View Full Version : Ring of Honor Television Results - 27th April, 2013

04-28-2013, 07:23 AM
We begin with a look at what happened last week when Kevin Steen was confronted by the members of SCUM and it appears that he is no longer part of the group.
We are in New York City and your announcer is Kevin Kelly.

Steve Corino, Jimmy Jacobs, Rhett Titus, and Cliff Compton are in the ring and Steve Corino has something to say. He says this week, the moronic and idiotic fans are going to get a treat. He says that he was hoping that they were jumping the rails to punch every man, woman, and nerd.

He has a challenge for Nigel McGuinness. He has three of his best in the ring with him. He tells Nigel to send him three of his best to get it on right here and right now.

BJ Whitmer, Cedric Alexander, and Caprice Coleman rush to the ring and we have a brawl as the referee calls for the bell.

Match Number One: Jimmy Jacobs, Rhett Titus, and Cliff Compton (with Steve Corino) versus BJ Whitmer, Caprice Coleman, and Cedric Alexander

All six men brawl in the ring as the match begins. Alexander sends Jacobs to the floor and Whitmer does the same to Compton. Jacobs and Alexander fight on the floor while Whitmer and Compton do the same. Coleman with a drop kick to Titus but Jacobs goes after Coleman. Coleman with a leaping leg lariat to Jacobs. Coleman with a kick to Compton and Alexander with a drop kick to Titus. Jacobs with a spear to Alexander.

Jacobs sends Alexander into the turnbuckles and he punches Cedric on the turnbuckles. Jacobs draws Whitmer into the ring and that allows SCUM to triple team Alexander. Titus with a forearm to the back and he drops Alexander on the top rope. Compton tags in and he hits a forearm to the back off the turnbuckles. Compton with a leg drop for a near fall.

Alexander gets sent into Titus and Jacobs’ boots and then Jimmy and Cliff make a wish. Jacobs punches Alexander. Alexander blocks a suplex and he hits a suplex on Jacobs. Compton tags in and he stops Cedric from making the tag. Compton with a leg lariat to Alexander and he gets a near fall. Titus tags in and he kicks Alexander in the ribs.

Titus slingshots Alexander’s throat into the bottom rope. Jacobs tags in and they hit a double leg sweep on Cedric and then Rhett and Jimmy punch Cedric. Jacobs chokes Cedric in the ropes and then he kicks Cedric in the midsection. Jacobs with a punch but Cedric with punches. Jacobs stops Cedric from making the tag and Titus tags in and connects with an elbow drop. Titus with a reverse chin lock on Cedric.

Titus with a forearm to the back and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Cedric lands on his feet and he tags in Whitmer who connects with clotheslines and then he hits a power slam for a near fall. Jacobs is sent to the floor and then Whitmer with an Exploder on Titus for a near fall. Whitmer sends Compton to the floor.

Coleman and Alexander with planchas onto Jacobs and Compton. Corino gives Titus a chain and Titus hits Whitmer in the head with the chain and he gets the three count.

Winners: Rhett Titus, Jimmy Jacobs, and Cliff Compton

After the match, Jacobs, Titus, and Compton attack Alexander, Coleman, and Whitmer. Jay Lethal and Michael Elgin make their way to the ring to force SCUM to the floor because Jay and Michael are Nigel’s Team of Honor for Border Wars.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jay Lethal is in the ring with Rhett Titus and we have an impromptu match.

Match Number Two: Jay Lethal versus Rhett Titus

Lethal sends Titus into the turnbuckles and he punches him. Lethal chops Titus and Titus chops. They go back and forth. Lethal and Titus exchange punches. Lethal with forearms followed by a hip toss and cartwheel followed by a drop kick. Lethal sends Titus to the apron and Lethal with a springboard drop kick that knocks Titus off the apron.

Lethal with three suicide dives that send Titus into the guardrails. Lethal punches Titus and chops him as they go around the ring. Lethal with a punch to Titus and he stops the count. Titus sends Lethal into the apron and then he kicks Lethal against the guardrails. Titus with a forearm across the chest.

Titus with a running boot to the head and then he returns to the ring and he gets a near fall. Titus with a rear chin lock and he puts his knee in Lethal’s back. Lethal gets to his feet and he punches and chops Titus but Titus pulls Lethal to the mat by the hair and the referee warns him.

Titus with a double knee drop to the chest and he gets a near fall. Titus with a forearm to the back and punch to the head. Lethal and Titus exchange punches as the crowd boos and yays. Lethal with chops and punches to Titus. Lethal with a kick and Irish whip followed by a chop into the corner. Lethal goes up top and he hits a missile drop kick. Lethal with a running forearm into the corner followed by a running Death Valley Driver.

Lethal gets a near fall. Lethal goes to the turnbuckles again but Titus recovers. Lethal with a back heel kick and he tries for the Lethal Injection but Titus with a kick to the back of the head followed by a lariat for a near fall. Titus with forearms to the back and a front face lock. Lethal misses an enzuigiri and Lethal with the Lethal combination followed by a super kick and Lethal Injection for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

After the match, Jay Lethal says that this marks the first victory in the war between Ring of Honor and SCUM. This is just the beginning because at Border Wars, he promises and swears that Steve Corino will be gone forever.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Inside Ring of Honor. This week’s topics are SCUM and Border Wars, how does Kevin Steen stand with SCUM, and what is the international impact of Ring of Honor.

