View Full Version : RAW Results - 19th Sep 2006

09-19-2006, 03:27 AM
RAW Results - 19th Sep 2006
Location - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Announcers - J.R & Jerry 'The king' Lawler

Last night we saw one era end while another continued. Some people thought that John Cena would be going to Smackdown since he was facing Edge in Edge’s home town in the match that Edge helped to make famous. However, John Cena dug deep down and he was able to take care of Edge and Lita to become the new WWE champion. It was a bad night for Lita because she joined her boyfriend (for storyline purposes) in the line of former champions after Unforgiven as she lost the Women’s Title to Trish Stratus in what was announced as Trish’s final match. What will happen tonight in Montreal with the Women’s title? Will there be a tournament, battle royal, or pillow fight to determine who will get the belt? Will Trish Stratus be given the proper sendoff after her emotional victory? Will Randy Orton continue to suspend belief and return to his legend killing ways? Will we see Vince McMahon after the neck of the GameHammer broke across his back during the Hell in a Cell Match? What about ‘his son’ Shane since he was also stretchered out of the ring? Who is next for Degeneration X? How will Montreal treat Shawn Michaels this time? What is next for the tag champions? Can you name the tag champions? Will the cultural ambassador for Quebec appear on this week’s episode of Raw to welcome us to this week’s show?

We are live from Montreal , Quebec , Canada and your announcers are Jim ‘How do you say Slobber Knocker in French’ Ross and Jerry ‘Roi’ Lawler.

Lillian Garcia introduces the new WWE Champion John Cena and he comes to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Cena has the mic and he soaks in the crowd, both positive and negative before speaking. Cena appears to be speechless at the reaction, but he finally says that it is chaos . . . absolute chaos. Normally, he would say that tonight will be huge, but even with everything that is going on, he is not himself tonight. Cena tells the crowd that he needs to bottom line it for everyone. Last night, he was hit in the head a lot. He went through a match where he does not know what time it is or what his name is. He looks at the belt and he says that it is becoming clear. He holds up the belt and says that the champ is here. He tells the Jedis to calm down because there is some unrest in the force. He says that this is big. The crowd serenades Cena and then he tells the crowd that after everything that has happened over the last nine months; which saw him take three thousand spears; two thousand sneak attacks; thousands of cheap shots to the head; a thousand cheap jokes about Lita giving head; his father getting slapped; someone getting thrown in the river; more tables, ladders, and chairs being shattered; the cinematic line between John Cena and Edge has come to an end.

Before John Cena can continue, Edge comes out with the former Women’s champion Lita. Edge wants to know if Cena believes all of this crap he is saying. Edge says that Cena’s win was like his career and it was a fluke. Edge says that he has a rematch clause and when he uses it he will become a three-time WWE Champion. Cena tells Edge that he saw something in Edge that he never saw before. He saw hunger and fire; and man to man he respects that. Cena says that if Edge wants to come out and talk like that right now, the way he sees it, Edge has two options. Option A, have a one man sex celebration and go screw himself. Option B, put some balls behind his words, ante up tonight and have a WWE Title rematch right now.

Edge thinks about it and he says Cena that he has some desire to win the title back in Canada . Cena says that the fans appear to want it. Edge says that this is not Canada . This is the cheese eating, wine sniffing, and inbred cousin of Canada . . . Montreal . Edge tells Cena that he wants to make it clear to Cena and the Kermits in the crowd. Last night, he took more physical punishment in one night than most people do in their lives. Edge reminds everyone that he took an FU through two tables from a twelve foot ladder. He could have raised the flag and surrendered, but he took it like a man. He will take back his title, but he will not do it tonight.

Cena congratulates Edge for taking thirty seconds for everyone to love him to wanting to have Cena beat the crap out of him. Cena says that he was in the TLC match too and he is just as beat up. If Edge isn’t here to throw down, he wants to know why Edge is in the ring.

Edge says that he wants payback. Edge says that Cena stopped his winning streak in TLC matches. He lost in his home town, in front of his mom. Edge says that Cena took away something that means more than anything, his WWE Title. Edge calls Cena a son-of-a-bitch. He says that he has a backup plan.

Cade and Murdoch attack Cena but Cena fights back until they hit their version of Total Elimination. Edge says that the same people who beat the hell out of DX last week will help him beat up Cena this week. Edge, Murdoch, and Cade attack Cena until DX’s music plays and they come to the ring.

