringing to this match. She tells Courtney to bring some class to this match. They have a test of strength. Courtney with the advantage and Allysin accidentally hits the referee when they do the wave.

Allysin wants another test of strength and Allysin with the advantage this time and Courtney with a few arm drags followed by a slam. Courtney with a suplex and then she sends Allysin into the turnbuckles. Allysin with punches but April gets on the apron and she falls victim to a few punches before Courtney is done. Courtney gets a near fall.

Courtney tries for the Sharpshooter, as is tradition, but Allysin escapes and goes to the apron. Courtney knocks Allysin off the apron and April makes sure that Allysin is okay. Allsyin teases a dive to the floor and April drops Allysin and April apologizes.

They argue on the floor and Courtney sneaks up on them and she has a meeting of the minds with the two members of Valkyrie. Courtney tries to suplex Allysin into the ring from the apron but Courtney is dropped on the top rope and Allysin feels some of the effects and she argues with April.

Allysin with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. Allysin with a camel clutch and she rakes the eye with her pinkie. Courtney with a take down and she applies a camel clutch of her own. Allysin with a forearm that sends Courtney to the mat. Allysin chokes Courtney and she complains to the referee that her nose is broken and that allows April to interfere.

Allysin with shoulders in the corner and then she pulls Courtney out of the corner and she goes for the Jericho cover. Allysin puts Courtney in the corner and she hits a running clothesline. She misses a splash when Courtney moves and Courtney with a series of forearms. Allysin with a kick and she gets a near fall. Courtney with an ankle lock and she turns it into a single leg crab but Allysin gets to the ropes.

Courtney sets for the Sharpshooter but she cannot get Allysin over and Allysin with a kick. Allysin with a forearm and Irish whip. Courtney with a clothesline and both women are down. Courtney gets up first and she connects with clotheslines and hits a wrap around clothesline. Courtney tries for the third time and she finally gets Allysin in the Sharpshooter.

April gets on the apron and she distracts the referee. Allysin appears to have tapped but the referee did not see it. Courtney deals with April and that is her fatal mistake because Allysin hits a pump handle belly-to-back suplex for the three count.

Winner: Allysin Kay

Daffney mentions that Shine will be crowning a champion and we will have our first qualifying matches tonight.

Match Number Two: SHINE Championship Tournament Qualifier: Saraya Knight versus Su Yung

Saraya yells at the referee before the bell rings. She demands the mic. She tells everyone to shut her ignorant mouth. This will be the last time that you will see Su Yung in a wrestling ring. She tells Su to come to mama. She wonders if this is the best that Shine can come up with for an opponent. She was the SHIMMER Champion. That means that she was the best. What does Shine give her? Some jacked up Barbie doll who doesn’t know how to fight.

She tells Su that she is going to take great delight in ripping off her face. She guarantees that by the time she leaves the ring, they will respect her more and Su will just be a joke.

Su slaps Saraya and Saraya throws Su around the ring and she wants to know who Su is. Saraya with punches in the corner. Saraya chokes Su in the corner. Su shows some moxie and she chokes back but Saraya will have none of that. Saraya with a slam followed by a leg drop to the midsection for a near fall.

Su with a rollup while Saraya argues with the referee. Su with a head scissors and arm bar. Saraya tries to escape but Su holds on. Saraya reaches for the ropes and she gets there and Su takes her time releasing the hold. Su with a hip toss or two. Su with a slam and she gets a near fall.

Saraya slaps Su and then she punches Su in the corner. Saraya with a hesitation drop kick in the corner. Su with punches followed by a discus forearm and she snap mares Saraya and gets a near fall. Su pulls Saraya away from the ropes and gets a near fall. Saraya slingshots Su’s throat into the bottom rope and then she gets a near fall. Saraya with a back slide for a near fall. Su with a forearm and she hits a leg drop and gets a near fall. Saraya with a thumb to the eyes followed by a forearm.

Saraya with a Boston Crab and she uses the ropes for extra leverage until the referee sees her doing it and she releases the hold. Saraya with a punch to the head. Su with punches and kicks. Sue with a head scissors and arm bar combination but Saraya will not tap out.

Saraya gets to the ropes and Su waits until four to break the hold. Sue with punches in the corner. Su sends Saraya to the mat and she returns to the head scissors and arm bar. Saraya does a headstand to escape the hold. Saraya with kicks and forearms to the back. Saraya slaps Su but Su slaps back. Saraya with more slaps but Su does not back down.

