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View Full Version : WWE Extreme Rules 2013: Do We Really Care About the World Title Match?

04-23-2013, 02:49 PM
You know what they say about karma. Dolph Ziggler has been getting a real dose of it lately, especially since winning the World Heavyweight title the night after WrestleMania 29.

Alberto Del Rio has staked a claim to the title. Jack Swagger has staked a claim to the title. And before he was distracted by everyone's favorite theme music (come on, chant it with me), Chris Jericho seemed destined to be in the hunt for the World title.

That's a Fatal Four-Way match if it had happened. Thank goodness it did not come to that. How could something that looked to be a perfect fit with Ziggler cashing in his Money in the Bank contract and taking the title from Alberto Del Rio, turn out to be a joke?

A few weeks ago, The Rock's possession of the WWE title made the World title more significant since we saw it on television each week. Now, the idea of three guys dancing for the World title with the champion possibly losing without being involved in the decision is quite bothersome to me.

I don't like gimmick matches like these to begin with and the idea of having Ziggler defend against Del Rio or Swagger in a one-on-one match would be a better show, in my opinion.

Does the WWE Universe really care about who battles over this title? Swagger/Ziggler could be something special. Ziggler/ADR as well. But this also shows the WWE's problems with having to continue to rehash old rivalries and matches we continually see because of lack of talent or the failures of the company to push other wrestlers.

What would happen if, and changing character is part of repackaging, we saw someone like Cody Rhodes challenging for a singles title again? What about Dean Ambrose or Roman Reigns? Wade Barrett also needs a huge push. Drew McIntrye is still waiting for his chance to be "The Chosen One."

What I am trying to convey is the WWE really does not need to rehash match after match. We are tired of seeing the same matches at two and three pay-per-views in a row. All it does is water down the product.

Drinking the Kool Aid is one thing, but giving it another flavor is another. Titles really need to matter and seeing the World title wasted like this just makes no sense.