Edge leaves the ring while Hunter and Shawn Michaels work over Cade and Murdoch. Cade and Murdoch leave the ring and Cena is in there with Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

Jonathan Coachman’s music plays and he comes out. He reminds everyone who he is and he says that he is Mr. McMahon’s executive assistant so he is going to do as Mr. McMahon would do. Tonight, there will be a six man tag match with Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, and Edge facing John Cena and Degeneration X. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Photos of the Hell in a Cell match from Unforgiven.

Jonathan Coachman is in the back and he has a message for Vince McMahon and ‘his son’ Shane. He says that he hopes that they will enjoy Raw since he is going to run it the way that they would. He has secured a room for the wrestlers to give their well wishes to Vince and Shane after their match at Unforgiven.

Shelton Benjamin enters and he tells Vince that if he was their partner, Vince wouldn’t have had his head shoved up someone’s rear end. Shelton wants to know why he was not their partner. He is a three time Intercontinental champion and the greatest athlete in the WWE. He has been pulling his hair out to wonder why. Shelton looks at his hand and he thinks he knows why. He says that is because he is black. Coach pushes Benjamin away.

Umaga (with Armando Alejandro Estrada) versus Kane in an Unforgiven Rematch

Kane and Umaga both go off the ropes and they go to a stalemate. Kane punches Umaga, but Umaga with a belly-to-belly suplex followed by a kick to the chest. Estrada gets a chair for Umaga but the referee takes it. Kane splashes Umaga in the corner but the referee gets in the way. Kane with a DDT to Umaga. Estrada gets on the apron and that distracts Kane long enough for Umaga to hit Kane with the chair and Kane goes down. Umaga covers Kane but there is no referee. When a referee comes down, Umaga is only able to get a two count. Umaga punches Kane and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kane punches Umaga. Umaga with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Kane charges at Umaga, but Umaga hits a Samoan Drop. Umaga with a head and arm DDT to Kane and then Kane is in the corner as Umaga charges but he is met with an elbow. Kane punches Umaga and then he hits a big boot but Umaga stays up. Kane with a running clothesline but Umaga stays up. Kane hits a flying shoulder tackle and Umaga goes down. Kane with an uppercut but Umaga sends Kane to the apron. Kane drops Umaga on the top rope and then Kane picks up a chair and brings it into the ring. Umaga punches Kane before Kane can use the chair. Umaga with an Irish whip but Kane moves when Umaga charges into the corner. Kane goes up top for the flying clothesline. Kane sets for the choke slam, but he grabs the chair instead. Kane prepares to hit Umaga, but Estrada hits Kane from behind. Kane shrugs that off and Kane hits Umaga with the chair. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Umaga (by disqualification)

After the match:
Kane hits Umaga two more times with the chair and Umaga finally goes down on the third one. Kane chases Estrada towards the Titantron. Estrada falls down and Kane takes Estrada to the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Kane hitting Umaga with the steel chair three times before Umaga finally went down.

We see Kane throwing Estrada into the metal doors. Kane wants to know if Estrada still thinks that Umaga is the monster in the WWE. Kane gets a spike, but Umaga comes from behind and he attacks Kane and rams his head into the metal door and then he hits a splash against the door. Umaga and Estrada leave the building. Kane sits up and he smiles.

Maria is in the get well area and she says that she has been watching the DVD. She hasn’t gotten to the good parts when Vince was the sidekick for Johnny Carson or when he won the Super Bowl with the Bears. She wants to know what it was like when they pulled down Big Show’s pants. Was it like going into the Grand Canyon or was it like when Batman approaches the Bat Cave .

The Spirit Squad shoo Maria away. They wish Shane and Vince their best as they recover. They remind Vince and Shane that they are still the tag team Champions. Johnny says that he has challenged Ric Flair to a match and he dedicates it to Mr. McMahon. They tell Vince to get well and give him a cheer. We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package recapping last night’s Unforgiven pay per view including Trish Stratus’s title victory, the Hell in a Cell match, and John Cena’s victory in the TLC match to become the new WWE champion.

Johnny tells the rest of the Spirit Squad to stay on the Rawest Stage in Sports Entertainment during the match.