Saraya kicks Su in the rear end. Saraya stretches Su in the ropes and she almost forgets to release the hold in time to avoid the disqualification. Saraya kicks Su in the corner. Saraya with an Irish whip but she runs into boots from Su. Saraya charges again and Su kicks her away. Saraya with a punch to the leg and Saraya with a sit out power bomb for the three count.

Winner: Saraya Knight (Saraya advances into the Shine Title Tournament at Shine 11)

Match Number Three: Brittney Savage versus Rhia O'Reilly versus Solo Darling

Rhia argues with a fan and Solo with a rollup for a near fall. Solo with a head scissors and arm drag combination and she holds on to the side head lock on Rhia. Brittney goes to the floor to regroup while Darling with a side head lock take down using the turnbuckles for leverage. Darling with a double leg take down but Brittney breaks up the cover. Savage gets a near fall on O’Reilly.

Brittney argues with Solo an Rhia attacks Solo from behind. Rhia sends Solo to the mat and then hits a leg drop and gets a near fall. O’Reilly with a suplex and she kicks Solo and then rubs her face in the mat. O’Reilly sends Solo into the turnbuckles. O’Reilly with a snap mare and a neck snap for a near fall.

Brittney stays on the floor and Darling with a drop kick to the back but O’Reilly with a kick. O’Reilly with a fisherman’s fallaway slam but Savage gets the near fall on Darling. Rhia sends Brittney through the ropes to the floor. O’Reilly with a forearm to the back and a kick to Darling’s back. Rhia with a kick to the midsection. Savage trips O’Reilly and she applies a Cloverleaf on O’Reilly.

Darling with a Japanese Stranglehold on O’Reilly at the same time. Darling then applies a single arm Japanese Stranglehold on Savage. Darling with a clothesline to Savage and an elbow to O’Reilly followed by a hip toss. Darling with elbows to Savage and O’Reilly. Darling with a cross body for a near fall on O’Reilly. Savage and O’Reilly set for a double suplex and they hit it.

O’Reilly knocks Savage out of the ring and then O’Reilly hits an Air Raid Crash on Darling for the three count.

Winner: Rhia O’Reilly

Match Number Four: SHINE Championship Tournament Qualifier: Angelina Love versus Rain (with April Hunter)

Rain takes her time getting into the ring after the introductions to get a psychological advantage over Angelina.

Angelina with a baseball slide to Rain. Angelina sends Rain into the apron. Angelina slams Rain’s injured wrist into the apron and the match officially begins. Angelina with a kick and a running knee lift and a power slam. Angelina grabs the injured wrist and slams it into the mat. Angelina wraps the arm in the ropes. Angelina with a cross body for a near fall.

Rain asks the referee to check on her wrist and April tries to interfere. Angelina kicks April away and Rain with a clothesline. Rain sends Angelina into the turnbuckles and then Rain connects with knees to the back for a near fall. Rain chokes Angelina in the ropes and April gets on the apron and leg drops Angelina on the ropes while Rain distracts the referee.

Rain gets a near fall. Rain punches Angelina and drops a knee to the ribs and then to the back. Rain with forearms to the chest and then she Irish whips Angelina into the corner but Angelina with boots to Rain. Rain misses a charge into the corner and Angelina with a rollup for a near fall. Rain with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. Rain chokes Angelina and she says that she is doing push ups.

Rain with a cravate followed by a knee to the midsection and a neck breaker for a near fall. Rain with a boot to the midsection. Rain with a cravate but Angelina with an elbow to the midsection. Rain sends Angelina to the mat and then she stands on Angelina’s hair as she pulls her off the mat. Rain returns to the cravate.

Angelina with elbows followed by a Codebreaker. Angelina with a drop kick and both women are down. Rain with a forearm but Angelina fires back and she gains the advantage. Angelina with a clothesline followed by a back elbow and chop. Rain blocks a kick and Angelina with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Angelina gets another near fall. Rain struggles to get to her feet and Angelina waits for her to get up and Angelina hits the bicycle kick. Angelina knocks April off the apron with a bicycle kick.

The delay allows Rain to kick out at two. Rain with a thumb to the eye followed by a kick and an Impaler DDT for the three count.

Winner: Rain (Rain advances into the Shine Title Tournament at Shine 11)

Match Number Five: Nikki Roxx, Mia Yim and Santana versus Kellie Skater , Jessie McKay, and Shazza McKenzie

They all shake hands before the match and then they have words with each other.