At Border Wars, Matt Taven will defend the Television Title against Mark Briscoe. Jay Lethal and Michael Elgin face two members of SCUM. If Lethal and Elgin win, Corino is gone from ROH, but if SCUM wins, they will earn a World Title Match and Steve Corino will be a permanent member of the announce team.

In addition, Tadarius Thomas and ACH will face Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander. BJ Whitmer will face Rhett Titus in an I Quit Match.

After last week’s attack, where does Kevin Steen stand? He will be at Border Wars, but what will he be doing on the show?

New Japan and Pro Wrestling NOAH have been on Ring of Honor. Karl Anderson faces Michael Elgin on next week’s television while two members of Pro Wrestling NOAH will face Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards at Border Wars in Singles Matches.

Michael Elgin has some comments about his match. He says that reputations can be an intimidating factor. Karl proved it in Japan and against Roderick Strong at Supercard of Honor. Michael has a reputation for being one of the best, strongest, and the baddest man in the company. Nothing will get in the way of his title match. He says that they were wrong when they said that God created all men equal.

Kyle O’Reilly says that his match with Davey Richards next week has been a long time coming. Ever since he met Davey, he knew that he would have to go through Davey to get to the top. He says that the hunt and chase that Davey is on involves chasing the dragon. It also involves Bobby Fish.

Bobby says that he wouldn’t miss this for the world to watch Davey’s past finally catch up with his present. This will not end well for Davey.

We will hear from BJ Whitmer next week Inside Ring of Honor.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the night that Kevin Steen defeated Davey Richards to become the Ring of Honor World Champion last year in Toronto.

Nigel McGuinness is in the ring and he has a microphone, table, and chairs to make the World Title Match official.

Nigel brings out the challenger first and Adam Cole makes his way to the ring. Nigel brings out the champion, Jay Briscoe so we can get this contract signed.

Nigel says that they have verbally agreed to the match in Toronto, but now they need to sign the contract to make it official. Nigel has Adam sign first and he signs the contract. Jay signs the contract and the match is official for Border Wars.

Nigel wants them to shake hands and they do so we have a signing of honor.

Steve Corino makes his way to the ring and he is not impressed with the contract signing. He says that it makes him sick to have his two boys shake hands. This is their World Title Match at Border Wars? Jay should not be defending the World Title against Adam Cole. He should be defending it against the man who will be the next and last Ring of Honor World Champion . . . Matt Hardy.

No one wants to see Jay Briscoe versus Adam Cole. He has a deal for Nigel. Why not have them wrestle the man who separated Jay’s shoulder, Rhino and a man who needs no introduction, Matt Hardy.

Steve says that is a pay per view main event.

Jay says he has a better idea. Why not do this right here, right now.

Jay pushes the table away and Nigel says that he likes that idea and the match is on.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Jay Briscoe and Adam Cole versus Matt Hardy and Rhino

Hardy throws his shirt into the crowd but it is thrown back. Matt tries again and he has no luck the second time either. Fans want the third fan to throw the shirt back but there are only two John Cena re-enactments.

Cole and Hardy start things off but Rhino distracts Cole by grabbing him from behind and Hardy with punches to Cole and he sends Adam into the turnbuckles. Cole with forearms to Hardy followed by a clothesline and a leaping neck breaker for a near fall.

Rhino backs into the corner and Rhino tags in. Cole with an arm drag into an arm bar. Cole with a kick to the chest and a drop kick to the knees followed by a leg lariat. Jay tags in and he kicks and punches Rhino. Jay with kicks in the corner and a head butt. Jay with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Rhino with a clothesline and forearm to the back.

Jay with a forearm and head butt. Cole tags in and he kicks Rhino and connects with a forearm. Rhino with a back elbow and he tries to send Cole into the turnbuckles but Cole blocks it. Cole with an elbow and then he sends Hardy to the floor. Cole goes to the turnbuckles and Hardy grabs the leg and Rhino pulls Cole off the turnbuckles and he punches Cole as we go to commercial.

We are back and Hardy with shoulders in the corner. Cole with forearms but Hardy with knees. Cole with a cross body but Hardy catches him and hits a power slam or two and gets a near fall. Matt with punches in the corner and the referee warns him. Hardy pulls Cole out of the corner and hits a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Rhino tags in and he kicks Cole and then Cole is sent into the turnbuckles as they continue to work on the back.

Rhino chokes Cole and then Corino does the same while the referee warns Rhino. Cole with punches and forearms to Rhino followed by elbows to Hardy. Cole escapes a belly-to-back suplex attempt and he tags in Jay who hits a series of jabs followed by a drop kick. Jay with a Yakuza Kick to Hardy that knocks him off the apron.

Jay with a kick to Rhino and apparently he connects with a DDT but we see a shot of Corino looking at Hardy on the floor instead and Jay gets a near fall. Jay with forearms to Hardy. Hardy runs into a boot and Jay with a roaring elbow. Rhino with a belly-to-belly suplex on Jay and he sets for the GORE but Jay gets his boot up and he connects with a kick to Rhino.

Cole tags himself in and Jay and Adam argue. Hardy and Jay fight and Cole wants to super kick Hardy but Hardy moves and Cole nails Briscoe. Hardy punches Cole. Cole sends Hardy to the floor. Rhino tries to GORE Cole but Cole moves out of the way and Rhino GORES Briscoe. Cole with a rollup for the three count.

Winners: Jay Briscoe and Adam Cole

After the match, Cole celebrates the victory. Cole and Briscoe are in the ring and Jay wants Adam to explain his actions.

We go to credits with the hype video for Border Wars.