Ric Flair versus Johnny Jeter

Johnny with a side head lock and then he takes Flair down and punches him in the head. Johnny punches Flair in the corner, but Flair with chops and a back elbow. Flair with the rolling knee drop and Johnny goes outside the ring. Flair goes outside the ring after Johnny and he chops him. Johnny with a thumb to the eyes and then he back body drops Flair on the floor. Johnny rolls Flair back into the ring and he punches Flair. The referee tells Johnny to get out of the corner and Flair chops back. Johnny with a clip to Flair’s leg and then he works on Flair’s leg. Johnny with a figure four on Flair but Flair gets to the ropes and Johnny releases the hold. Flair goes to the apron and Johnny punches him and then suplexes Flair back into the ring. Johnny goes up top but he misses a jumping spin kick. Flair goes low on Johnny and works on Johnny’s leg. Flair works on the hamstring and then he tries for the figure four but Johnny with a small package. Flair reverses and gets the three count.

Winner: Ric Flair

After the match:
The Spirit Squad come to the ring, but Flair gets out of the ring before they can get him.

Lita is in the get well room. She says that Edge also sends his regards. Lita wants to talk about herself and the Women’s Title. Since Trish is retired. Mickie James comes in and Lita tells her to wait. Mickie wants to know if Lita is going to ask for the title back. Mickie says that Trish won the title in her home town and she is the greatest women’s champion of all time. Lita says that she is sick of hearing about Trish. Mickie says that is a great way to go out on top as champion, instead of on top of the champion. Mickie reminds Lita that Edge isn’t the champion so that is not true either. Lita slaps Mickie and we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade attacking John Cena only to see Cena saved by Degeneration X.

Randy Orton comes out and he has something to say. Despite the fact that there was enough trauma to his face to cause him to get stitches, he still won his match at Unforgiven. His performance was one of the most courageous in wrestling history. He proved without a doubt that he is not only the future of the WWE and the future of Raw, but he is the future of the wrestling industry and nobody can deny it.

Johnny Nitro and Melina come out to interrupt Orton. Nitro says that if anyone is the future of the industry it is him. For everyone who thinks that watching him talk is like watching paint dry, he holds up the Intercontinental Title. After all of the hype about Jeff Hardy’s comeback, look at who is still the Intercontinental Champion. Nitro wants to know where Randy’s title is and then Nitro reminds Orton that he does not have one. Nitro says that Orton has been coasting on his reputation. While Orton talks about getting to the top, some have been making it to the top.

Orton tells Nitro that he has balls. He says that he can take the title from Nitro’s waist whenever he wants. Orton says that he can also take Nitro’s girls.

Chris Masters comes out and he says that neither of them knows what they are talking about. Masters says that he should be the Intercontinental champion. He is 23 years old and he is the future of the business. He says that nobody breaks his Master Lock. Orton and Nitro laugh. Orton tells Masters that he lost two weeks in a row to a man who should be busing tables right now. Melina wonders if Masters can spell future. Nitro tells Masters that this is a grown up conversation.

Carlito interrupts Masters and he comes out with a microphone of his own. Carlito says that Orton won last night even though his face does not look that good. Carlito says that there is something that he should know. Carlito says that he is a sore loser and then he punches Orton. Carlito attacks Masters and Nitro as well. Masters, Orton, and Nitro attack Carlito. Super Crazy and Jeff Hardy come out to help Carlito. A referee comes to the ring.

Coach appears on the TitanTron. He says that he promised an innovative show for Mr. McMahon. They will be part of a ‘Six Pack’ Challenge where the winner is the Intercontinental Champion. We go to commercial.

Johnny Nitro (with Melina) versus Carlito versus Chris Masters versus Jeff Hardy versus Super Crazy