Shazza and Mia start things off. Shazza gets an Aussie chant started. Mia counters with a USA chant. They lock up and Shazza with a side head lock. Mia with a hammer lock but Shazza counters with a top wrist lock and Mia with a bridge. Mia takes Shazza down with a top wrist lock. Shazza with a hammer lock and Mia with a side head lock and take down.

Shazza gets a near fall with a rollup while still in the side head lock. Shazza with a head scissors and Mia escapes with a head stand and she applies a side head lock. Mia escapes and she works on the wrist. Mia with a cartwheel and she applies a wrist lock. Shazza kicks Mia and gets a reversal and follows with a single leg take down and knees.

Shazza with an arm bar and Mia with a front face lock. Mia rolls Shazza through into a guillotine and then a front face lock. Santana tags in and she works on the wrist. Nikki tags in and hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Nikki works on the shoulder and tags in Mia. Mia goes up top and hits a double sledge and returns to the wrist lock. Shazza with an arm drag and she tags in McKay. Mia with a wrist lock and Santana tags in.

Santana with a double leg take down and a chin lock and bridge. Santana with a kick to the chest and she gets a near fall. Jessie with a kick to the leg and the back of the head and she gets a near fall. Skater tags in and she punches Santana. Skater with a front face lock. Santana with a wrist lock and arm drag followed by a knee to the arm.

Nikki tags in and she kicks Skater and works on the wrist. Skater with an arm drag into an arm bar. Nikki with a drop toe hold and she gets a near fall. Nikki with a front face lock but Skater with punches and she hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Skater sends Nikki into the turnbuckles and Irish whips her but Skater misses a charge into the corner. Nikki with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall.

Skater with a knee to the midsection and Shazza tags in. Nikki avoids a double clothesline but they kick Nkki and then McKay gets on Nikki’s back. Mia and Santana take care of McKay and then hit double drop kicks on Shazza and Skater.

Skater and Nikki are the legal women in the match and Skater wants a test of strength. McKay grabs Nikki’s wrist but Santana does the same to Skater. Mia grabs Jessie’s wrist and then Shazza joins in and we have a six person test of strength that leads to Shazza getting hit in the face. Santana does a split and so does Shazza. They exchange shots from the split position. Mia and Kelly with kicks and then Nikki and Jessie kick each other to the mat and everyone is down.

Nikki with a rollup on Jessie for a near fall. Jessie gets a near fall. Nikki with an inside cradle on Jessie for a near fall. Jessie with a back slide for a near fall followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Nikki with a side power slam for a near fall. Nikki picks up Jessie and tries for the Voodoo Drop but Jessie blocks it. Nikki with forearms and she gets Jessie up and hits the Voodoo Drop but Kelly breaks up the cover.

Kelly with a straitjacket drop for a near fall. Mia slap and kicks Kelly and hits a wrist clutch German for a near fall. Mia slaps and kicks Shazza but Shazza kicks back and hits a jaw breaker into a split. Santana with a kick and enzuigiri to Shazza. Santana with a handspring moonsault for a near fall.

Santana with forearms to McKay but McKay hits a sit out spinebuster for the three count.

Winners: Shazza McKenzie, Kelly Skater, and Jessie McKay

Match Number Six: SHINE Championship Tournament Qualifier: Madison Eagles versus Jessicka Havok

The referee checks Madison’s knee pads and he finds some weapons. The referee warns Madison.

Madison tries to keep Jessicka away from her and the referee is made into a human shield. Madison with a wrist lock. Havok with a reversal into a hammer lock. Eagles with a side head lock and arm drag into an arm bar. Jessicka makes it to the ropes. Eagles with an arm bar and leg drop to the arm and she gets a near fall.

Eagles with a front face lock into a wrist lock. Madison bites Jessicka’s hand and she continues to work on the arm. Havok with a single leg take down but Madison makes it to the ropes. Madison with a forearm but Jessicka with a shoulder tackle and Madison stays on her feet.

Madison and Jessicka argue and Madison with a single leg trip instead of what she said she would do and Jessicka goes to the floor to regroup. Jessicka shows some frustration before returning to the ring. Madison with a forearm but Jessicka pulls Madison to the mat by the hair. Madison goes to the floor.

The referee has to hold Jessicka back but Havok with forearms. Eagles trips Havok and then she sends Jessicka to the floor. Madison is tripped and pulled to the floor. They fight on the apron and exchange forearms and chops. They each connect with forearms and boots and they fall to the floor. Madison with a knee to the midsection and a forearm to the back. Madison breaks the count and then rolls back to the floor.