We are back and the match is joined in progress with Super Crazy hitting a springboard moonsault on Nitro. Masters pulls Orton out of the cover and gets a two count. Nitro pulls Crazy out of the ring and he runs Crazy into the apron. Orton gets a two count on Hardy but Carlito breaks it up. Masters with forearms to Carlito while Orton works over Hardy. Masters with a butterfly suplex to Carlito and he gets a two count. Hardy chokes Orton while Masters chokes Carlito in the corner. Nitro with a rollup using Hardy’s trunks for a two count. Master punches his former tag team partner. Hardy with a jaw breaker on Nitro but Nitro with a back breaker and a side Russian leg sweep but Crazy breaks up the cover. Orton and Masters work over Carlito on the apron while Crazy covers Nitro. Orton covers Nitro but Hardy breaks up the cover. Masters gets chopped by Carlito followed by a kick and chop. Carlito with a springboard moonsault on Masters for a two count. Nitro kicks Carlito out of the ring. Masters chokes Orton in the corner. Hardy charges into a boot from Nitro. Nitro with a cross body but Hardy catches him and hits a standing power slam. Crazy covers Orton but Masters breaks up the cover. Hardy with a leg drop to Orton for a two count. Nitro hits an inverted DDT for a two count on Super Crazy. Hardy blocks a suplex by Orton, but Orton eventually drops Hardy on the top rope. Crazy with a drop kick to Nitro but Carlito covers. Everyone tries to cover Nitro but nobody can get the three count. Masters with shoulders in the corner to Hardy followed by a running clothesline into the corner. Masters with a leg drop to Hardy. Nitro kicks Carlito, but Carlito kicks back. Carlito with a pescado onto Carlito. Everyone goes outside the ring. Hardy runs the ringside barrier and he clotheslines Carlito. Nitro trips Super Crazy on the apron. Nitro tries for a pescado but everyone moves out of the way and Nitro eats the mat. Crazy hits a double jump Asai moonsault and everyone is down as we go to commercial.

We are back and Carlito covers Masters but Crazy breaks it up. Super Crazy sends Carlito into the turnbuckles but Carlito punches Crazy. Masters punches Orton in the corner and then Nitro hits Carlito from behind. Nitro punches Carlito and chokes him. Orton with a power slam to Nitro for a two count but the cover is broken up. Crazy covers Nitro but Carlito breaks it up. Hardy, Masters, and Crazy fight outside the ring while Carlito punches Nitro in the corner and then he hits a cross body on Orton for a two count. Masters works over Crazy on the floor while Hardy rolls back into the ring. Orton with a standing drop kick to Hardy for a two count. Carlito with a flap jack to Nitro and he gets a two count. Orton throws Carlito over the top rope but Carlito lands on the apron. Carlito tries to get back into the ring but Orton hits a drop kick that sends Carlito to the floor. Hardy punches and clotheslines Orton and Nitro. Hardy with a mule kick to Nitro. Orton and Nitro with a double back body drop to Hardy but Orton with an RKO to Nitro. Carlito with the Lungblower to Orton. Masters puts Carlito in the Master Lock but Crazy with a missile drop kick. Crazy goes up top for a moonsault, but Hardy pushes Crazy off the turnbuckles to the floor. Hardy hits the Swanton but Nitro pushes Hardy out of the way and Nitro gets the three count.

Winner: Johnny Nitro

We have a Smackdown Rebound and then we go to commercial.

We are back with the latest Cryme Tyme ‘training video’. We see Cryme Tyme taking a break from training for their debut by throwing bones. All is good until someone is looking for directions in their minivan. It is time for his ass to be beat on principle. We see how Cryme Tyme shows how they have ‘drive’. They pull the driver out of the minivan and it is suggested by the man who is doing the voiceover that ‘homey’ should have used Map Quest. Cryme Tyme drive away in the vehicle.

Coach is back and he addresses Vince and Shane. He says that Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, and Edge are going to come in, but Coach leaves while Degeneration X enter. Shawn says that he has Stockholm Syndrome where he feels like a part of him is missing. Hunter says that he has not been to Stockholm and he misses them too. Hunter says that they have a video tribute for Vince that will lift his spirits like it lifted theirs. We see the video package that aired during the pay per view. Then we go to footage from the Hell in a Cell match.

Hunter and Shawn put water on their face to simulate tears. Then they realize that they are on camera. They cannot believe that it has come to an end. Hunter has a poem for Vince.

Vince, we know you are angry. Your anger if valid.

After all, last night, you tossed Big Show’s salad.

We beat you up, you almost kicked the bucket.

If you are not down with that, we have two words, suck it.

They spray DX on the camera and leave.

Candice Michelle comes to the ring for her match and we go to commercial.