Havok sends Eagles into the apron and then chops her. Madison Irish whips Havok into the ring steps. Madison rolls back in to stop the referee’s count. Madison with kicks on the floor and Jessicka kicks Madison and she returns the favor with an Irish whip into the ring steps.

Jessicka misses a chop and Madison with a series of chops. Madison has a fan blow on her hand and that allows Jessicka to recover and she kicks Madison. They return to the ring and Havok with a forearm and then she applies a Sharpshooter. Madison bites Jessicka’s hand to get out of the hold. Madison with a Cloverleaf and then applies a modified STF. Havok escapes the hold and connects with forearms.

Havok with a clothesline and a boot to the head for a near fall. Jessicka misses a leg drop and Madison with a kick and a running knee to the head for a near fall. Madison with a rear chin lock. Havok gets Eagles on her shoulders to escape the hold. Eagles with a kick to the head but she can only get a two count.

Eagles with an Irish whip and knees to the chest. Eagles misses a Yakuza kick and Havok with a running boot to the head. She hits a second one. Havok sets for a third but Eagles recovers and connects with a knee. Eagles with a Yakuza kick and she calls for the brainbuster. Havok escapes an hits a round kick. Eagles with a round kick of her own and both women are down.

They both get up at nine and Eagles with kicks to the leg and she misses a round kick. Eagles with a rollup for a near fall. Eagles gets Havok up on her shoulders but Havok with elbows followed by the Demon Drop for the three count.

Winner: Jessicka Havok (Jessicka Havok advances into the Shine Title Tournament at Shine 11)

Match Number Seven: Mercedes Martinez versus Evie

They lock up and Martinez backs Evie into the turnbuckles and she gives a clean break. They lock up again and Martinez takes Evie to the mat and slaps her in the head, showing her no respect. Evie with a kick and side head lock. Martinez with a side head lock take down but Evie with a head scissors.

Martinez escapes and slaps Evie in the face. Martinez with a chop and punches. Martinez returns to the chops and then she connects with a series of forearms in the corner. Martinez with an Irish whip and Evie floats over.

Evie is put on the turnbuckles and Evie with forearms followed by a cross body and clotheslines. Evie with a drop kick and Martinez goes to the floor. Evie goes to the apron but Martinez blocks a kick and she sends Evie face first into the apron and she lands on the floor. Martinez rolls Evie back into the ring and gets a near fall. Martinez with punches to Evie until the referee warns her. Martinez chokes Evie and the referee warns her again.

Martinez with a delayed vertical suplex and she gets a near fall. Martinez gets another near fall. Martinez with a chop and punch. Martinez chops Evie and appears to chop her again but she pokes her in the eyes and then she rolls through into a guillotine choke. Martinez with more punches and forearms.

Martinez charges into the corner and Evie with a drop toe hold followed by a monkey flip and snap mare. Evie with a running kick to the chest and she gets a near fall. Evie with forearms. Martinez with a wheelbarrow suplex. Martinez gets a near fall. Martinez with a chop and then she hits a choke slam but Evie is able to kick out.

Martinez picks up Evie and sets for a power slam but Evie sends Martinez into the turnbuckles. Evie with forearms from the apron and she goes up top. Evie with a missile drop kick followed by forearms and a chop. Evie with a kick to the back for a near fall. Evie with forearms but Martinez with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Martinez goes to the turnbuckles but Evie with a boot to the head and she goes to the turnbuckles for a super hurricanrana and she hits it, but both women are down. Martinez rolls to the apron while Evie struggles to get back to her feet. Evie with a running boot to the chest. Evie rolls Martinez back into the ring but she only gets a two count.

Evie sends Martinez into the turnbuckles but she misses a Yakuza Kick. Martinez with a belly-to-back suplex followed by a fisherman’s buster for the three count.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez

Match Number Eight: SHINE Championship Tournament Qualifier: Jazz versus Ivelisse (with April Hunter)

Ivelisse’s ribs are taped so will Jazz take advantage during the match?

They lock up and Jazz with a hammer lock into a side head lock. Jazz with a shoulder tackle. Ivelisse complains to the referee. Ivelisse with a waist lock but Jazz with an arm drag and wrist lock. Ivelisse with a reversal and arm drag. Jazz questions whether Ivelisse is injured after that move.

Ivelisse wants sportsmanship. They lock up and Jazz with a waist lock into a front face lock. Jazz with a rollup for a near fall. Jazz maintains the front face lock and rolls through to add more pressure on the ribs. Ivelisse with a hammer lock. Jazz with a fireman’s carry for a near fall. Jazz with a wrist lock and she kicks Ivelisse in the ribs. Jazz with a hammer lock and rollup for a near fall.

Jazz pulls Ivelisse into the center of the ring. Ivelisse with a triangle choke but Jazz counters and picks up Ivelisse but Ivelisse counters with a rana. Ivelisse removes the bandage from her ribs and she is okay.

It might not have been a smart thing to show off the ruse because Jazz connects with a series of jabs and then she knocks Ivelisse to the mat with a right hand. Jazz with a leg drop for a near fall. Jazz with abdominal stretch to give Ivelisse a reason to have her ribs taped up. Ivelisse with kicks to the leg and then to the head.

Ivelisse gets a near fall. Ivelisse with a kick to the back and she gets another near fall. Jazz runs Ivelisse into the turnbuckles but Ivelisse holds on to the guillotine choke but Jazz grabs the ropes. Ivelisse chokes Jazz and the referee warns her. April chokes Jazz while the referee is distracted.

Ivelisse with a kick to the head and she gets a near fall. Ivelisse returns to the triangle choke but Jazz punches to get out of the hold. Ivelisse turns it into an arm bar submission but Jazz counters into a modified Muta Lock. Ivelisse with a kick to the midsection followed by a kick to the back. Ivelisse gets a near fall.

Ivelisse chokes Jazz but Jazz gets to the ropes. Ivelisse goes to the turnbuckles but Jazz catches her and applies the Rings of Saturn. Rain gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Jazz yells at Rain and Ivelisse tries for a round kick but she misses. Jazz with an X Factor and she gets the three count.

Winner: Jazz (Jazz advances into the Shine Title Tournament at Shine 11)

After the match, Rain and April have some words with Ivelisse about the loss.

While they set up the cage, many of the wrestlers come out to celebrate Nikki Roxx’s birthday with her. They bring out a birthday cake for Nikki.

Mercedes Martinez comes out and she wants to wish Nikki a happy birthday but she takes a handful of cake and throws it in Nikki’s face. Nikki and Martinez brawl. Martinez hits Nikki with a weapon. Martinez grabs the cake and throws it on Nikki.

Match Number Nine: Arkham Asylum Steel Cage Match: Leva Bates versus Kimberly

A straitjacket is hanging from one corner of the cage. In order to win the match, you need to put the straitjacket on your opponent.

Kimberly brings a chair into the cage. Leva sees Kimberly’s chair and raises with a trash can of weapons.

Kimberly attacks Leva and sends her into the cage. Kimberly with a snap mare and she hits Leva in the back with a chair a few times. Leva chokes the referee and laughs about it. Then she chokes Kimberly and laughs. Kimberly grabs a sign and hits Leva. Leva blows powder in Kimberly’s face.

Kimberly hits Leva in the leg with the chair and then Leva grabs the chair and hits Kimberly in the back with it. Leva sends Kimberly into the turnbuckles and chokes her with it. Leva puts the chair in Kimberly’s face and then hits a drop kick. Leva with a cannonball into the chair.

Leva grabs the straitjacket but Kimberly sends Leva into the cage. Kimberly runs Leva’s back into the cage numerous times. Kimberly with a fallaway slam. Leva puts the traffic cone on Kimberly but Kimberly throws it at Leva. Leva catches it and throws it at Kimberly.

Kimberly kicks Leva and chokes her in the ropes. Kimberly sets for a cloverleaf but Leva hits her with the sign. Leva climbs the cage and hits a springboard elbow. Leva climbs to the top of the cage and hits a double stomp to the back.

Leva tries to put the straitjacket on Kimberly but Kimberly is able to avoid getting it put on. Kimberly sends Leva to the apron. Kimberly tries for a shoulder but Leva moves. Leva with a DDT. Leva starts to put the straitjacket on but Kimberly chokes Leva. Kimberly runs Leva’s head into the cage. Kimberly with a Samoan drop and then she chokes Leva with the straitjacket.

Kimberly with a forearm to the back. Kimberly gets Leva on her back and climbs the turnbuckles. Leva with elbows and then she hits a sunset flip power bomb. Leva puts Kimberly in one arm of the straitjacket. Kimberly puts on the straitjacket and Leva hits a Codebreaker and then she hits a lungblower.

Leva gets her tied up in the straitjacket and she wins the match.

Winner: Leva Bates

After the match, Leva kicks Kimberly.