Candice Michelle versus Lita

Lita pushes Candice and then she connects with forearms and a front face lock. Lita slams Candice’s head into the turnbuckles and then she throws Candice face first to the mat. Lita chokes Candice in the ropes. Candice with elbows and a forearm. Candice holds on to the ropes and she kicks Lita. Candice with a jumping spin kick and Lita goes out of the ring. Lita pulls Candice out of the ring and she slams Candice’s face into the apron. Lita then runs Candice’s back into the apron. Lita with a snap mare and a two count. Lita continues the attack with a kick to the midsection. Lita with a front face lock and a knee to the abdomen. Lita with a suplex and float over for a two count. Lita with a sleeper on Candice. Candice tries to get out of the hold but Lita pulls Candice down by the hair. Lita with a side Russian leg sweep on Candice for a two count. Lita continues to kick Candice as she stands over Candice. Lita with an Irish whip but she charges into an elbow. Candice with a rollup for a two count. Lita pushes Candice back to the mat when Candice tries to get up. Lita with kicks to Candice’s back followed by a slam and then she goes up top for a moonsault. Mickie James comes out and she distracts Lita. That allows Candice to get up and hit a power bomb for the three count.

Winner: Candice Michelle

Edge is in the locker room and Murdoch tells Edge to forget about it. Trevor reminds Edge that last week, they gave DX the worst beating of their lives. Murdoch reminds Edge that neither of them were in a TLC or Hell in a Cell match so they are fresh. Edge tells them that they are going to take them apart. They go to the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage of Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade helping Shane McMahon attack Degeneration X last week on Raw.

Edge (with Lita), Trevor Murdoch, and Lance Cade versus John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H

All six men battle as the match begins and then Edge, Murdoch, and Cade leave the ring to regroup. Cade and Cena start things off and Cade with a kick and forearm to the back. Cade chops Cena in the corner and follows that with a punch. Cena punches back but Cade with a knee. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle and clothesline followed by a modified Blue Thunder Driver. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle and then he tries to get Cade up for the FU, but Cade escapes the hold and he slams Cena. Cade misses an elbow drop and Cena tags in Michaels. Michaels chops Cade but Cade with an Irish whip. Cade charges into a boot and then Michaels chops Cade. Murdoch makes the blind tag and he hits a big boot to Michaels after a reverse atomic drop by Cade. Murdoch punches Michaels and then hits a double sledge to the head. Murdoch tags in Edge and he holds Michaels for Edge to punch him. Edge punches Michaels and then hits a standing drop kick. Murdoch tags back in and he punches Michaels. Michaels chops back but Murdoch takes Michaels down. Murdoch works on Michaels’s wounds from last night. Cade punches Michaels while Murdoch distracts the referee. Murdoch with a jawbreaker followed by a neck breaker from Cade for a two count. Edge tags in and he punches Michaels in the midsection. Edge with a snap mare and a rear chin lock on Michaels. Michaels makes it back to his feet and he punches Edge and chops him. Edge with a back elbow to Michaels and then he tags in Murdoch. Murdoch with an elbow to the top of Michaels head and an elbow for a two count. Michaels tries to fight back but Murdoch with a front face lock. Hunter punches Murdoch and Michaels with a back body drop to Murdoch. Cade grabs Michaels but Michaels with an enzuigiri. Michaels makes the tag to Hunter and he punches Edge. Hunter with a high knee to Murdoch. Hunter with a face buster and clothesline to Edge followed by punches to Murdoch. Hunter sets for a Pedigree on Edge but Cade with a clothesline. Cena with a spear to Cade. Edge gets a chair but Hunter hits a spinebuster. Murdoch grabs the chair and then Michaels hits Murdoch with the chair. The ref calls for the bell.

Winners: Edge, Trevor Murdoch, and Lance Cade (by disqualification)

After the match
Cena gives Cade an FU. Edge is surrounded by Michaels, Hunter, and Cena. Michaels sets for Sweet Chin Music and Michaels hits it on Edge. Hunter with a Pedigree to Edge. We go to credits while DX and Cena celebrate in the ring and Cena joins in with the crotch chops as we go to credits.

Thanx to PWInsider.com

The Hammer
09-19-2006, 06:33 PM
I actually hope this means Cena is joining DX as I think he would be great in that role. Also maybe the crowd will start to turn over on him and cheer for once lol.

09-19-2006, 07:23 PM
I may not like Cena, but I have to agree he would fit in quite well with D-X, and it probably would put him over again.

09-19-2006, 07:50 PM
screw that.. turn him heel already. he will become the next randy orton face :shifty: dx can not be replaced by noobs. that is evolution, not dx. dx is all about hhh, hbk, chyna, road dogg, xpac, and mr ass. :agree: